
Game Developer
Oct 25, 2020
Does the Sage story have continuation or there is nothing new for her since 4.3? I'm really curious how different path for her will turn out. :p
Sage will have lots of stuff planned as she is main character but she's in the backburner for now. Her story wont continue until I finish the other parts. Until we get to her explosion.

The only thing that could use a bit of work is the "Job list" UI. My main difficulty when trying out patches for this game has been to figure out when there's more content or not, it seems like it isn't always tied to the current patch.

As an example, I tried figuring out how Sophia would get her exam answers back, but it never seemed to happen (if it isn't a bug of course).
I know it's hard to play each update. It's a problem I've been facing but I've always focused on developing the game as a whole, not on an update basis. My objective is not money, but to develop the whole game. But I'll try to make each update as palatable as possible while I work on mechanics. Her exam quest will only continue if you have unlocked the church Vanderbilt family scene.

I saw your rant earlier, a very long post that I couldn't bring myself to read in entirety, but I got the gist of it. I even agree mostly with what you say. You should definitely keep doing what you want with your game.

However, when I come into these threads, I do appreciate this type of feedback from other players. Having played up to the previous update, I kind of get what they're saying. It also helps me prioritize my backlog of games to play, because honestly, I've been in a mood lately where I don't want to deal with a hassle.

With that said, your response that I quoted here...the person you replied to had some valid points, particularly not knowing what questions you got wrong and the thing about Stonehenge.
View attachment 1703787

The BBC has a page stating Stonehenge is and another saying it isn't. Even this page doesn't list it:
Stonehenge isn't a wonder of the world. Not in the original, nor the new one. There is one universally accepted list, The New 7 Wonders Foundation. I don't know how this is even remotely controversial. There has been a worldwide vote to list the new 7 Wonders. Stonehenge did not make the cut for the new one, nor was it one of the originals. It is not one of the seven wonders.

Regarding not knowing if you answered correctly, I do not want players to bruteforce the answer. Personal preference. I like games that keep me guessing. If you failed sophia's exams, that means u didnt get the required score and you do her revision again. The answers are really not that hard guys.

does not matter, I restarted back then, think 0.5.4 was when I was forced to restart and do that time consuming bs AGAIN(twice) and now with 0.6.10 we have to restart and do it a 3rd time......
I've answered this multiple times. The ONLY time you need to restart is during 0.5. You DONT have to restart afterwards. If something is forcing you to restart, you need to give me more details so that I can find out whats wrong. I do not know why u had to restart 3 times. There was only ONE restart which is back in 0.5

Very good game, well done, when is the next update ?
Really like Moonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Next update will be quicker as I have more assets. We'll see ;) Moon content incoming. Glad you liked it.

The fact that you can't accept completely calm and fair criticism and have to resort to calling other "nOt So AcAdEmIcAlLy InClInEd" is worrying, on so many levels. If you'd read and understood anything that I posted you would have known that making it easier was never what I asked for. It's just extremely basic game design knowledge to let your players learn what to do different WITHIN THE GAME ITSELF. Can you come up with a single coherent argument for why you shouldn't tell the players what quiz questions they answered wrong? So that they can actually meaningfully progress without having to look for answers OUTSIDE the game?? Please, I would love to hear what argument you could possibly have against that.

And, again, arbitrary answers are not a challenge. That's not a puzzle. It's just guesswork. Stonehenge is not by any measure or logic a more correct answer to the question you asked than the other alternatives. All choices are literally just a correct because of how you worded the question. If you pride yourself on "challenging puzzles" you can't be this sloppy with your questions. And 6=3 is not the most logical answer of the logic sequence question, specifically because of how you formatted the question. You must use completely different examples to show that there's only one logical answer, which is the only way to do it if you're serious about logic puzzles. It's like if you designed a Sudoku puzzle that has several possible solutions. That's just bad form. And there doesn't exist a single good reason for why the "who was born outside of Germany" question has to be answered in text form. You're *already* presenting three choices on screen, just make the clickable like most of the rest of quiz. Or do you honestly think "getting" the player because they might spell the name wrong or be unsure whether to answer with first, last or full name, is how a good puzzle is designed???

