
Feb 20, 2021
what is this customizable item i tried to click use and nothing happened
You have to go tho the "Customize Character" monolith next to your stash in your base once you have used the item. Also, if you use it in a Raid, you will need to extract to save it.


New Member
Feb 3, 2018
You have to go tho the "Customize Character" monolith next to your stash in your base once you have used the item. Also, if you use it in a Raid, you will need to extract to save it.
but when i click use nothing happen i was wondering what is it suppose to do?


Feb 20, 2021
but when i click use nothing happen i was wondering what is it suppose to do?
It unlocks a random customization option. It does not tell you what, you have to go check on one of those "Monoliths" (I also just remembered, there is another one in the Save zone next to the Delta Zone). You usually just have two of them already unlocked so you know that it worked when you see another one being available.


Feb 20, 2021
Game first, Eroge second. Focus on making the gameplay enjoyable and THEN focus on the H-content.
You are one of the few people here that have this view. I applaud you.
If you are unable or unwilling to tone down your AI [...]
I just took this Quote as a stand in for all the other people having problems with this, so nothing against you.

Now, the thing with the AI might be connected to the dynamic Difficulty that is used in this game. The game tracks stuff like the level of your gun, clothing, stuff in your inventory (ammo and meds) and money that you have on you and adjusts the AI's skill accordingly. You can check the progress of it by hitting the "I" Key (i think).
So when you start the game and immediately turn on the Infinite Money Cheat to buy yourself the best gun parts, clothing and a ton of ammo and meds, the game will think that you have already done a ton of raids and your difficulty level will skyrocket to compensate for the gear. So even though you have just started to play the game, you will have to face the same enemies that you would normally face after you finished 4-5 successful raids and have gathered more experience dealing with the enemies.
But you can also abuse this system by doing a "Naked run". Just dont take anything with you, no gun, no clothes, no money. You will notice that the difficulty just slammed into the ground and the "Terminator" AI got lobotomized, not spotting you as fast or even ignoring you to some extend. Yes, you still need to be careful about what you are doing, but you will not loose anything if you get caught and you can always just surrender before the bullets start flying and use the drones to send whatever you have looted back to base.

I also don't understand why you would change engine half-way through, what's the point? If anything, you do it after your game is finished as a free-patch update (remaster) and leave the legacy (original) version available for anyone that can't handle the new engine.
The Idea to Upgrade from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 was played with, with the future in mind. The Dev is aware of the fact that the Development of this project will take a lot of time and that the support of UE 4 will stop at some point, with UE 5 becoming the new industry standard. He also ran a survey before hand, in which he asked his supporters about the system that they are playing the game on and weather or not he should push the limits of those systems some more. He then took those results, checked if they could handle running UE5 and finally decided to do the switch.
Now, switching engines half-way through development is not new, it happens all the time, and is usually easier then doing it after the game is finished because it will break many, if not all the game systems that you made. Also, this is only one guy making the game, so a "Remaster" would take ages and would not make real sense since you usually remaster games that have been successful in the past and you now would want to milk them again on newer consoles/ with newer graphics rather than making a new original game.
And dont worry, the switch to UE 5 is coming with Release 13, so you still have some time to upgrade but take it from me, there was no real difference in how the game was running for me, compared to Release 12 (UE4).
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New Member
Nov 29, 2019
What part of the game do you consider gacha? The only thing I would consider gacha is exactly the cosmetic unlock mechanic.
I think the combination of eroge and gameplay is the charm of the game. The thing that sets it apart from other shooters. But to each their own.
However, I would totally agree that the current system (especially current AI behaviour) works well for indoor situations. With the v10 there is a warehouse part of the map which comes close to that. I quite like the area, it's less frustrating regarding visibility. (note: don't go there without a flashlight, it's dark)
To get weapon unlocks, you have to play a gacha. Even if you give yourself the infinite money thing, you still can't actually buy nothing but scraps (if you're lucky). You can also loot the weapon parts, but let's be honest, if you're just here for the sex then you ain't gonna bother doing that.
I don't know this warehouse part, I didn't bother to get that far. As I said earlier, those missions should be first.

You are one of the few people here that have this view. I applaud you.
I take that as a good thing. This game shouldn't aim to be just another generic H-shooter, it should aim to be a solid and robust shooter that just so happens to have H content (how innovative!). If you offer poor gameplay, then even if the scenes are good, your game probably won't sell. Take those $0.99 anime shooters for example; people buy those games for the achievements/emoticons, or for a gag, but usually not because they actually liked the game. It is usually the games that go far above and beyond that sell very well even many years after launch.

