Nov 3, 2021
This is exactly what a gacha is. You insert a currency and have a chance at getting X or Y thing. And adding on the "dynamic" AI, if all I have is scraps and the AI is already at the hardest difficulty, then how am I expected to kill them other than up close?
Actually, it's not a gacha. Gacha is something like a lootbox, where you pay X to get (a) random item(s) from a certain pool, whereas here you have a refreshing "pool" (read: merchant stock) where you can directly buy anything you need without praying to RNGesus. According to your logic Tarkov is gacha, which is entirely incorrect.

Merchant? Lol, you'd first have to make it that far to even access the (what-I'm assuming) good, actual shop. However, it stands to reason that a newbie will see a vending machine with gun parts and will say, "Neat! Let me buy it all!" to then realize that they're missing gun parts.
It stands to reason that to get higher tier items you'd need to progress. This has been in the games/movies/fairytales since the dawn of man. Have you ever seen/heard that someone accomplished something great without travelling further than from his couch to the fridge? From what you say I, personally, assume you want a game where you stand AFK and just order everything (food, clothes, guns, babes, left testicle of the head honcho, etc.), without the need to do something. Also, before you assume anything about poor game design, try reading giant red letters conviniently placed right in front of you when you spawn. It's just bad manners to skip the tutorial and then complain it's counterintuitive.

What do you think I meant by "missions"? I meant the maps. The first map is the first mission, if there's a second map, then that'd be considered the second mission. What's the objective of the mission? Idk, get from point A to point B. But the map itself is what I consider a "mission".
It's a sandbox environment, you set your own goals and missions.

What are you even talking about lol. I never doubted it was a real thing, nor did I ever imply it wasn't. I just said the obvious; If you are playing a shooter, you don't play to lose.
This is not a simple minded shooter, it's mainly an extraction looter-shooter (e.g. Escape From Tarkov, The Cycle, Marauders, etc.), at least it's supposed to be for now. As it is happens in this genre, you WILL die and lose your gear, eventually. And if you are careless with what you leave behind in your stash and take with you, you may face a devastating defeat and left buck naked, with not a single penny. So what this nice person tried to tell you is that if you really F'd up badly, you can still lurk around the map and loot scraps to sell them and buy the essentials.
As I am sure I mentioned earlier, this is not my complaint. My complaint is with them being marathon runners with the aim of a US Soldier. Ridiculous. Ready or Not had this issue for the longest of time and it got fixed (they stopped dancing while shooting). That's my real complaint with the AI.
There's really not much to say about this. Git gud. You threw in the towel without even trying. Yes, the AI may seem like an average Gigachad, but they are all mindless bots following in algorithm in the end. Don't peek corners for too long, relocate, cover is your best friend. Boom. You are ready to annihilate everything on the map.
My other complaint with the combat is the whole stun mechanic and the "i'm too tired to hold my gun!" mechanic (lol). Can't run, can't fight back. You get shot once and you are dead. Not even hardcore sims like Arma 3 or Squad do this. It's an abhorrent mechanic made to punish the player for being human and getting hit while fighting.
It's a mechanic to punish those who underestimate armour (but I kinda get it, hard to tell for a newbie that those slutty clothes are supposed to be armour that lower received damage and protect from the stun effect and not just cosmetics).
And if you are really bitching (pardon my language, God forbid speaking profanity on a Christian website) about MC's hands tiring of holding a gun ready, try filling a few liters of water in a pot and hold it with your hands out. How long will you last? And remember that you are playing a female, who has no confirmed body building or military background. At least now, dev mentioned on a roadmap that there will be cybernetics and stuff, so high chance that you'll be able to get rid of those meaty sausages for a run of the mill forklift hands so you can hold your gun forever ;)

The second issue with this quote is that, as I mentioned earlier, makes this game kinda pointless. If I wanted to be on edge most of the time; if I wanted to have to raise my screen's brightness to the max just so that I can spot my enemies and raise my volume to the max so that I'm able to hear them, then I'd just play a Battle Royale like Tarkov or PUGB, in which I'm suggested to do the same. It's got multiplayer, more robust combat, etc etc. So again, if you want this game to stand out in shooters (for being fun), then I don't think this is the way, at least not for a single-player game. But what do I know? You seem to know it all, after all.
Enemies wear forest camo for a reason, scan augment is your best friend.

Fully modded weapon, all from gacha (so shit). I KNOW that I couldn't hit any further than a school bus because I HAD A SIGHT and saw how the bullets would NOT HIT even though I would aim for center mass. Why did it not hit? Because it would go sideways (in short, bad accuracy).
In real life, you'd need to zero your optics and account for wind and gravity. It's not that complicated in this game. Most likely you just had scrap weapon parts/unsteady hands.
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-"They are not bullet sponges."
-"They are just wearing armor!"
-"Just use a higher caliber bro lol"

LOL, so they ARE bullet sponges. As I am sure I mentioned earlier, I did in fact use APN. It was a mix between the weapon being shit, me actually missing when they were Run and Gunnin' from a couple hundred yards away, and them tanking those shots as if I just hit them with a nerf gun.
As mentioned to you by kind people before, use armor penetrating rounds to... penetrate armour. And aim for the vitals.

Nothing good is coming out of this, so I'll end my involvement here. Take care!
It's a real shame that all those people gave you solid advice and you still failed. Well, best of all to you too, see you in the future!


