Heh, thanks (regarding the name)

, and I second
sergerserj's comments about long animation loops negatively affecting gameplay.
For example, with Mina scene (but I think it happens with Maria & Lilith as well) when Mina says "I'm cumming!!!" with the orgasm, the animation is not matching the text cause we see her still bounce up and down the MC.
Come to think of it, with Maria, one part I remember is text says "MC is slapping Maria's boobs" yet animation does completely something else.
Not sure whether these de-syncs between texts and animation are lag due to long animation without cuts as sergerserj said (probably is, but I'm no expert). But yeah.
It's a bit bizarre when the text doesn't match the animation.
With Darla, damn

, guess I must have completely forgot she was in the prologue.
But then again, did she make an appearance after that one appearance?
Cause I don't believe she did (unless I'm wrong about that as well).
Nope, I don't remember and must have forgotten.
I started this one quite a while ago, and when Kkpotato said "restart game due to a lot of bugs and variables" at ep2v1 point, I just used ctrl fast skip to skip over to when I previous save was.
So I remember just the broadstrokes of early game and setting, and not the specifics.
By the way
KKpotato, something I noticed with Maria;
View attachment 4089396
Is her love points supposed to be this low?
Right now, all full fledged LIs on my end are showing as 30 or above Love points;
Obviously ones like Lilith, Lisa, Debby, they're currently in that tier.
Even Lily has almost reached that tier, with her Love points being high 20s.
Then there are ones who are in 10~20 threshold;
Mina, Samira, Leyla, Lola, & Robin.
Lola and Robin are in high 10s (Robin's points increased a bit with this update).
Samira, she just made an appearance, so it makes sense her Love points start off in low 10s.
Leyla, she's in mid 10s, but we really didn't have an arc with her so not surprised (hopefully that changes soon).
But, Mina's love points are 16.
Shouldn't Maria (12) & Mina (16)'s love points be....... much higher? Like at the very least at low 20s?
And with both of them, I'm sure for almost all (if not all) choices I went pro-Maria and pro-Mina choices.
Mina is definitely in a relationship with MC and had tons of scenes already so dunno why her stat is so low.
And with Maria, well currently her love points is lower than Leyla, or even Robin.
One possible explanation I could think of is me not choosing femdom route with Maria (not a kink I'm interested in), but I seriously do hope that's not the pre-requisite to getting increase to Maria's Love points.
Cause I'm not gonna lie.
I was surprised Maria's love points remaining exactly the same before & after the sex scene being stationary at 12.
Hopefully in the future, there's a lot more chances to increase Maria and Mina's love points, since they do deserve to be in that 30 LP or above tier like the ones already there.