
New Member
Jun 12, 2017
Do the save games not carry over? My savegame folder is empty on both, yet the old version i can continue playing my save?


Jan 23, 2022
Do the save games not carry over? My savegame folder is empty on both, yet the old version i can continue playing my save?
You should be able to copy+Paste and then rename the old save to use it again.


Just copy and paste which ever save from the old build, and rename it to the new build number. Current build is 240501b for example
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Reactions: Ginger_Derpy


Jun 8, 2020
I remember in the older versions of the game there was an exit that goes back to the hideout at the end of the map. Is there such an exit in the new City map, or do I have to actually go back through the other maps to get back home?

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
The dev is doing a great job making it more like Tarkov, especially the monthly $10 sub for features.
That's $126 a year for updates every 3 months on average, what?
Granted, I like what they're doing and I like the gameplay but that's a big ask for something like this.

I should qualify this by saying that I really like buying and supporting games I enjoy.
AAA games suck nowadays so almost all the games I play are indie, what I end up doing is pirating a game for a few hours and if it clicks I buy or support it somehow. I got a lot of niche and lewd games this way on my steam and a bunch on DLSite but when it comes to Patreon it's always some fucked up shit with the way they monetise.
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New Member
Nov 4, 2019
The game plays normally without hicks, but everytime I go to any new area like Swamp or city outskirts, it just crashes. I downloaded both the precracked and then the vanilla 19.0 and copied the crack and its the same result. Any solution to this?


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
Hey, Long times no see

Last time I download this game was with the free version from DEVO (think 0.14?)

And after that, drama in everyway, devo make is DRM system on the game and after that, I get no news...

Can somebody explain what new now? And if there's some new mechanics? News Ennemy's? Please?..


Jul 19, 2018
Hey, Long times no see

Last time I download this game was with the free version from DEVO (think 0.14?)

And after that, drama in everyway, devo make is DRM system on the game and after that, I get no news...

Can somebody explain what new now? And if there's some new mechanics? News Ennemy's? Please?..
Green tentacs which always put eggs inside character and the normal ones still there. You can now sneak past the tentacles, there are 2 more animations for h-attack and give up with humans. There was added a new map City (which is complete mess, i understand it now but this labirynth was pain to understand at first), there are also new attachments which is a new tier (Structural). Other than that just some new clutter, human bodies and some balance changes to the gun and ammo.

It's basicly the same game with few additions but nothing completely new. There is also a lovense integration which works fairly good and some new cheats like enemies won't steal from you anymore which is a plus. From what i understand, release 20 will have some tasks and quests for the traders, for now that's it. Devolution is still silent about new enemies, previously he shared some new Doggo type enemy but nothing new since then.


Jun 5, 2023
Green tentacs which always put eggs inside character and the normal ones still there. You can now sneak past the tentacles, there are 2 more animations for h-attack and give up with humans. There was added a new map City (which is complete mess, i understand it now but this labirynth was pain to understand at first), there are also new attachments which is a new tier (Structural). Other than that just some new clutter, human bodies and some balance changes to the gun and ammo.

It's basicly the same game with few additions but nothing completely new. There is also a lovense integration which works fairly good and some new cheats like enemies won't steal from you anymore which is a plus. From what i understand, release 20 will have some tasks and quests for the traders, for now that's it. Devolution is still silent about new enemies, previously he shared some new Doggo type enemy but nothing new since then.
Just a question, the 2 animations for h-attack, is it after i get caught by the tentacles and click Give Up? or how do i encounter the 2 new animations for h-attack?


Jun 5, 2023
Anyone encountered the (ball shape drone) in the mess up city map? it gets closer to you and beam blue light at you and nothing is being done? should we shoot it or is there any interaction with it?

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
What's the logic behind making the traders and workbenches be out in the open, in a game where enemies will spawn directly up your ass, while also not giving you any extraction zones in the maps beyond the first one?
While we're at it, the entryway into the city and the exits seem to spawn way too many enemies, it's borderline impossible to get out in any difficulty. There's a lot to like here, but a lot of decisions kinda seem shortsighted.

Once the project gets further along I'll consider supporting it, a $10sub isn't super enticing atm, if there was a one-time buy-in I'd do that in a heartbeat though even if the updates are a month behind Patreon like the way Third Crisis does it.


Jul 4, 2017
License log in not working
Reads user id corrupted problem. how to solve this?
Is it wrong with main.lua code?

-- Get basic game directories needed to create a license file
local licDir = IterateGameDirectories().Game.__absolute_path
local lastUserDir = IterateGameDirectories().Game.Content.__absolute_path

-- Assume we are on Windows and have a backslash as a path delimeter
local licFile = licDir .. "\\DevolutionUserID-crack0.lic"
local lastUserFile = lastUserDir .. "\\lastID.json"

-- Create our license file
-- It is stripped of unneeded fields, "w"):write('["crack0", "", "Discord ID: cracked_id#0", "", "4", "145", "", "", "", "", "crack0", "", "", "36", "", "", "240501", "", "145", "", "", ""]'):close()

-- Create our last ID file which helps to not enter login all the time, "w"):write("crack0"):close()

-- Main function to rule them all!
local function Load(Ctx)
    print("[LicenseHack] Game instance found, hacking")

-- Disable phoning home by overriding server URL just in case
    local backend = StaticFindObject("/Script/DeltaZoneBackendConnector.Default__DeltaZoneBackendConnectorSettings")
    backend.BackendApiUrl = ""

-- Tell game to ignore server check
-- If this step fails to work - game will try to call server and will fail
-- Checked by launching the game inside sandbox without Internet
    Ctx.ignChck = true

-- Inject into license checking function and override decoding
    RegisterHook("/Game/GameCode/inventory/statsChanges.statsChanges_C:Decode", function(Stats, Source, Output)
-- Simply make strings equal so that we can have a readable license file

-- Small hack for mod reloads
local ctx = FindFirstOf("DeltaZoneGameInstance_C")

if ctx:GetAddress() ~= 0 then
    -- Instance found, mod was reloaded
    -- Hook to game instance initialization
    NotifyOnNewObject("/Script/Engine.GameInstance", Load)

print("[LicenseHack] Mod loaded")
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  • Hey there

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
V Mass Misinformation V (what i say could be true but don't take it 100%) V
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
Can you get an ID for a one time payment and keep it even if you stop the next month?
If it works that way I'm willing to do that once at the highest tier and refresh it for a major update.


Nov 30, 2021
Green tentacs which always put eggs inside character and the normal ones still there. You can now sneak past the tentacles, there are 2 more animations for h-attack and give up with humans. There was added a new map City (which is complete mess, i understand it now but this labirynth was pain to understand at first), there are also new attachments which is a new tier (Structural). Other than that just some new clutter, human bodies and some balance changes to the gun and ammo.

It's basicly the same game with few additions but nothing completely new. There is also a lovense integration which works fairly good and some new cheats like enemies won't steal from you anymore which is a plus. From what i understand, release 20 will have some tasks and quests for the traders, for now that's it. Devolution is still silent about new enemies, previously he shared some new Doggo type enemy but nothing new since then.
And most importantly, it killed the ability to play on old Windows 10, version 1809. I can’t play the new version of the game, I’m waiting for a correction from the author, I hope he will correct this oversight.
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