Don't insult your players intelligence, especially not when you're demonstrably wrong. Again, I want nothing but for this game to succeed so if you'd just swallow whatever useless pride that prevents you from listening to honest criticism you could actually stand to gain some insight into how to make the game a better experience for your players.
Yeah. It's always the dev whos an idiot, the puzzle is not designed well, or the question is wrong and illogical but never because you're too dumb to solve it right? Of course not you. You're smart. The only reason why you can't answer the questions is because the questions are poorly designed! No way a genius like you would be stumped!

1. Stonehenge is not a 7 wonder of the world. Reasoning already answered above.
2. I do not want players to bruteforce the answer. Personal preference.
3. Three pictures are Einstein, Hitler and Nietzche. Straightforward. Typing in their names adds a layer of challenge. Answering with any combination of last/first names will result in a correct answer. Unless you misspelt them.
4. 6=3 is a trick question. 6 has three letters. I'm curious. What alternative answers do you have in your mind?

I can't see how any of these are demonstrably wrong. These are simple, straightforward questions that can be solved with a little bit of out of box thinking and a simple google search if you're unaware of certain history. Nothing fancy. And you only need 10/15 to pass. If you're having so much trouble with them...well what can I say?

If you don't like puzzles, that's fine. But I like them personally and many fans do too. So I will continue to make them.

I love the references to other adult games in this one, especially other HS titles. So far I've noticed a Ripples poster in Maeve's lab, a Once in a Lifetime magazine in an alley, I'd say the entire Eleanor spanking minigame is straight out of The Headmaster. And now with the new house, the furniture is different but that is absolutely the house from House Party.
Well played sir, well played.
Glad you recognized the references!

And Just a FYI IF you open the inner crypt.... you will die. there is a frikking snake in there and it bites you on the pecker.... THROUGH your pants, But after your D*&K is out for the world to see somehow. I still have not figured out how to get past that little issue.
Yeah. It's highly recommended to expose your pecker if it gets bitten by a snake so that you can get some air and let it breathe. LOL
Btw, get the lamp so that Eve can save you.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2020
Did Ryan play the Uno reverse card and r*pe Mia or i'm just being paranoid?
Well, the way home was 20 minutes, it took more than an hour, the history of the pharmacy could add up but it really seemed like a warning, since we did not see her suffering any discomfort when she woke up, although it is clear that practically all the that we meet are part of that crazy family, I don't know until what point Ryan is crazy like the others, until when he faced his "companions" did he seem sincere? I'm left wondering how powerful the guys you made deals with have to be to dominate him like that.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2020
Of the best games that I had the opportunity to try, it is definitely in my top, Good luck to the developer.


Game Developer
Oct 25, 2020
Did Ryan play the Uno reverse card and r*pe Mia or i'm just being paranoid?
Well, the way home was 20 minutes, it took more than an hour, the history of the pharmacy could add up but it really seemed like a warning, since we did not see her suffering any discomfort when she woke up, although it is clear that practically all the that we meet are part of that crazy family, I don't know until what point Ryan is crazy like the others, until when he faced his "companions" did he seem sincere? I'm left wondering how powerful the guys you made deals with have to be to dominate him like that.
There seems to be a huge irrational fear of NTR. I usually don't state this but just to reassure those that are reading, THERE WILL BE NO NTR. So take a deep breathe and relax. The only NTR is allowing the girls to strip at the bar. Which I will make it optional so that those girls you feel protective about, you dont have to make them strip for money. Thats all. And no, Ryan didnt do anything to her.

Of the best games that I had the opportunity to try, it is definitely in my top, Good luck to the developer.
Thx for the well wishes! Good stuff is coming.


Oct 20, 2021
How far can we get with Sophia's tickling scene?

Also the changelog mentions revamped old scenes, what scenes are those? I'm playing from an older save so I have not revisited past content.
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Game Developer
Oct 25, 2020
How far can we get with Sophia's tickling scene?

