So 5 months since then, so are we expecting 1400+ renders?
That's the glaring and expected issue with delays and unending spirals of wrong ETAs, people will generally tend to evaluate content based on the amount of time elapsed, some wont be keen on justifying anything lacking after a longer time than anticipated, even worse if having been misled by unmet ETAs, cause with each failed one they felt like being neglected content, content that stacks up in their mind with each every ETA.
That will also fuel hype for some people, hype that is often unmatched and source of further complaints and distrust other that pressure upon the Dev.
So, whatever happens with this update, the DEV should just brace himself, bite the bullet should he have to, and re-start off with a brand new working schedule, mindset on transparency and communication and only ever release ETA when he is 110% sure.