
Conversation Conqueror
Aug 13, 2021
I'm having similar thoughts. All in all, pretty disappointing update.

If I was a Patron, I wouldn't think I got my moneys' worth.
I've already replayed everything from the last update. To have to go through all that again...oof. Think I'll just wait until this is completed before picking it up again.
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Dec 22, 2019
I got both bathroom key and Sophia Keyroom, but when i go to the bathroom when Mia is there, it says i don't have the key, is it a bug, or it's just a scene not implemented yet?
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Apr 4, 2017
Anyone have a solution for the parchment - keycode puzzle down in the crypts? Been trying to figure it out for half an hour, it just doesnt make any sense to me


Active Member
Dec 27, 2018
Have I missed a step? The only two quest that I can open is the first one and Sage's but can go no further in either as I have no one that I know that works in the bar.


Oct 12, 2017
Have I missed a step? The only two quest that I can open is the first one and Sage's but can go no further in either as I have no one that I know that works in the bar.
same here the mission said that someone will call me that i can go to the bar but nothing until now


New Member
Jul 12, 2018
Anyone have a solution for the parchment - keycode puzzle down in the crypts? Been trying to figure it out for half an hour, it just doesnt make any sense to me
So the reason why you couldnt figure it out is because of what i assume is a translation error. The enigma on the wall says "Who killed jesus" while it should says "what killed jesus". Answer Longinus (the spear). 72134165
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Oct 16, 2018
How can I gain money ? I've finished the first version of the church investigation (when the inspector ask us which one is the murderer) but I didn't gain any moneyHow can I gain money ? I've finished the first version of the church investigation (when the inspector ask us which one is the murderer) but I didn't gain any money... and now I need 500$ for the key and 50$ for the book for sophia. And I already resolve the previous case...


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 13, 2021
How can I gain money ? I've finished the first version of the church investigation (when the inspector ask us which one is the murderer) but I didn't gain any moneyHow can I gain money ? I've finished the first version of the church investigation (when the inspector ask us which one is the murderer) but I didn't gain any money... and now I need 500$ for the key and 50$ for the book for sophia. And I already resolve the previous case...
Go to computer and work cases online.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
I have stuck at Delilah. I have the other 3 nuns blackmailed. I have come at all 4 times, clicked everything, talked to everyone. Spent hours searching the game and forum - anyone help? I have done all the underground stuff as well, this is literally like the last thing keeping me from progressing in the SOL case.



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
I have stuck at Delilah. I have the other 3 nuns blackmailed. I have come at all 4 times, clicked everything, talked to everyone. Spent hours searching the game and forum - anyone help? I have done all the underground stuff as well, this is literally like the last thing keeping me from progressing in the SOL case.

View attachment 1697643
Son of a bitch - figured it out - (leaving for posterity) Have to visit Moe at night and have him investigate reddit.


Apr 15, 2020
I got both bathroom key and Sophia Keyroom, but when i go to the bathroom when Mia is there, it says i don't have the key, is it a bug, or it's just a scene not implamented yet?
I have the same problem. In the changelog it said the bathroom scene is implemented so maybe a bug?


Sep 5, 2017
So the reason why you couldnt figure it out is because of what i assume is a translation error. The enigma on the wall says "Who killed jesus" while it should says "what killed jesus". Answer Longinus (the spear). 72134165
Longinus was actually a dude, he stabbed Jesus with his spear while the latter was on the cross to end his suffering. Hence, spear of Longinus.

Edit: for you guys with key troubles, go to the living room, you need to welcome the keysmith at the door so he makes a copy


Apr 15, 2020
Edit: for you guys with key troubles, go to the living room, you need to welcome the keysmith at the door so he makes a copy
Already did that, there was a notification said that I acquired the bathroom key in the upper left corner, but if I tried to open the bathroom, it still said I have no key.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2020
I am thinking the same.

0.5 came out in October last year, and now it is already March 2022. After approx. half a year, we finally get to see what is 0.6 is about after 3 times delay. (First announcement of release Dec 2021)

The delays were, according to devs, due to buggy repeatables and lack of lewds etc. yet what we got here is neither bug-free, nor do we have tons of lewds.

