Digga D

Jun 5, 2019
Theres a new post, looks like they're releasing the rest of season 1 after all. Rest of post is basically just a bunch of "You can definitely do these things in Renpy but I'm going to say you can't to justify the switch". Has some preview pictures of the upcoming season 1 stuff and a few pictures of the new stuff. Sage continues to look decent, get a picture of Maeve but not a fan of it, few other less important characters/scenes that look alright I guess, honestly they could be pixelart and I'd be happy so long as the girls look decent.
Can you share them here


Mar 21, 2020
He basically said he gonna finish releasing the game as it is, with one update worth of 1k renders every month. He said he has enough for 3 updates and that he has a huge amount of scenes from before.

I still don't believe him. Why stay silent for fucking MONTHS on top of not releasing anything if that's true? The patreon post he made says that new version gonna admittedly be out the 29th of November (didn't see the post myself but someone else reported it on discord). I'm pretty sure there won't be anything released on the 29th and if there miraculously is, it won't be 1k renders. Expect another pile of excuses.
dang, i havent been around for a month and this dude just comes out with another scam?

just as a quick reminder, this post was made in jan/feb (dont remember, dont care to look it up), before releasing the last mess of an "update", that was supposed to be done in SEPTEMBER 2022:

Here's what moonlah said in newest post:

Hello peepo!

Sorry guys for being out for some time. There's quite a lot to cover and I will elaborate on the latest happenings, the next update and more details! Please read the whole post as I will cover most of the things on here.

I'll try my best to explain what is going on from my perspective and what is the progress so far so read on!

Whats been going on recently?

Firstly, I apologize about the missed date announcement for 0.9. I'll try to elaborate as best I can, the situation! It will be a very long and wordy post, I will try to be concise but it's almost impossible to explain without typing a long post. Some things cannot be explained easily through text. So if you're really interested in what's going on, please take some time to read the post.

As you guys know, if you've been following the progress of the game from before, I've been aiming to announce the end of season one (DA v 1.0) in 2022 and release it in January to start the year off. I planned to create a season 2 for the whole of 2023. It's for a variety of reasons which I won't repeat here but for the new people, it's basically to organize the game properly and make it into a more VN style episodic game. You can read past post to find out more if you're interested!

As such, I've been focusing on making contents to close off all the loops and end the season on the final explosion scene. Keep in mind the development style is not episodic at the moment. Which means I create random parts every day. There is no real structure as to "one episode" which you release.

I've been under a lot of pressure to finish off the season in January. It's also in large part because I can't wait to get to the next season.

I've been spending a lot of time making content to close out all the loops and all the events. Some of the events include new locations like the lingerie store, blue oyster and etc.

Now you ask, why Moolah do you need to add these new girls and new events and new location? I have reasons! Sometimes it's very hard to explain. For example, I'm trying to formulate a consistent system for season 2. A big part of the mechanic is that you can buy clothes for each girl when they reach a certain level. That means I need to introduce the location where you can buy clothes. But you can't just make a store appear out of nowhere. There are characters and storylines that you introduce which also plays a part in the story.

Now of course under pressure, I would just create a store and create a system just so I can release an update. Which results in what we see today, every scene is different system with storylines that go no where and it's very disjointed.

It's the same issue with the bar and any other location. For example, you can't just make content for Beatrice. You need to plan and structure everything in advance. Because there is a mechanic where you can walk into the bar and invite the girl into the toilet. And there is a multitude of repeatable actions you can do.

For example, if you're at level one, maybe you can't do a certain action. But after you progress, there is new actions that you can do. I hope you guys understand what I'm saying. You need to plan it in advance. You cant just release one episode or else you need to redo everything again.

Now I'm just grinding to finish season 1 so that I can solve all these issues in future. But as time goes on, the pressure keeps piling so I have to release 0.9 soon. So I'm thinking in my head, which scenes can I structure and release as 0.9? (Bear in mind they need to be somewhat complete as people will feel unsatisfied, also you must include lewd scenes in each release and all that. Also, it will be just another update with mechanics not complete.)

As such, you always see me announce an update and struggling to compile a proper update together. I remember feeling really upset and demotivated as I spent Christmas still in front of the computer trying to cobble up the update. (Another issue is the way patron charges work. They always renew at the end of the month! But we will talk about this further below as finally patron made some changes!)

I hope you understand how I feel. I have all this content but I'm struggling to put together an update before the month is over.

I don't know how to describe it but the best way is to just use dialogue to express what goes on in my mind.

"Okay, I can give them this scene and this part. But shit, this area-system is not finished. Or this character is not introduced yet, or shit, this character doesn't have a lewd scene yet. Hmmm...I feel like this has enough content for an update, but fuck I need to rush two introduction scenes. Okay you know what, I think I can make it, I will just put her lewd scene that I've done here and they will be happy. Oh shit, it's so lame and rushed, I need two extra scenes to build up to that! I hope I can finish it before months end. Fuck, I rushed it too much and it looks so ugly, lets see if I can redo it in 24 hours because the month is ending!"

And after a while, it feels utterly depressing and futile. Especially as people start getting angrier and angrier and constantly message me and I have to explain to each individual.

