Harley may very well be best-girl, imo. Her and Yuki are in the lead for it, I think.@Loopus :
Well, as UI and gameplay goes, I handle most of it.
So you don't need to worry game logic taking up work hour over text and images.
We might include some deep changes in term of gameplay that could indeed need mean a good bit of rewriting to keep things consistant. But the writing part is usually not the heaviest part on Jan end, unless we Harley is involved :closedeyesmile:.
I won't follow you on that one.Harley may very well be best-girl, imo. Her and Yuki are in the lead for it, I think.
I would translate that as :L’érotisme, c’est de donner au corps les prestiges de l’esprit.
And while it's my favorite quote, I still hold the prestige of the narration over the one of the eroticism, because they are not mutually exclusive and for one scene to be truly erotic one need to introduce it with a coherent story or else the scene would be ever so slightly empty.Eroticism, it is to give to the body the prestige of the mind.
Chrystal definitely has her redeeming points as well. I just like the personality of both Yuki and Harley; one with (you could argue) true adoration, and the other being full of bluster, but actually gives way in the face of strength (which is kind of endearing). ^_^I won't follow you on that one.
For me Chrystal takes the cake. I find her to be the more complex character of the bunch.
The strength of Yuki is to be simple and focused.
And the eroticism emanated from Harley's events comes from the mutual seduction going on tinted with that nice sub/dom dynamic.
Until the story unfolds, Kara is not much interesting.
I have no interest whatsoever into Lola. Luna and Francesca are currently secondary characters.
In term of quality of porn I find that they both are on the same spot, so I differentiate them on the quality of their narrative and eroticism.
With more weight on narrative than to eroticism.
Georges Perros, a french author once said :
I would translate that as :
And while it's my favorite quote, I still hold the prestige of the narration over the one of the eroticism, because they are not mutually exclusive and for one scene to be truly erotic one need to introduce it with a coherent story or else the scene would be ever so slightly empty.
I more or less agree, actually. Never quite saw it as corruption, not even where Chrystal is concerned, necessarily, but more as an extraction of who they wanted to be/who they were deep inside. Chrystal definitely has the best argument to be made for "I was corrupted", but I don't know that it's entirely defensible. She seems like a smart girl at the onset/from her introduction, and if that is true, then she should be smart enough to both know/discern/determine what is going on between her and the MC, and to know to end it/shut it down/etc.
::|:The main thing I disagree with is his saying that Harley "'hides behind her provocative attitude'... is bs". Given her actions and dialogue both in the game, I wouldn't say that it's bs. I agree about the starting a fight due to boredom, and I agree about the having a desire for these things from the beginning, but I do not think she truly wants to be the dom full-time. If you look at her dialogue with the MC, especially early, and early into her obedience training as well, she gives the impression that she does in fact want to be the dom, however, when you look at her reactions to what the MC does, she flips and seems to very much enjoy being the sub. As I see it, she provokes because she wants to be "punished", because she likes the game, not because she wants to dominate - which is why I said what I said about her in my previous post, including the part about it being endearing. The counter-example would be Luna; she clearly wants to dominate, and does not provoke until she feels she firmly has the upper hand.
Well every constructed feedback is good to have.All this said, I did not and am not writing the characters, so what do I know? XD
If that isn't what you meant, and instead meant something along the lines of what I said, that the provocation is an act, or a means to an end, if you will - then I agree, clearly.::|:
I probably failed something in my article if you got that said Harley was interested into dominating.
Well every constructed feedback is good to have.
It helps to know how others understand the characters. That way we can better stick to the intended character.
Well, what I write about the game is definitely my point of view. I do check with Jan to not write any nonsense and confirm we are in phase.If that isn't what you meant, and instead meant something along the lines of what I said, that the provocation is an act, or a means to an end, if you will - then I agree, clearly.
As for the constructive feedback, if you consider my comments thus far to be such, then I'm glad for it. ^_^
It's nice to get a little insight into the mindset behind the characters from the writers perspective, because it helps to show if I was correct in my analysis of the who the characters are; and so far I don't think I'm doing too bad!
That last part is interesting.Whoa, difficult discussion.
Let me start with the obvious: We are talking about a game catering to the sexual desires mostly of male gamers. In reality the whole drugging via serums would be a crime no matter what, and except for Harley I would see every girl's story as an example of serious abuse punishable in almost all civilised countries. Yuki so far is a highly unstable char lacking any self confidence who gets tricked into submissiveness, Chrystal gets tricked via her ambitions and the uncertainty (about educational success) the MC plants into her, and Kara is a formerly controlled women that gets drugged and forced into a submissive role. Harley and Luna are the only chars in the game so far that are strong enough to see what is happening and start to take the journey in some consentual way with the MC to explore their sexuality and get enough out of it for themselves.
Don't you agree ?Yuki I'm getting restless...
MC Oh, that's too bad.
Yuki I think I need my playtime...
Yuki Pets crave companionship you know. <- this is my favorite quote from the game
MC Have I been neglecting you?
MC You poor thing.
Yuki I know ;(
MC Come now, I'm sure I'll find the time to play with you soon.
Yuki YEY!
Yuki Like I said. I'm getting restless.
MC Something you're craving then?
Yuki I think I need to be walked...
MC Oh wow.
Yuki I can't just walk myself you know, that's stupid.
MC I can definitely see myself doing that.
Yuki Maybe let me hump your leg afterwards.
Yuki ; p
MC Haha. We will have to see about that.
I don't follow you on your first corruption type. Freeing someone from their inhibitions that is not corruption, it's just freeing someone from their inhibitions. So because the person was inhibited about something considered immoral or outlawed it should be make that corruption ?Now back to the corruption. I see two different possible ways of / reasons for corrupting other people:
- I get a person to the point that they follow their own inner desires, leaving restrictions from law/society behind to free themselves. Examples would be Mom in DarkCookie's "Summertime Saga" or the Love-routes in saddog's "The Legacy" and "The Tyrant". Also Harley and Luna.
- I change/bend a personality to the point that they "think" they are following their own desires, but instead they only fulfill my own desires. The sister in DC's "Summertime Saga" is borderline abused, although having an agenda on her own. But she is usually a strong women wanting to be in control...and getting raped by her brother on occasions she usually started. Also everbodies darling from Mr.Dots "Dating my daughter" is a case where we have a very young girl softly forced into a relationship where only she thinks she has no alternative, getting abused by us/the MC.
Well at some point when you are making porn stuff you ought to use some H-logic somewhere, I don't think it should qualify as corruption.So most of the girl's in adult games are somehow corrupted, either the "good" way or the "bad" way.
Feedin' your demons huh ? I prefer to feed my trolls.In the end I like the diversity of DD, some girls cater more to my needs than others. I still enjoy the Chrystal storyline of course, but not so much as I do Harley's and Luna's story. But every man feeds his own demons.![]()
The safe bet is : when it's doneWhen is the new update out?
I think we simply have two different definitions of the term "corruption". You have a much further going understanding of corruption, where you alter a human to some new kind of personality. If that is even possible without permanently destroying a personality and render these "victims" to become completely unable to function as human beings in our society is a question a psychologist could perhaps answer.For me the corruption is not a temporary or momentary state. It's a true modification of character.
Did you change the "config.console" parameters in 00console.rpy to "True"?how to open console commands ?
shift + O not working
It should be accessible over the location button, but only in the evening and night.Dumb question, where is the lab? i can not find it for the life of me