So the new contents are:
-house remakes
-some repeatable
-a few toilet scenes
-a small quest with Sophia's exam
-one lewd scene with Cath (which was added afterwards after receiving feedback that the original 0.6 has no lewds)

Moon's event is scratched from the update due to not having lewd scenes. (But why? People are curious about what is the continuation from the cliffhanger last time and the dev simply cut this out.)

The announced contents like Therapist's path, Christmas special, etc. are nowhere to be seen. (see attached images).
Ok, I think its time to address you and as well as others who hold the same viewpoints as you do.
I've contemplated for some time if I should even respond as there is simply no winning in a discussion with anonymous forum members.

However, I do enjoy coming to f95 (although it has became a real pain and I consciously avoid coming here after starting to develop the game and especially so as the game becomes more popular. I'm starting to understand why devs no longer visit the forum as they grow.) and I do still want to be a part of the community every now and then, albeit at a lesser capacity.

Now that the bulk of the update is out, I do think it's appropriate now to post my version of events and clarify some things for people who are following the game. I'm not interested in having an online argument or back and forth so this will be the last time I respond to issues pertaining to this.

1. Delay when 0.6 update release dates were first announced.

For those who are not following closely, I made announcements prior to this that I will release the update on certain dates, of which they were delayed. Some points regarding this.

- A major component of this update was that I wanted the whole house to be changed. I felt the initial house didn't reflect the game well. Understand that changing the house isn't a simple decision. Every location within the house as well as every scene that involved the previous house has to be remade. This also includes many minor issues like buttons etc which take significant time to make.

- As we near the announced release date, I have come to realize many issues with the repeatables. If you notice, many of the aspects on the game are not so simple. Different stats affects different things and its a very challenging game to make to ensure everything runs as it should. I can continue to list out all the issues here but this post will turn into a 10 page essay and nobody has time to read so I will just leave it at that.

- After realising the huge amount of issues that needed to be fixed with old scenes, things not running right etc etc, we will not be able to make the release dates, which resulted in the delays.

I understand how frustrating it is to have a release date announced and not being able to meet it. I have also apologized and explained multiple times regarding this. However I will make some points about this.

Firstly, every step of the way, I have clarified in multiple posts either on patron or discord. I have also replied to every message sent to me asking for clarifications or regarding the issues faced. I have never ghosted or disappeared not for one day. Many comments regarding the dev dropping the game and disappearing are completely unfounded.

For those who claim to be patrons, each one of you are always free to raise your concerns with me by dming me in the multiple channels we have available. I spend a few hours each day to reply to all messages and have replied to all concernes being raised throughout the update process. I have also been nothing but transparent in my communications on discord or in multiple patron posts.

Next, understand that release dates are put out by me. Many developers will not even list out release dates beforehand in order to avoid issues such as this. You can never predict how even a simple issue can set you back a few weeks of development time.

As such, I will no longer put out any release dates in future. It was a noob mistake and one that every dev I've talked to told me I shouldn't make. If you give people a date to clobber you with, they will. And it will affect their perception regardless of how much work you put in.

At this point, after the first delay, I've already realized people are unhappy. I knew I needed a good update to change peoples perception. Which brings me to the second problem.

2. Releasing satisfying updates.

- Another major component of 0.6 is that I want the house repeatable system to be up and ready. I knew I had to get to that sooner or later. It is a huge problem point for me because when I started developing this game, I always held a view of developing a full game as a whole. I wanted something different to the games I've played and it's a very ambitious game in relation to combining a deep story with multiple paths as well as a variety of mechanics. I also wanted the renders and animations to be on point which takes extra effort and time. However, one thing I did not take into account is the importance of releasing each update in a certain manner. I've come to realise the pressures of creating a game based on updates. There's a reason why games follow a certain formula (Which in my personal opinion end up being cookie cutter and boring). If you noticed, most succesful devs follow the same basic formula every game they make.