As such, I decided to just fuck it and go dark for a while and just focus on what I have to do everyday. I celebrated the new year and shifted back home. Also spent a few days for lunar new year as well with my family. Looking at patreon and discord really makes me depressed and it's very difficult to focus.

Going dark for a moment has been great. I was able to structure and plan the entire season 2 (Which is what I should have done at the start of the game, but it's my first game. So many things I wish I knew now before I started.)

And also prepare all the contents etc. So read on to see where we are now! It's exciting as I have already completed almost all contents for 1.0 as well.

By the time we release, I will already have extra time to work on the first episode of season 2, which is nice. The pressure is really getting to me and it's so difficult to explain all the things I'm going through in words.

Season 1 end.

I am now only a few scenes away from completing the entire season, I've also structured season 2, which means all the mechanics that I want and all the planning has been done.

Although I've had to sacrifice a lot of what I dream to make, I still think the game will be very fun, there is enough mechanics to be interesting and I really enjoy the system. I am very excited for season 2.

It's really hard to explain but in some parts of the game which you will see in 0.9, you can see the structure for season 2 is already there, all I have to do is add content. I can add different dialogue's, actions and items that you can use in future. I have also generalized the whole UI, so that it will be the same throughout the game! Again, it's not simple like writing a story and making it. The entire system must be planned in advance. I wish I could post a video and just describe it to you but I can't. Best I can do is try to describe it to you in text.

It is one reason why it's so difficult to release 0.9 even though I had much of it done long ago. I don't want to put a random scene and have to remake everything again.

I predict we will release 1.0 for the highest tier when the lowest tier gets 0.9 (Around end of february), which brings me to my next point that I want to share with you guys.

Restructure of tiers

Since people are already pissed off, this was the perfect opportunity to build up a backlog of content and restructure the tiers. For season 2, I plan on releasing episodes by tiers. Which means highest tiers will have access to the latest episodes. For example, tier 1 has episode 3, and tier 2 episode 2 and so on.

I know lower tiers might not like it but after a few months, new patrons will see this as normal. Doing so will have many benefits.

1. It can give high tiers some sort of reward.

2. It will give me room for each release. Sometimes I need to add more things or some things might not work. Having a few episodes buffer will give me space to have a consistent release schedule. I don't have to go crazy and try to rush a lame episode. I'm doing everything myself so I have to basically do everything from animations to coding to writing. Sometimes, when you're rushing to finish an animation, you switch to writing another scene, your mind kinda goes blank. It's hard to explain unless you do it. Many problems will arise.

3. By the time the episode reaches each tier, it will be bug free as we have time to polish it.

Also, FINALLY patron has given a new charge system for patron. I don't know why they took so damn long to do it. So now, patrons no longer need to be charged at the same date every month. This solves the whole end of month thing which is a problem as I always have to release before the month is over.


Release date

Okay! Now for the fun part. I will release 0.9 in the next few days. I already have enough content for 0.9 long ago but as I've described, we just need to see what to include and have a buffer. By the time 0.9 gets to the lowest tier, hopefully we can release to 1.0 to the highest tiers. All these release issues will be resolved in season 2 so be patient! That's the whole point of making a new season. Let's just get through the first season.

I already know which content I will include. There will be more than 1000 images and 50-60 animations that's in 0.9 alone. (Guys, just to let you have a comparison, most games have like what? 10 animations per update? 5? I'm really killing myself to make the content here so chillz! I really put a lot of effort into it. Each animation can take hours to make!)

I think we have even more than that already completed for episode 1.0 so it's a lot!


So here goes the new schedule for DA 0.9!
WM/HK/Deviant - Tier 1 - 5th FEB

Anom/Rebel - Tier 2 - 12th FEB

Citizen - Tier 3 - 19th FEB

WM/HK - 1.0 Release - 26th of FEB.


As you can see, we have a one episode buffer now. I will release 1.0 for the next tier when I complete the first episode of season 2! We will work our way towards finally having 2 episode buffer as the year goes on so keep that in mind!

For those who are feeling really impatient, just wait till season 1 is complete and come back again. It's the perfect time to replay the game.
spouting the same kind of bullshit about how much content he has, but for some reason, MAINLY US, HIS HATERS, keep bringing him down, and he just literally cant even anymore!

one of the other more common excuse was is that "sandbox hard, vn ez", so he's switching to a linear model.
so guess what, surprise, that was another fucking lie! :BootyTime:

which one is it then, Moolah? I know youre reading this, your hubris doesnt allow you to not check the zone!
heres some constructive criticism, just so you cant cry hater like you usually do:
  • your games biggest selling point was the HS art, which you are admittedly really fucking good at. so you sacrificing that means youre basically killing the ip. nobody cares for a budget GTA2 looking ass skateboard sandbox game after pissing on ahegao HS models
  • at this point you tanked your reputation so deep, the only thing that would help you is to completely rebrand not only your product, but yourself as well - and pray that the zone never finds out, because all your receipts are still here
I compared you to irphaeus and icstor before, but see, heres the thing: even icstor managed to dump out a shitty 1.0 with the management help of others, with plans on selling originally intended content as dlc on steam (which i assume was what gave you the idea to do pretty much the same), and even tho irphaeus' game is terrible, at least his own community didnt turn on him.

neither are true for you.
i hope you invested the milk money well, otherwise winters gonna be cold!


