You said we can post entries here, so I might as well while I'm browsing.
Re: Workout at the Gym
You go to the gym (for obvious reasons) and while there you catch the eye of a buff dude. If you have taken Trent's strength at least once, he remarks on your musculature and asks if you have any experience with wrestling. If not, then you get a generic conversation and possibly a pretty vanilla sex scene.
In the former case, you join him on the wrestling mat, where after a few rounds he manages to get you in an armlock and remarks that while you've got the muscle, you don't seem to know how to use it very well and that maybe you don't deserve your size. This triggers MC's abilities as he realizes his muscles are starting to shrink. The scene branches off with either the Wrestler or MC being gradually twinkified over the course of the wrestling match until they're powerless to resist the epic victory fuck they get thrown in the locker room.
In Part 2, it's time for the rematch.
If the Wrestler won, he invites along a bunch of his friends to watch, resulting in the loser getting gangbanged. Because he's still pretty cocky from his last win, MC can beat him if they have either STRENGTH+STRENGTH, STRENGTH+CONFIDENCE, STRENGTH+INTELLIGENCE or STRENGTH+WILLPOWER.
If you won, he's a lot more determined and will be much rougher and more degrading than otherwise if he manages to win. Because he's more focused, MC can only win with STRENGTH+CONFIDENCE or STRENGTH+INTELLIGENCE.
I figure this might be a little more difficult to implement. I certainly had a bit of trouble finding images tbh.