I've become very unhappy because Im constantly pressured every update to create content that progress the game somewhat and end in certain cliffhangers or having to produce lewds when I feel its not ready at the point to do so. This is to keep players wanting more and "satisfied" each update and continue growing in patron counts. This means im unable to work on aspects of the game that I care about like mechanics and backend issues. As a result, a lot of the game feels disjointed and in the end, if you look at the game as a whole, it will end up being a very subpar game. How do u balance each update, while still sticking to the vision I have for the game? Do you need to sacrifice financial success to create a game you truly want to make? Thats a balance that is difficult to find.

Another big focus for this update is the Moon quest. However, a big issue is that the entire Moon arc does not result in any lewd scene at all. Moon is a main character and I do not want to lewd her until it is time. She has a big part to play in the overall story and her arc is very important.

How would people react when they find out there are no major lewd scenes in the update, especially after being pissed off about a botched announcement? As we can already see, people are impatient. Every day I receive constant messages every where asking the same question over and over again.

"When update? When update? Is it ready now? How about tomorrow? How about next week? When Update?"
Can you put this lewd scene? Can you put fem dom? Can you do this? can you remove puzzles? Please dont put ntr. Please put NTR! Please can I have a futa lewd scene? PRegnancy? When are we gonna fuck Mia?! Why no mia sex scene?"
Remember, you only see ONE message. For me it is different. I am creating a game that has been downloaded millions of times with thousands of players. I receive A LOT more messages. Take that into account.

As you can see, setting each update up to be satisfying is very difficult for a game like DA. After some discussions with initial players, I delayed the game by a further month to instead include an epic lewd scene and push forward Catherine's arc in order to make a more well rounded update. Catherines scene alone took more than 3 weeks to make at a ridiculous pace. (I mean 15+ hours a day.) In the end, I am very happy with how it turned out.
But I'm also really unhappy that I have to force my hand and release the scene when I don't want it released yet.

It brings me to the last point.
The issues I have faced has been very very frustrating. I am starting to lose a lot of joy and love in making the game. And it will show in the game as well. I have a vision for the game that I want to make. And having to bow to pressures of people in the forum or patreons every update takes a toll. I understand that its part and parcel of making a game with a patreon system. But it doesnt make it any easier.

There are many many more things I want to add, but I've realised the post has become very long. So I will end up with a few main points I want to address with my responses.

1. Update delay.
I do apologise for the previous delays. All the reasons have been outlined multiple times in various posts as well as some in this post. From today onwards, I will no longer release anymore dates and any questions regarding 'when update' will be met with the standard answer "it will be ready when it's ready". Also, every single patron who had pledged for previous months and requested for the update has received it even if they no longer patroned. I've refunded every person who has asked for it.

So for those who say they have been cheated out of an update download, that's not true.

2. Update contents.
I've come to realize that in order to make a game that I want to make, I have to ignore many of the comments being put out.
You can't please everyone. If I do not enjoy making the game, it will show in the content. We have gotten so far with immense success because of the vision I initially had for the game. I will no longer bother about request for lewds or certain scenes and I will design the game at my own pace according to my own vision. And to constantly think about how to satisfy patrons or forum members who dont give two hoots about how the game will turn out simply isnt sustainable. If I want to work on mechanics, I will work on it. If I want a certain update to focus on certain aspects of the game, that's what I will do. If I feel lewds are not ready for a certain update, that's what I will do. I like puzzles. I like game mechanics. I really enjoyed the church quest and little stuffs you do. If you don't like it and just want lewds, well all I can say is play another game. But don't try to put us down or shit on other peoples hard work just because you don't get what you want. I will not change because you leave an angry 1 star review. In fact, it makes me wanna do the opposite.

3. Fleecing patrons.
This one is really funny. Trust me, if I wanted to fleece patrons, I wont do it in this way. I have been approached by many dishonest developers who pump multiple accounts in different ways and i've rejected them. I care deeply for this game, if I didn't we wouldn't have what we have today.

