Don't know if that bug has been reported yet but when
I encountered a bunch of other bugs but didn't really keep track of them because I was trying to enjoy the game so far. Maybe some other time when there's are larger update and I start a new playthrough. Main issue right now simply seems to be that storylines are not very seperated and overlap or skip/use parts other storylines have (or have yet to have) introduced, or even resetting for some reason.
On a sidenote, from what I have seen from the game so far, the H part where
I'm not exactly proud of it but I am so looking forward for more content like this. Have you thought about dumping Patreon in regards to such content?
Regarding puzzles and minigames:
I don't know how far into the game I am rn, but up to this point I haven't seen any of the "annoying", or however else negatively evaluated, minigames or puzzles I think multiple people have complained about. Yes, there were puzzles and QTEs, but seriously? They were kinda fun, didn't take long at all, and seeing that the game actually has some degree of proper storyline that isn't just there to get the player move from H scene A to H scene B, you don't have your hand inside your underwear most of the time anyway. Honestly, play a VN if you want a VN.