Also the changelog mentions revamped old scenes, what scenes are those? I'm playing from an older save so I have not revisited past content.
The house has been remade so most scenes that has the house have to be redone.


Oct 20, 2021
The house has been remade so most scenes that has the house have to be redone.

How about Sophia's new tickling scene? I managed to spread her legs but could not go any further than that. When she is fully naked I cant ever convince her to let the mc continue. Is this where her content ends for now?
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Dec 13, 2021
after i accuse miriam i went to the courtyard but the cut scene did not play and i am stuck, how do i fix this?


Jan 22, 2018
Probably already asked before...but how do you fight the Bar scene? I mean, I understand I need to click buttons, but when clicking H for example I get voice option off and the commands dont registrate, even if not getting H, the buttons arent registrated so I get beaten down. Skip option is insta this meant to end like this, or am I missing something.

P.S. I am on PC version.


Oct 11, 2021
Sage will have lots of stuff planned as she is main character but she's in the backburner for now. Her story wont continue until I finish the other parts. Until we get to her explosion.
Good to know, since my last version was 4,3 I guess I can wait a little longer... ;P Unless the choice we have during her "date" is not final one and we can redo it after the game will be updated. :)

There seems to be a huge irrational fear of NTR. I usually don't state this but just to reassure those that are reading, THERE WILL BE NO NTR. So take a deep breathe and relax. The only NTR is allowing the girls to strip at the bar. Which I will make it optional so that those girls you feel protective about, you dont have to make them strip for money. Thats all. And no, Ryan didnt do anything to her.
Honestly NTR "thing" here is weird, but I can understand why people fear that, because you introduced a lot of male characters. :p
I personally don't mind sharing as long as it's optional and it's my choice and honestly I kind of expected it a little for some characters (like Vixie), but it's your vision of the game, I don't mind either way. :D


Apr 30, 2021
Thx buds. Yes! The consequences are starting to show already with various different scenes.
Hey, thank you for all the hard work, the game is GREAT !! Btw, which are those scenes with the positive/negative karma and low/high depravity ? I'm rlly curious.

ps: oh yea, the puzzles are great, the game is not THAT hard to figure out as many ppl are saying here. Keep up the good work !!


Apr 16, 2021
Found a few typos.

Not sure exactly when (I think it was during one of the nun interrogations) but I remember spotting 'tiems' instead of 'times.'


Remembered to screenshot this time. 'u' instead of 'you.'

Thanks for the great game MoolahMilk! Can't wait for a proper conclusion of this quest! And more lewd scenes with Sage, Sophia, Moon and Eve! :D

I'm really enjoying the Sophia stuff right now, it's pretty fun coaxing her into being naughty...

Oh, also, I think there's a bug in Sophia's bathroom scene - there's no visual for when you tug on both of her nipples, at least, not for me. Might be a glitch in my game, but thought I should mention it.

Also, not hugely important, but might be an idea to add a 'bedroom' button to the general interface of the game, so you can return there at the end of each day easily, rather than return to the house, then hit the bedroom button, etc...
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Active Member
Apr 21, 2017
Yeah. It's always the dev whos an idiot, the puzzle is not designed well, or the question is wrong and illogical but never because you're too dumb to solve it right? Of course not you. You're smart. The only reason why you can't answer the questions is because the questions are poorly designed! No way a genius like you would be stumped!

1. Stonehenge is not a 7 wonder of the world. Reasoning already answered above.
2. I do not want players to bruteforce the answer. Personal preference.
3. Three pictures are Einstein, Hitler and Nietzche. Straightforward. Typing in their names adds a layer of challenge. Answering with any combination of last/first names will result in a correct answer. Unless you misspelt them.
4. 6=3 is a trick question. 6 has three letters. I'm curious. What alternative answers do you have in your mind?

I can't see how any of these are demonstrably wrong. These are simple, straightforward questions that can be solved with a little bit of out of box thinking and a simple google search if you're unaware of certain history. Nothing fancy. And you only need 10/15 to pass. If you're having so much trouble with them...well what can I say?