I am very proud of the content we have achieved this past year of developing the game. I do not feel ashamed at all especially when relating to patrons who supported the game since the beginning. We have came a long way and I've put in many hours of hardwork into this baby and we are on track with the most consistent devs around our genre. I am super proud at the amount of content we have put out.

4. Forum members responses.

I understand many of you are very impatient and excited to play the next update. Also, some of you might be angry when the update is announced and you don't get what you want. In some ways, its a good thing. At least people are excited and want the next update to be ready because they cant wait. Thats better than having a game where nobody even cares when you throw out an update.

But I will say this. Think about what you're doing.
Some people are so angry that they leave hate comments and leave a low review on purpose in order to "punish" the dev or discourage other people from supporting the game. This is counter productive.

Developers do read this forum comments, but such negative remarks will do nothing to improve the state of the game or increase frequency of updates. In fact, if not for many patrons who constantly encourage me and have supported the game from the beginning, I would have gave up long ago. The one thing that keeps me going to keep pushing are good comments, not negative ones. Everytime I receive a five star rating, it motivates me to work harder as it makes me happy. Remember, devs are human too. When you are deep in development, and approaching the 10th hour of the day, a simple message of a five star review on the forum is enough to perk your spirits up and keep pushing. Imagine how a dev feels when he sees a hate comment or review pop up? It drains any remaining energy you have to keep pushing. And believe me when I say happy dev = Awesome lewd content. I am lucky because DA is succesful. Low ratings do not affect me that much anymore.

But I am friends with other devs who make "less succesful" games and do you know how sad they feel when they receive one rating on f95, they check it excitedly and it turns out to be a one star? They feel demotivated and upset. If you feel a game is bad and deserve a low rating, sure no problem. But to do it out of vengefulness because you dont get content u want or because you are impatient for the next update? Hmm.. Think about that.

If anything, such vengeful ratings like the one you posted only pisses me off and makes me want to delay the update a further three months or create something completely opposite of what you want. But I wont do that. I have many patrons and good friends who have supported the game since the beginning that I have to answer to. I have promised them I will complete the game to the best of my ability and I will continue to do so.

By the way, your review on f95 does not affect your patron count or how much money you make at all. It is purely ego based.
So for developers who are constantly creating new accounts to downrate a game and kick us out of front page, it really doesnt affect anything at all in the long run. All it does is stroke your ego and motivate you if your game has a high rating. So please dont waste time attacking other devs and focus on creating your game. Success will come in time. Jealousy does nothing for you. I wont even bother to report such ratings to mods anymore. I would rather spend time making the game I love. And for players like yourself who think that "punishing" a developer with low ratings works...well it really doesn't. In fact, it discourages the dev to continue fighting and pushing hard. But do what you want, you can make your own choices. Its a free world.

5. Update 0.6 content.

Do not let the update problems or annoucements affect your perception. A LOT of work is put into the update.
Even discounting the Moon content, what is available currently is massive. There are close to 100 new animations in this update alone. Not to mention countless of others in Moon event and others which I simply am unable to include at this point in time. I have put in a lot of hours into this. To see people hating and continue to slam the update by saying we didnt put in effort into this update is ridiculous and as a matter of fact, very disheartening. Yes, the misannouncement was unfortunate and you are angry. Sure. But dont discredit the work being done.

Again, I apologise for missing the announced dates. BUT REMEMBER, these dates are set by myself. It does not mean work is not in progress.

6. Making fun of patrons.
I would like to address some comments making fun of patrons for paying money to support the game.
I would like to say that your comments are stupid and is akin to slapping yourself in the face.
The reason why we have so many games to play for FREE is because people take money out of their own pockets to support a game when they dont have to. They are heroes carrying the industry.

Is the game worth $50, $20, or even $5 dollars a month? OF COURSE NOT. Even if you pledge a meagre $3 dollars a month , it adds up to hundreds of dollars throughout the lifetime of development. Is a renpy game worth hundreds of dollars? Of course not. Some Triple A games with full marketing and development teams don't charge that much! Much less some lewd game amde by a solo developer!

