I don't understanwhy people don't use search function or read few pages to see what others are saying.
I see this come up all the time as a criticism, but the search algorithm here really isn't well suited to the kinds of searches most people will actually do... Yes, it works to a limited degree, but have you never looked at your own search results and thought
'WTF is all this shit?'
The algorithm only seems to weight for proportional relevance... So for example if you search for 'update' all the top results will be the shortest, shittiest replies: "Where is update?", "New update plz!", multiple instances of the word "update" in a sentence, that sort of thing.
The meaningful, relevant, timely replies are actually weighted
against in this kind of system. Particularly with long threads it can actually be really difficult to find the information you're searching for.
And then to make matters worse there are no other sorting options on search results. I mean, unless I'm blind, there doesn't seem to be any way to change the search to display by
Most Recent or
Most Liked, for example, which would arguably be the most useful search methods for our purposes.
I'm not trying to get ranty or anything, but the "just search" criticism relies on the search tools actually being a good solution, and they just aren't in a lot of cases.
Your other suggestion of reading back a few pages has definitely become my go-to method for answering most of my questions. But I can understand why people don't do that as often; because it's cumbersome and they keep getting told to 'Search'.