If you don't like puzzles, that's fine. But I like them personally and many fans do too. So I will continue to make them.
1. The entire point is that there are many, many different lists of "7 wonders" and NONE of them are official. None of them are correct. Choosing one to be correct "to you" is absolutely, 100% arbitrary. The only one that can remotely be thought of as correct is the first one (that we know of), the list of wonders of the greek world. So yes, Stonehenge *IS* a "7 wonder of the world", according to some authors. You don't get to pretend to be an intellectual if you don't see how all of this is completely arbitrary. The list of 7 wonders that you used, the one that includes The Great Wall of China and Taj Mahal, is a very modern invention (it's only just over 20 years old) and is no way, shape or form an "official" list. By no merit is that list more correct than any other. If you're even remotely as serious about puzzles as you claim to be, you need to make it clear that you're referring to the "New7Wonders" list of wonders.

2. When you're doing a quiz, you either know the answers or you don't. Sure, most of the math questions you can logic your way into an answer but for the other two quizzes, if the player doesn't know an answer, the only way for them to get a different result IS EXPLICITLY TO BRUTE FORCE. It doesn't matter how much you don't like it. Because you have chosen to make it a quiz where there WILL be player who DON'T know all the answers, there is no way within the game to gain the knowledge to solve those questions EXCEPT TO BRUTE FORCE. Because of how YOU designed it. So you don't get to design it in such a way that brute forcing is the only option left to these players and then say "I don't want my players to brute force". What other options have you left them???? Literally nothing. So all you're doing is forcing them brute force those answers anyway, except the way that YOU'RE doing it CURRENTLY, the process is absolutely horrendous to play through. Just because you're being obstinate and clearly not even understanding how the game plays out for many of your players, the gameplay experience will be a lot more horrible than it needs to be for any reason. People just want to play your game. Why do you take satisfaction in making your players get stuck with no ingame way to move forward? Stop thinking about the game from your perspective because you ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS. Anyone can design a quiz that they will solve 100% of the time but that many other people will fail. There is no accomplishment in that. Just focus on making it an actually good gameplay experience instead, which involves letting players know how to proceed without looking up a guide or googling answers.

3. Typing in their names absolutely does not constitute a "challenge", it's just more useless obfuscation where the player already knows that answer for 100% sure but they can't know if they got that answer right because they have no idea how you chose to grade it. Again, because you don't tell your players when they're correct, they have no way of confirming how they should enter the names. All they see is they got X amount of answers wrong so when doing the quiz again, how are they supposed to know if the way they entered the name last time was counted as correct by the game or not? Even though they know the answer for absolute sure. Do you see now how your approach is so horrible for players? It's a nightmare for players who have to do the quiz again. They're likely to get an even lower score on the next try because they have to second guess almost all of their answers, EVEN THE ONES THEY GOT RIGHT. It would take literally forever to pass the quiz in this way, especially considering how many clicks it is to get through another week of answers just to see how much they failed by this time.

Like you don't even tell players they need 10/15 answers correct. There is so much basic information that is just left out for absolutely no good reason.

4. Yeah, I know now that it's a trick question. The thing about trick questions is they are only really effective if you've already set up an expectation with previous similar puzzles that are NOT trick questions and they absolutely require you to know there are no other logical answers to the same question or they come off as just completely arbitrary (which they also are, in such a case). For me intuitively, the answer is 6 because 3,3,5 establishes a pattern and 4,4,X implies to follow that pattern just one higher, which is how the answer is 6. There is technically also a really complicated formula that proves that the answer should be 18 if viewed as a number sequence, but I wouldn't blame you if that's a bit too technical.