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
Imma be honest, I think throwing 15 points of 'other shooter do this or that' will most likely lead to a discussion of preferences and effectively nowhere. Feature creep in a single dev project is really not what you want. Buuuut here are some thoughts ;)

1.,2.,6.,9.,11. sure, most likely already partially planned
3. works for FC, seems silly for this kind of game (was pretty funny in FC, but let's be honest, they can totally see you)
5. would change whole direction of game, unlikely
8.,14.,15. dunno if feasable for single dev, not really worth the effort
10. could work, would obviously have to be sexy
12.,13. health stations and slow-mo ability are already in game
Really? A lot of stuff that has been added, has been feature creep that hasn't improved the gameplay loop, but made it worse. So at this point, a bit more feature creep isn't going to make things worse.

1/2 doesn't seem to be applied yet. I tried out Release 11, and they weren't in there at that point, so I doubt they are planned to be included.

11 I haven't seen any special resource that gives you a permanent upgrade that can't be stolen by enemies.

3 Also works in a lot of other stealth-centric games too, but those are 3rd person games, like The Last of Us or some Call of Duty entries.

5 Well, if there was multiple factions of enemies, it could stand to reason that they'd fight eachother. Like if a male human ran through water, tentacles could strangle them to death. Or if an infected human came across a human raider, they'd likely fight to the death. So if there was a way to misdirect enemies to other factions of enemies and stop attacking you, then you could do that solo.

8 Well even having alternative paths, would be nice. Like vents, or tunnels, climb up ladders, or such forth, but right now, there are specific bottlenecks with overwhelming odds and having no way to bypass them without fighting is a problem if you have shit gear. Plus you can always hide things worth finding in dark corners too.

14 Probably true, but thought I'd mention it.

15 Having skill challenges wouldn't be too difficult, and it would encourage more interesting gameplay choices out of a player. Like one could be focusing on getting groin shots. Another, killing two enemies with one grenade. Stuff like that, to give a permanent boost to the player, even if they lose their shit after being raped.

10 The sex minigame as it is for struggling sucks. So please no. Keep the minigame simple and effective.

12 / 13 Really? Where? I've been through the first map quite thoroughly and never encountered either.
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May 31, 2017
Ivys model is hot, cum decals are really good. I can make tits go big and hips go wide. I'm a happy man. Plus shooting and gun stuff is really good. I'm looking forward to the strip club stuff and hoping by some miracle there's some arousal based stuff.


Jul 14, 2018
I'm a big STALKER fan so this game is really up my alley with the gameplay. It took a bit to get used to everything, but the game gets rather easy once you understand enough, which I think is fine. Once I finished about an hour session of clearing all enemies and areas, I actually felt like I played a real game, which is rare on this site, which is full of shovelware.
The sex is rather OK, I think the animations could benefit from the characters keeping their cocks inserted for more than 5 seconds before taking it out. I'm also not much of a fan of the oral sex noises, to me it sounds like she's trying to vomit.
Overall, I am very impressed, and I'm excited to see more from the game and developer; more creatures, new areas, new guns mayhaps.
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Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
I'm a big STALKER fan so this game is really up my alley with the gameplay. It took a bit to get used to everything, but the game gets rather easy once you understand enough, which I think is fine. Once I finished about an hour session of clearing all enemies and areas, I actually felt like I played a real game, which is rare on this site, which is full of shovelware.
The sex is rather OK, I think the animations could benefit from the characters keeping their cocks inserted for more than 5 seconds before taking it out. I'm also not much of a fan of the oral sex noises, to me it sounds like she's trying to vomit.
Overall, I am very impressed, and I'm excited to see more from the game and developer; more creatures, new areas, new guns mayhaps.
That's one of the point that I don't like, the sound of the girl, it seems it was from a porn or something

What I mean by that is that it sounds like the sound is compressed, that it's taken from a sequence.. I don't know how to explain..
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Reactions: ZithL


Nov 10, 2017
i havent touched the game since the tentcale animation was released is there any other monsters after all thse months/years?


Apr 19, 2020
I've seem a few sites sharing version 12, is there a reason it can't be shared here? Is it the logging in thing?

Also, anyway to get a gun after dying? I lost mine after the 15th trip.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
I've seem a few sites sharing version 12, is there a reason it can't be shared here? Is it the logging in thing?

Also, anyway to get a gun after dying? I lost mine after the 15th trip.
For the moment, if you die, you lost everything... It's pain to collect again a decent gun without almost nothing to attack (you can scavenge the box for money)


Feb 20, 2021
But how do you get a new gun? Or do I need to restart the entire game?
If you do not have any remaining money, then you can try doing a "Naked run". Just go out there and try to loot as much as much as you can and send it home with the drones. Then, once you get back to base, you can sell the loot and buy a new gun.


Feb 20, 2021
I've seem a few sites sharing version 12, is there a reason it can't be shared here? Is it the logging in thing?
The Dev uploads the Public Releases here himself and every time someone else "Leaks" something here it just devolves into a shit show and shouting matches about weather or not the Dev is a scammer, just because he is using Patreon to finance the project. Best is not to mention it.


Apr 19, 2020
If you do not have any remaining money, then you can try doing a "Naked run". Just go out there and try to loot as much as much as you can and send it home with the drones. Then, once you get back to base, you can sell the loot and buy a new gun.
So I buy it, ok, where? I can't see it in the trader menu back at the base.

The Dev uploads the Public Releases here himself and every time someone else "Leaks" something here it just devolves into a shit show and shouting matches about weather or not the Dev is a scammer, just because he is using Patreon to finance the project. Best is not to mention it.
I do want more informations, tho'. Figure we can talk privately if you know where I can get Version Twelve?
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