I have finished my first play of the game. It´s not a small feat to make a sandbox game where you don´t need a walktrought and that have a build in help sistem that it´s good enought to guide you and not so comprensive that you feel like a puppet.
I have enjoyed it, and it´s a damm good game. I want to make this cristal clear, because from this point I´m going to criticize aspects of the game, and don´t want give anyone the wrong impresion.
I have a major criticism to the game, and some puntual ones. I will go first with the puntual ones.
The puntual ones refers, first, to the point where I get stuck, and secont to some minigames.
I get stuck in the crypt.
Second, the minigames. Ok, may be my opinion will have some bias. I, generally, dislike minigames. I can give them a pass if you can pass them, or not, and the game goes on. But if you must pass them in order to go with the game I don´t see the point. I don´t like to expend 15 minutes trying to rebuild a broken photo in less that 2:30, or making again a walk throught some industrial building in order to succeed in a stealth chek, or hiting 20 times a giant spider with a club.
But this two are minor criticisms. Not big deal, really. The big deal with the game it´s that it´s putting to much effort in the potatoes and leting apart the meat. Too wide and too few deepth.
The game lack focus.
I hope that this will be corrected in future updates, because, in my mind, it will be the diference between a good game and an excelent one.