I'll never understand why devs like this with a big Discord and Patreon group can't just paste their dialogue into chat and be like "is this proper English?" instead of releasing broken dialogue (and fucking patch notes) and looking like a retard.
Were I to hazard a guess, I'd say it's because they don't give a shit. They're probably all like "eh, nobody cares about proper grammer or speling as long as they can more or less tell what's going on, they just want to fap, so why should I bother?"
Which is of course
wrong. Quite a lot of people, myself included, get
really annoyed when a story has cringingly awful English because it's jarring, distracts from the story you're trying to engage with, and (appropriately enough) conveys the impression that the author just doesn't care. But nobody ever accused them of being professional developers, so many of them continue to make this mistake.
To be more generous, some of them are probably also waiting to complete their initial draft of the story before they go back to clean the script up. Nobody could accuse Fidless (creator of Wicked Rouge) of being lazy or unmotivated, but the game's script is still riddled with errors- you literally cannot go 3 lines without finding another mistake. But the game is still in such a stage of flux, with major mechanics being overhauled practically with every version and a major story pathline being completely cut from the game and rewritten, that he probably sees proofreading as a very low priority compared to getting the game finished, with cleaning up coming at the end. But in games where the developer just tacks on a few more scenes with every version, nothing more, they don't really have this excuse for bad writing, because writing is
all they're working on.