when you have a phone, the last "picture" is the bit coin ap that lets you buy and sell BCC. Then follow Jamden's instructions to earn money.
or cheat, open the console, and change "cash".
On a different note, just tried the game- what bothered me most was the resort. It might be a cultural or a translation thing, but the "public pool" looked like a fountain to me, with somewhere from 12 inches to 18 inches of water. Pushing her in, or "cannonballing" into water that shallow makes me cringe. The "private pool" seemed a little deeper (maybe 30 inches, still didn't reach his shorts when standing in it) but the only one I really considered deep enough to "swim" in was at the family resort. Also, I didn't see a way to "pass time" at the resort- you were able to walk in to the sauna, gym, etc, but no time passed if it wasn't part of a scripted event.
Also, the MC really should have recognized Saffron at the Dante Fashion show, after meeting her in person at the family resort. Instead of commenting that she resembled his girlfriend..