@danteworks Nice game. I really like the renders. This is some of the best Honey Select I've seen yet.
That said, I found the conversation with Caroline in the cafe a bit offensive. I have a family member who is afflicted with schizophrenia and your characterization of the disease is inaccurate and perpetuates the stigma surrounding it and mental illness in general. I've never,
not once, heard anyone in psychology or psychiatry circles ever refer to anyone suffering from a brain disease as "crazy." Your description of the differences between psychiatry or psychology are wrong, as well. The former is focused on medicinal and clinical treatments and the latter is focused on behavioral treatments, thought they quite often work hand-in-hand and have some degree of overlap. It's also a mistake to throw around the word "psychotic" because the average layperson doesn't under that term in a clinical sense, only the "murderer" sense.
Look, I get it. You really loved your Abnormal Psychology class in college. I did too when I took it. However, it stopped being entertaining and interesting to me once it directly affected someone I love. My suggestion would be to think twice about having random discussions of mental illnesses in a porn game that's meant for people to bust a nut. You've unnecessarily antagonized me (and I imagine other people who have remained silent) for no good reason. At best, it comes across as ignorant and, at worst, it comes across as insensitive and offensive. I'm sure that's not your intention, but that's the effect, at least for me.
You have the beginnings of a great game here, but there is really no reason and certainly no upside to include dialogue about debilitating illnesses that don't seem to have anything to do with the game, especially when it's done in a somewhat tone-deaf manner.
In any event, I hope you will take this criticism to heart and in a constructive way. As I said, I don't believe you had bad intentions, but I'm also sure you don't want to turn people away from your game, unintentionally.
Best of luck to you.
(Edits to make it softer and more polite)