personally very much agre with your opinion and conclusions. i wrote with him back in november i think when i was patreon and he answered instantly and polite and what his goals are etc. then in december things here started to escalate and i wrote him again asking if really wants to abandone the project and that he needs to communicate more. he answered he doesn't want to abandone the project and he still has plans but doesnt want to "give up" his side project even tho i (and i bet others) told him to focus on his main game (this game here) way more. after that i told him again to communciate better but he started to ignore this constructive feedback since i really wrote it polite and like a tip for comminication to be more transparent and such. no answer. no news. i saw ppl got more and more angry here during that and i stopped pledging him. not cause i am so angry about no update yet but more cause i am quite pissed that the refuse to communicate more transparent and clear things up.
its easy math here if he couldn't delvier updates to a certain deadline several times he can still prevent stuff from escalating and getting a bad reputation by simple communicate and apologise. something like:
"hello guys i noticed you are offended and i am angry with me too cause i couldn't hold deadlines and i really want to apologise. i had a depresssion and someone close to me died which stopped me from getting motivated and find the energy to finish the update. but the project is not dead and i will come back asap" something like that.
you don't need much time or energy to write these few sentences and it would have solved so much...
and personally for me especially waiting for this update since there are scenes teased via shown images (main milf and demon girl with creepy old guys

) i really looked forward to made and make it still even worse.

really looked forward to this update.
but i also could see that he saw his work more as freetime art and less like a job and when he saw ppl got mad here already in december he decided to be stubborn and emotional and don't release anyhting cause "angry kids don't deserve their candy". from a certain perspective its understandable but now we have april and even early february would have been easily enough to "punish" those "angry demanding kids" and finally give us the update we (and especially his trusty supporters!) deserve. but nope no move from his side which is really concerning, strange and SO SAD.