Now, the thing with the AI might be connected to the dynamic Difficulty that is used in this game. The game tracks stuff like the level of your gun, clothing, stuff in your inventory (ammo and meds) and money that you have on you and adjusts the AI's skill accordingly. You can check the progress of it by hitting the "I" Key (i think).
So when you start the game and immediately turn on the Infinite Money Cheat to buy yourself the best gun parts, clothing and a ton of ammo and meds, the game will think that you have already done a ton of raids and your difficulty level will skyrocket to compensate for the gear. So even though you have just started to play the game, you will have to face the same enemies that you would normally face after you finished 4-5 successful raids and have gathered more experience dealing with the enemies.
But you can also abuse this system by doing a "Naked run". Just dont take anything with you, no gun, no clothes, no money. You will notice that the difficulty just slammed into the ground and the "Terminator" AI got lobotomized, not spotting you as fast or even ignoring you to some extend. Yes, you still need to be careful about what you are doing, but you will not loose anything if you get caught and you can always just surrender before the bullets start flying and use the drones to send whatever you have looted back to base.
LOL. Why is that even a thing? If it was open world, I'd understand, but it isn't. If this is true, then you are saying that the first mission was NOT meant to be that difficult. Lol.
Besides, the gun I personally used consisted of pure scrap. If the AI can shoot me from Narnia and I'm not allowed to accurately shoot any further than 30 yards, then there's something wrong with this system.
Your reply address their aggression and their aim, but not the fact that they're marathon runners, while shooting, accurately. And there is no reason why they should be bullet sponges.

And no, I'm not about to do a "naked run" in a game where I'm expected to shoot everything that moves. It sounds like too much of a hassle with little to no reward for doing so.

The Idea to Upgrade from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 was played with, with the future in mind. The Dev is aware of the fact that the Development of this project will take a lot of time and that the support of UE 4 will stop at some point, with UE 5 becoming the new industry standard. He also ran a survey before hand, in which he asked his supporters about the system that they are playing the game on and weather or not he should push the limits of those systems some more. He then took those results, checked if they could handle running UE5 and finally decided to do the switch.
Now, switching engines half-way through development is not new, it happens all the time, and is usually easier then doing it after the game is finished because it will break many, if not all the game systems that you made. Also, this is only one guy making the game, so a "Remaster" would take ages and would not make real sense since you usually remaster games that have been successful in the past and you now would want to milk them again on newer consoles/ with newer graphics rather than making a new original game.
And dont worry, the switch to UE 5 is coming with Release 13, so you still have some time to upgrade but take it from me, there was no real difference in how the game was running for me, compared to Release 12 (UE4).
You are a right. I have no idea how to use UE, so I answered under assumptions. I apologize for that.
Now, my rig is capable of running UE5, the only reason I said to leave a legacy version is just because you already (in that scenario) have the game finished on it, so there would be no reason why to delete it.

If there was a poll and people voted for that, then whatever, I guess. I would still rather finalize the project before starting to work on something else (engine-wise), that way, I could use the previous project as base for the next one in a different engine. But that's just me, can't blame anyone else for doing something else.
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Feb 20, 2021
To get weapon unlocks, you have to play a gacha. Even if you give yourself the infinite money thing, you still can't actually buy nothing but scraps (if you're lucky).
That is not a Gacha, that is the shop in base being set up in a way that you are able to get a basic Loadout even after failing a raid and loosing nearly every thing you had on you. You are not supposed to get the best gun in the game out of it, it just helps you to get back on your feet and sell the stuff you looted in a Raid. If you want to buy the good shit, then you have to go see the Trader in the Savezone.
You can also loot the weapon parts, but let's be honest, if you're just here for the sex then you ain't gonna bother doing that.
Those people would also not bother buying a gun that is more than just a few pieces of scrap. And if you are not here for the lewd Pixels, then you will automatically start looting for the parts and gear, like in any other loot shooter.

Why is that even a thing? If it was open world, I'd understand, but it isn't. If this is true, then you are saying that the first mission was NOT meant to be that difficult. Lol.
What are you talking about missions? That map in Release 10.2 is just a Sandbox map to test out stuff that is likely to be removed/ reworked once the actual game world has been made. So this is not the "First mission" it is just a showcase of what the game can do, including the games ability to scale the difficulty according to the players skill/gear.
And no, I'm not about to do a "naked run" in a game where I'm expected to shoot everything that moves. It sounds like too much of a hassle with little to no reward for doing so.
It was mend as a example for how the dynamic difficulty works. And it is a real viable tactic encase you loose everything and cant afford a new weapon. It will not be a walk in the park, but you will be able to at least secure some stuff that you can sell to fund a new weapon.
If the AI can shoot me from Narnia and I'm not allowed to accurately shoot any further than 30 yards, then there's something wrong with this system.
Your reply address their aggression and their aim, but not the fact that they're marathon runners, while shooting, accurately. And there is no reason why they should be bullet sponges.
I am going to quote the Dev on this:
"If the enemy can see and shoot you, then you are also able to at least see them."
If you are not able to shoot further than 30 Yards then you might want to buy a proper sight (like a red dot) and ammo (homemade ammo is shit) or you have to adjust your playstyle to force the enemy to get close to you, so you can kill them.
The enemies being able to run and gun with a certain accuracy is normal, considering that you are also able to do the same. The AI will miss their shots, the AI will spray around and run out of ammo at some point, just like you.
Also, the enemies are not bullet sponges, they are just wearing body Armour. Switch to higher caliber ammo or use Armour piercing rounds (APN). Or just aim for the head. Or the limbs, bleed out is not a problem for the player but it is for the enemy.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
And that is why I hate "Update Day".
A lot of Salt, a lot of people that barely spend (at best) 2 hours on the game and already they think that they know what is best for the project or how it will develop and that they are the first ones to think of it...
But hey, it just happens every 2 months, so people will have time to forget about everything again...
Where did i put the Bourbon? I need it, NOW!
the thing is, people certainly don't know what they would like to be in the game, and that's been proven many times over the years in many different contexts.

