@Buffalo Fred Damn straight, thank you. It was great criticism that I was able to act on. There will be items of concern an individual may have that I can't address but you brought up a valid point and one that was actionable. It sort of goes with what
@Lotex was saying about it being nice he could air some opinions without being ragged on. He was civil with it and he had a valid point. The character didn't really do it for him and that's ok. She does do it for me though, and I have a feeling others like
@Viatovic feels the same way as me. So will I change anything with her? Probably not (well maybe a new hair style. The current one is hard to work with. Not a new color. Fuck that, soulless ginger all the way). I don't think this will upset Lotex either since like he said he still likes the models, that one just didn't quite do it for him.
I have addressed a few others such as many people had with the dialogue. Especially the Irish at the beginning so I heavily modified that and I think that it was
@vir_cotto who had issues with the font size in 0.2 so that was also addressed.
Good constructive feedback if listened to will always help a dev, the dev just needs to listen to it and not be taken aback by it. Now if you just said "This sucks!" or "Those girls are ugly" doesn't help. Thankfully, I have found this forum has very little of that.
I will also say that the simple items such as "This is awesome" are great as well. It's encouraging and always welcomed