Aug 17, 2019
Problem is they're comparing themselves to a dev thats made several games and going "Look, they have 13k supporters, I gotta copy them". Meanwhile that other Dev's supporters are in the game threads telling them to ditch RPGM. They're comparing their first game to the other dev's 5th game. No shit they have more supporters, they've been around alot longer and put out more consistent content. The other dev's success has nothing to do with what they're trying to copy from them and has everything to do with the fact they don't pull the type of bullshit we're in right now.


Apr 1, 2020
Wtf? The new model are fucking horrible than the old one in every way, what stupid guy would give up their advantage and so proud of it?:WaitWhat:
Because he can't launch it on Steam using HS models. Do you really think he gives a shit about the quality of the render?

The only thing this guy cares about is finding the best way to Milk your Mollah, it's right in his name lmao.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
I'm glad to see this isn't definitely dead then... though will reserve judgement till this next update is actually out... but what's this about a switch from renpy? that'd not be ideal.


Aug 17, 2019
I'm glad to see this isn't definitely dead then... though will reserve judgement till this next update is actually out... but what's this about a switch from renpy? that'd not be ideal.
Dev thinks using RPGM will be easier then Renpy so they switched, or atleast thats what they said, really seems like they just saw a certain dev is successful and uses it and somehow came to the conclusion that the dev is successful because of RPGM rather than the fact that the dev has several games of good quality.

It definitely takes care of walking around but I think once they go to add anything else they'll end up just as frustrated if not more so, everything I've seen is that if you aren't making a jrpg its a pain to use and is missing several common/well liked features of adult games like proper save management and being able to go back a step in dialogues.

Honestly the second I see a game is in RPGM I just go find a save and hope there is a gallery mode, the games all end up being a tedious slog to get to anything good. I'm not here to play final fantasy, I'm here for the story and the nudes, walking around looking for the one square hidden away somewhere that you need to press to advance isn't engaging and takes time away from the Dev working on the actual good parts. The reason VNs are so popular around here is they cut out all the busywork that doesn't add anything. RPGM is those shows where every other episode is filler and the intro/recap is half the duration of the show, the few bits that advance the plot are good but I'll quit out of frustration before I ever finish it.


Aug 17, 2019
When will this game be updated? Please tell me. Anyone who knows?
Supposedly end of the month per Moolah's comment in the discord server, only a couple days left though so we'll see. Supposed to get an update every month for 3 months and that will finish out season 1 of the old version. Unsure on when the new version starts getting released, all I see is "I need a couple months" when someone asked if its finished.


Aug 17, 2019
Supposedly theres going to be an update today, not sure how long before it would get here though.


New Member
Dec 29, 2019
Interesting, the developer thinks his game is No Mans Sky and he can just go dark for so long and suddenly fix the game and restore his reputation


Aug 17, 2019
Well we're fully past when the update was supposed to be out and not even a "Sorry guys, life happened, no update today", just more silence.


Sep 16, 2020
He basically said he gonna finish releasing the game as it is, with one update worth of 1k renders every month. He said he has enough for 3 updates and that he has a huge amount of scenes from before.

I still don't believe him. Why stay silent for fucking MONTHS on top of not releasing anything if that's true? The patreon post he made says that new version gonna admittedly be out the 29th of November (didn't see the post myself but someone else reported it on discord). I'm pretty sure there won't be anything released on the 29th and if there miraculously is, it won't be 1k renders. Expect another pile of excuses.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
oh ffs. well there goes all my hopes for this game. rpgm? daz instead of hs? at this point in development? wtf man. RPGM over daz for a freaking vn?? that engine is so cumbersome you need to mod it so hard to get in a playable state. its meant for turn based adventure games, not VN's/ Cant wait to be limited to 20 save slots actually nah. I just wont play it if true.

I actually cant believe it lmao. There are some genuinely good bits in this game, the interactive scenes are the some of the best I've played.

Edit: looks like thats no longer the plan. That's good at least.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2019
oh ffs. well there goes all my hopes for this game. rpgm? daz instead of hs? at this point in development? wtf man. RPGM over daz for a freaking vn?? that engine is so cumbersome you need to mod it so hard to get in a playable state. its meant for turn based adventure games, not VN's/ Cant wait to be limited to 20 save slots actually nah. I just wont play it if true.

I actually cant believe it lmao. There are some genuinely good bits in this game, the interactive scenes are the some of the best I've played.
One of the issues is that they don't want to make a VN, they want to make a game that just happens to have adult scenes. Except they have little experience with programming so good luck there.

They also want to be different, so many of their comments are just complaining that they don't want to be like everyone else, which there isn't with a problem with that but the way they're going about it is all wrong, they're changing things without stopping to think about why the things are the way they are. If you don't know why something was done the way it was how can you hope to improve on it or do something else better. If everyone is doing the same thing there is probably a good reason for it, doing something different just to be different will almost always lead to failure.
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