My problem is not with puzzles. My problem is with "puzzle-makers" that think their poorly researched questions constitute proper puzzles.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
The flashlight is in the locker that's chained up. You use the cooler thing to freeze it, hammer to smash it, and the key to open the lock.
My problem was the code for the locker to get the frigging key.
How am I supposed to figure out this code without cheating?
Mar 29, 2019
1. The entire point is that there are many, many different lists of "7 wonders" and NONE of them are official. None of them are correct. Choosing one to be correct "to you" is absolutely, 100% arbitrary. The only one that can remotely be thought of as correct is the first one (that we know of), the list of wonders of the greek world. So yes, Stonehenge *IS* a "7 wonder of the world", according to some authors. You don't get to pretend to be an intellectual if you don't see how all of this is completely arbitrary. The list of 7 wonders that you used, the one that includes The Great Wall of China and Taj Mahal, is a very modern invention (it's only just over 20 years old) and is no way, shape or form an "official" list. By no merit is that list more correct than any other. If you're even remotely as serious about puzzles as you claim to be, you need to make it clear that you're referring to the "New7Wonders" list of wonders.

2. When you're doing a quiz, you either know the answers or you don't. Sure, most of the math questions you can logic your way into an answer but for the other two quizzes, if the player doesn't know an answer, the only way for them to get a different result IS EXPLICITLY TO BRUTE FORCE. It doesn't matter how much you don't like it. Because you have chosen to make it a quiz where there WILL be player who DON'T know all the answers, there is no way within the game to gain the knowledge to solve those questions EXCEPT TO BRUTE FORCE. Because of how YOU designed it. So you don't get to design it in such a way that brute forcing is the only option left to these players and then say "I don't want my players to brute force". What other options have you left them???? Literally nothing. So all you're doing is forcing them brute force those answers anyway, except the way that YOU'RE doing it CURRENTLY, the process is absolutely horrendous to play through. Just because you're being obstinate and clearly not even understanding how the game plays out for many of your players, the gameplay experience will be a lot more horrible than it needs to be for any reason. People just want to play your game. Why do you take satisfaction in making your players get stuck with no ingame way to move forward? Stop thinking about the game from your perspective because you ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS. Anyone can design a quiz that they will solve 100% of the time but that many other people will fail. There is no accomplishment in that. Just focus on making it an actually good gameplay experience instead, which involves letting players know how to proceed without looking up a guide or googling answers.

3. Typing in their names absolutely does not constitute a "challenge", it's just more useless obfuscation where the player already knows that answer for 100% sure but they can't know if they got that answer right because they have no idea how you chose to grade it. Again, because you don't tell your players when they're correct, they have no way of confirming how they should enter the names. All they see is they got X amount of answers wrong so when doing the quiz again, how are they supposed to know if the way they entered the name last time was counted as correct by the game or not? Even though they know the answer for absolute sure. Do you see now how your approach is so horrible for players? It's a nightmare for players who have to do the quiz again. They're likely to get an even lower score on the next try because they have to second guess almost all of their answers, EVEN THE ONES THEY GOT RIGHT. It would take literally forever to pass the quiz in this way, especially considering how many clicks it is to get through another week of answers just to see how much they failed by this time.

Like you don't even tell players they need 10/15 answers correct. There is so much basic information that is just left out for absolutely no good reason.

4. Yeah, I know now that it's a trick question. The thing about trick questions is they are only really effective if you've already set up an expectation with previous similar puzzles that are NOT trick questions and they absolutely require you to know there are no other logical answers to the same question or they come off as just completely arbitrary (which they also are, in such a case). For me intuitively, the answer is 6 because 3,3,5 establishes a pattern and 4,4,X implies to follow that pattern just one higher, which is how the answer is 6. There is technically also a really complicated formula that proves that the answer should be 18 if viewed as a number sequence, but I wouldn't blame you if that's a bit too technical.

My problem is not with puzzles. My problem is with "puzzle-makers" that think their poorly researched questions constitute proper puzzles.
i have to agree with you
its really stupid long "pazzle"
now give me answers plz i am getting frustrated from this retarded pazzle
we dont get any feedback on what we do worng or right
its fucking porn game not an exem cut this shit out
or at least say waht is worng
math answers
represnt=6 (only number missing or you have some retarded trick that noone cares)
tiny boobs =36

you said the stones
frence vs gb
the nazy guy
who the fuck care about this "women"
cow brahman?
Bioluminescence ??? who the fuck will know this shity word

actully now its stays on "wait for the result" over 2 weeks wtf?
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4.10 star(s) 172 Votes