But people certainly know what they DON'T like, as there are currently entire project management solutions built around asking the customer if what is currently done is shite or not. I.e: Agile

So all this salt is ultimately beneficial to the project, though I'd say a lot of it is over the top.


Dec 20, 2019
It looks like the "freedemo" User ID no longer works.

I get one of: "Uncensored only for Patreon Members" or "User ID not found" or "Get Your User ID (avaliable on Patreon)".

This should be tagged as censored so I can exclude it in the search in the future.

To everyone including the developer who will eventually reply with "but you can uncensor it if you register for Patreon account" my answer is that this does not change the default state of the game -- default is censored unless I jump through hoops, and it should be clearly labeled as such. If it is possible to uncensor it in some way (like with User ID or a downloadable patch after purchase) then tag it with both censored and uncensorable and explain how to accomplish that in the OP, not halfway down the 21 page thread.

TL;DR -- I don't want to create a Patreon account just to be able to try a random game to see whether I like it or not.

I mainly use this forum to look for new interesting games, play them a bit to see whether I like the game mechanic and art style and I do buy games that I like because I want to support developers who create things that I like (I have quite a collection on Steam), but this one I will never buy just because of this assfuckery with the User ID requirement and fake tagging.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
It looks like the "freedemo" User ID no longer works.

I get one of: "Uncensored only for Patreon Members" or "User ID not found" or "Get Your User ID (avaliable on Patreon)".

This should be tagged as censored so I can exclude it in the search in the future.

To everyone including the developer who will eventually reply with "but you can uncensor it if you register for Patreon account" my answer is that this does not change the default state of the game -- default is censored unless I jump through hoops, and it should be clearly labeled as such. If it is possible to uncensor it in some way (like with User ID or a downloadable patch after purchase) then tag it with both censored and uncensorable and explain how to accomplish that in the OP, not halfway down the 21 page thread.

TL;DR -- I don't want to create a Patreon account just to be able to try a random game to see whether I like it or not.

I mainly use this forum to look for new interesting games, play them a bit to see whether I like the game mechanic and art style and I do buy games that I like because I want to support developers who create things that I like (I have quite a collection on Steam), but this one I will never buy just because of this assfuckery with the User ID requirement and fake tagging.
Nov 18, 2017
Games fun, I've managed to get essentially the best gear you can get (Full composite weapon and Corpo outfit) in 2 run resets. Once you get a decent sights to use you can more or less snowball and clear out whole groups without issue. Definitely among the best gameplays of a H-rated game I've played. Looking forward for more enemies since so far only basic russian dudes and a tentacle get repetitive. Hopefully they'll add some more monster enemies who don't rely on guns (or maybe mutated soldiers like Super Mutants in Fallout), more so in the emission zone.

Hopefully the game's gonna keep on getting worked on.


Mar 20, 2019
It looks like the "freedemo" User ID no longer works.

I get one of: "Uncensored only for Patreon Members" or "User ID not found" or "Get Your User ID (avaliable on Patreon)".

This should be tagged as censored so I can exclude it in the search in the future.

To everyone including the developer who will eventually reply with "but you can uncensor it if you register for Patreon account" my answer is that this does not change the default state of the game -- default is censored unless I jump through hoops, and it should be clearly labeled as such. If it is possible to uncensor it in some way (like with User ID or a downloadable patch after purchase) then tag it with both censored and uncensorable and explain how to accomplish that in the OP, not halfway down the 21 page thread.

TL;DR -- I don't want to create a Patreon account just to be able to try a random game to see whether I like it or not.

I mainly use this forum to look for new interesting games, play them a bit to see whether I like the game mechanic and art style and I do buy games that I like because I want to support developers who create things that I like (I have quite a collection on Steam), but this one I will never buy just because of this assfuckery with the User ID requirement and fake tagging.
sorry pal, but i have to say this. you are blind idiot


Feb 20, 2021
It looks like the "freedemo" User ID no longer works.
Mate, this password has been out of date of over a Year now.
Where the hell do you people still get that from and why do they keep thinking that it is the current one?
OK so maybe I'm super dumb but what am I supposed to do with User ID?

When I type freedemo it just keep saying userID not found.
God have mercy....
Just put the Uncensore password, that you find in the first Post of this thread above the links to download the game that is the only Yellow piece of text in that Post, in as your User ID.
To make it easy for you, the password for the 10.2 Release is: free10rel2
If that does not work then you need to make sure that you actually have the Release 10.2 because every release has its own passwort.
Again, the password is NOT freedemo, since, like i mentioned above, IT HAS BEEN OUT OF DATE FOR OVER A YEAR!

I need a fucking drink now, jesus.
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