how close is the game to being complete? what is missing right now? should I wait or just play this version?
It's very difficult to say. When the dev started talking about the game again, he apparently said something about releasing the rest of season 1 over three releases, one per month. I sounded like this material was mostly, if not completely done; however, many of those who've been following the dev for a long time take anything he says with a grain of salt (sometimes that "grain" is the size of Australia), and are taking a believe it when they see it attitude.
Assuming that Season 1 will actually be complete by, say, March of 2024, we don't really know what that means. Clearly, the overall mystery presented in the prologue will be virtually untouched, so it seems reasonable to say that the game will be far from over. At a minimum, a Season Two is apparently planned; even if that would somehow wrap everything up, that could easily be 3+ years in development.
The dev also said something about starting the game over as a RPGM game with Daz assets. This would potentially let him sell the game on Steam. Apparently this received an overwhelmingly negative response from his patrons, and he appears to be backing out of this plan now.
This could certainly impact the speed with which we see new releases. The dev didn't post to his Patreon at all for 8 consecutive months this year. He doesn't seem to have given an explanation for his absence (which is his prerogative, but which opens the situation up to guesswork). If we're to be generous, he may have been feeling some sort of burnout with his game development, in which case his plan to change things up could have been motivating new work. To be a bit less generous, he could have seen selling to Steam as a means to generate more income, which could also be motivating. With both those possibilities basically requiring that he risk cheesing off his patrons, and thus losing/not regaining the income the game has given him, he may be far less motivated.
He apparently also noted that, if he's going to keep the current code engine, then there are things that are messed up as they stand today that he'll need to fix. This could delay completion of Season One (he was presumably going to leave it in its half-broken state if he was going to start over).
Some here will say the game will never be finished, either because the dev has been only generating releases when his Patreon income drops too low, or based on the relative space between significant updates, or on the signs of possible burn out mentioned above, or even just the complexity and basic lack of advancement of the promised story to date. Sadly, for those of us who found the story promised in the game's overview and prologue interesting, the odds are against the dev at this point. Many would choose to state this more vociferously (you shouldn't have much trouble finding posts that say the dev's name promised negative behavior, namely milking his patrons for money).
At this point, it's quite reasonable to keep an eye on the game to see when future updates are released, and to hear what else the dev may have to say (both in words, and in actions). Best case scenario would have Season One completed by spring. Only the most optimistic people could really expect that at this point, though.