But remember, when you support a game, you are not paying for 1 game. You are paying for the THOUSANDS of games you play for free on this website. If everybody spends just a few bucks to support their favorite developer, that's how we end up with thousands of free games. Its how the industry sustains itself.

Do you think the games you play make themselves out of thin air? For free like magic?

And I know some of you think "Wow developers make so much money!" They dont deserve it for making some lewd game.

Let me offer you the counter point. We don't get paid enough. I know people will hate for me saying this but it is true and I will say it because it is time someone stood up for the work devs put in.

DA has been downloaded MILLIONS of times over and over again which adds up to countless of hours of entertainment. If people paid just $1 per download, most developers in this forum would be MILLIONAIRES. Are you saying the game you play for free is not worth even $1?

Due to how easily games are pirated, we are actually UNDERPAID for the work and value we provide. And thanks to selfless patrons who throw money out of their own pockets to support a game they could have gotten for free, I am able to work on this game full time. These patrons are the ones you should be thanking, not insulting. "Haha so stupid, paying $30 to beta test a game you can download for free." That's a fucking stupid comment to be honest. Be grateful they are paying so that you dont have to.

Imagine what kind of character you have to be to not only play for free, but also insult and laugh at patrons who are essentially paying for YOUR entertainment. Think about that before you make anonymous comments behind your keyboard.

Free players are part of the package, I have no problems with that. But at least be grateful to all those people who made it possible. Im not asking you to be grateful to me for making a free game. I'm very happy as I make enough money to develop a game full time, which is what I enjoy doing. I am blessed because DA is one of the most successful games that released this past year.

But please don't insult the patrons who decide to support me or any other dev.

7. F95zone
I love this forum. I enjoyed chatting and looking for games here before I started deving. But due to the toxic nature of some forum members, I have chosen to avoid it. But I've realised thats not the way it should be. I enjoy reading comments and interacting with the community, free players or not.

Just some advice on how to deal with devs. If there is a feedback, make sure its constructive. Stop being a hater. A dev is more likely to listen to you if you say "I really enjoyed the lewd scenes and animations, but the puzzles are a little too difficult and the payoff seems too little for the grind. Maybe you can reduce the difficulty of the puzzles and include a longer lewd scene at the end so its more rewarding and players feel more inclined to solve the puzzles."

Compare that too "FUCK this game I CANT SOLVE THE PUZZLE! WHY THE FUCK YOU PUT PUZZLES? I want lewds! Where mia lewd???? Why after 1 year no MIA LEWD?! Fuck this game 1 star! Down rate it! Dont patron it! DEv scammer!"

Do you think the dev will respond positively to such comments?

8. Lastly, future of DA.
I am really passionate about this project. There are so many exciting things in the works and finally after one year, we are getting to the juice of the story I want to tell. So many more things to include. Many issues such as the disjointed feel of the game will resolve itself as we start to see a more well rounded game take shape bit by bit. All I ask is be patient. I am very confident that DA will continue to grow and be a success as new players are enjoying it more and more.

Again, for old fans, I understand how you feel. You feel angry and impatient for more. Maybe some parts of the game didnt turn out as what you expected or maybe you've been waiting for progress on certain characters. All I can say is be patient.

The best way to ensure DA grows to become a beautiful game when its completed is to support it. Venting your anger and trying to downrate the game and being negative is not the way to go.

In the end, most games on this forum are created by one person. It's a community effort. With the help from fans and patrons who put in hours of their own time to bugtest, help out in discord, give ideas, thats what makes such games fun isn't it? Its the reason why people support such games. Because its a game for the community. Dont turn it into a toxic one.

Yes, there are some games where developers intentionally fleece patrons to make money. I know them myself. But DA is not one of them. I care deeply for the game and I want to see the game finish to it's conclusion. Dont try to turn this into an abandoned game. Maybe it wont be as big a success when its completed, or maybe it will end up being one of the most favourite games here. Who knows. But I do want to see the end.

So for all those supporting since the beginning especially those who have been motivating me every day and helping out, I want to thank all you guys. You are my energy! Fuck the haters and we will continue winning.

See ya all!
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4.10 star(s) 172 Votes