I don't take your comment as being unfair at all. Different people like different things and not everyone is going to like the choices I made with this game.
I will say, though, you if you stick with it through later chapters, you might find that a more nuanced take on these issues is developed. I want to avoid spoilers, but there's a reason I went with that particular scenario in the first chapter.
Yes, it's not really cool for folks to get upset because their particular fetish is not served (or served differently) - it's your game and it is not like you are tricking / forcing folks to play! I came looking for (and was GLAD to find) a newer version - I finished ver0.5 recently - so I am pretty interested to see what you have added!
That said (and at the risk of sounding hypocritical), there are a few things that sort of irritated / didn't make sense to me:
* The main character is built up as a smart, capable lawyer (passed the bar, 7 years of college) with knowledge of professionalism - there is no way I can see her not making changes to her wardrobe almost immediately when everyone is hinting she is not fitting into the firm culture! Any grad school I can imagine (both my wife and I have Masters degrees) would have drilled the importance of presenting the firm in the desired manner - or leaving if you were not comfortable with that. While she might not have 'loosed up' as much immediately, she would not have continued looking like someone's spinster aunt that worked in a church library when everyone else dressed differently and kept hinting she *needed* to change.
* I understand the pacing and character development you are shooting for (and I like it, btw), but I think more pauses between days passing (especially weekends) to allow for focusing on some of the many tasked being dumped on her would help immersion immensely. I get (and appreciate) you trying to avoid 'the grind' of most games, but a good part of that increased level of interaction builds player emotional investment in the character and the game - which is necessary to keep people playing and interested while also enhancing the 'reward' from events (and sex scenes).
* A lot of the character interaction (at least in ver0.5) seems split between All or Nothing with only a few exceptions - I think it would be helpful (even if with no new graphics, just new text) there were some middle of the road / bargaining. This is especially true when it involves things that some people might consider 'show-stoppers' - like no more tattoos, getting Eve to promise no piercings if Christine submits (especially since such things could *destroy* a career in a field as conservative as Law / law firms), etc. Or the possibility that Christine has to wear a certain item (like a/the choker) all the time as a sign of her submission to Eve (seeing as that seems to be Eve's big kick - the sex is nice, but the dominance is key). Simiarly John having Christine do certain things when no-one else is around - as he also seems to be a power/dominance junkie - say like not wearing her top under her jacket before meetings in his office or wearing garters and stockings instead of hose... again, a visible sign of his power over her even when it is not the actual sex act and especially when it is something that can be done in public.
* While Dimitri does seem to be pretty much of a louse, once Christine starts giving in or bargining with him, he should be more motivated in protecting her - after all, the fun is going to come to an end for him if Eric gets hired! Doing some things WITHOUT being asked - building up emotional collateral - is something he is smart enough to get/think of even if he doesn't necessarily ask for a reward; it is something of an implied emotional blackmail to get her to agree on the bigger things. Especially considering his Russian heritage (according to a number of my Russian friends, Russian mothers are supreme masters of this tactic [only Italian and Jewish mothers beating them out by very narrow margins] and so Dimitri should find the concept as natural as breathing!)
* Diane (? the female partner/senior lawyer and Eve's aunt) is the real wildcard in a lot of ways - I keep waiting to see a sign that she is just playing with and taking advantage of Eric's ambition to have a free boy-toy for a while (and then fire him without batting an eye - there will always be another male intern). That she also will have the more or less deciding vote on who gets hired offers so many opportunities that I hope we will see explored... she no doubt knows John will make a play for Christine just as he obviously did with Lisa - yet she is also setting up Christine with her niece. Is this 'pairing off' of her & Eric and John & Christine something the she and John decided on in the beginning and then manipulated the interns into doing? (I must admit, I sooooo want to see Eric played as he *thinks* he is playing everyone else). Will she manipulate Lisa into going after Tony to split Christine and him up (for Eve or for John - one for family, one for a favor to be owed)? I guess I am saying that in the first part of the game Diane really appears as an on-top-of-everything, experienced lawyer who is pulling the strings and then she just kinda fades into the background in the later chapters - I hope that is just part of her game...
* The Halloween party - ok, I get that Christine forgot with all the pressure (even makes sense), but if the party is as big a deal as it is made out to be, there should be people from all the other firm sections as well. Admittedly for background (not like you need to go creating a bunch of characters - though one or two that could be used later on as contacts could be useful... and interesting!) Also, a minor suggestion: since Eve is there and has no qualms about putting something in someone's drink so she can control the situation, you might want to consider her using the party as a way to sabotage Tony / pressure Christine (either way, maybe depending on if she came with Christine or just ran into her there) - she doesn't seem like the type to just sit by and not strike out at her 'rival' (especially if she could make it look like someone else was egging him on into whatever she arranged). Also would be good/fun if Christine HAD remembered the weekend before and looked at costumes, but didn't make up her mind and put the decision off - which would set up the bit about being forced into one of the two costumes much more frustrating for her (and fun for us!)
* Lastly - and this is a pet peeve I admit - in a number of the poses Christine is in, her neck is doing some very ODD (even disturbing) bends! O.O Forget comfortable / natural; a couple of them aren't even *survivable*! LOL! Not bashing, just trying to offer some helpful criticism.
btw: I do (as a hobby) some 3D renderings myself (DAZ Studio 4.X Pro with a decent system) so I am familiar with the 'joy' of fiddling with something for WAY too long to get the scene like you want / imagine before you even hit the 'render' button! So I understand the not wanting to redo stuff when there is already so much *new* stuff you want/need to work on. Quick question - are you using layering for the character/clothes graphics? Just wondering if that was one of the issues with not wanting to do many outfit additions, etc.
Looking forward to what comes next!