How should Henry and Devin's story continue? Should Henry force Devin to be his pet or child?

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Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
Of course as you can see at the tags. I only wanted to express that the main kink is to humiliate Devin in any way possible, but i think that pregnancy doesn't fit.
Okay.. next important question: When do we get pregnancy or impregnation fetish related stuff? :p Or atleast (cum)inflation? Devin needs a big belly!

Okay... i played the thing up to the recent content and i must say.. good work.. not 100% but i enjoyed it. But i feel i have to point a few things out you might wanna think about.

- The change to Ren'py is the right decision, your telling of the story we saw in the RPGM version fits more into a Ren'py visual novel than RPGM because you had basically just scenes after scenes with absolutely pointless running inbetween due to RPGM. Now that this is gone the game will be more enjoyable... but this (maybe) will lead to a problem for you...

- ... now that the game is Ren'py and got rid of the artificial gametime inflation per update due to the lack of running around, people might feel that updates are too short if you keep releasing content the same size it was before. People don't like waiting a month for 5 minutes of gameplay if you know what i mean.

- Another thing maybe kinda related to the previous: The Bad Ends. People (me included) like a game going forward, seeing how things develop and where things are going. So far the bad ends were really nice, don't get me wrong and i know why you did them to show more excessive and hardcore things happening to devin but in the end they did nothing for the story progress because after the badend it resets back to the choice leading to it. For some this may feel pointless because they expected they time worth of gameplay going forward with the story and if you take much time to create content that is basically a dead-end sidebranch people may think the update for them is shorter than it actually is. If you want to stick with giving us more hardcore, kinky and perverted stuff (which i ABSOLETULY encourage in these boring times of generic porn games) consider making more dream scenes like you did with the supergirl stuff where devin dreams about things that happened to her before in a more intense fashion (because maybe deep down she desires to be treated even more harshly than she is in the waking world) which will tie in to the story of her getting more and more corrupted and since those are dreams they won't affect devins mindset as much as it would if it really was happening. With this you have still all the options to do whatever you want with scenes for devin and it won't feel like taking a wrong turn and back to the beginning,

- The next thing i hope you won't neglect in the future: The theme of her fertility cycle, impregnation and pregnancy. The game started with her being on the Pill. Later she went to the doc to get a new prescription but didn't get it, mentioning that her pills run out in a few days. I did not count the days since then but i am pretty sure she is now over a week in of being without birth control and you recently (FINALLY) got started in making scenes where she gets fucked and properly creampied by whoever but so far Devin mentioned nothing about being scared to get pregnant or if it is her fertile time etc. Only Val did that so far which was really nice and overall i enjoyed the Val tutoring scenes and her mindset and thoughts in the scenes very much. Alot of other (previously mentioned, boring and generic) games ignore the fact that unprotected sex actually results in pregnancy. Most of them don't even acknowledge the fact that the guy came in the girl during sex (i call this dry-fuck). They just have sex and that's it.. she came, he came but no cum, no mess.. nothing. Since you already did a really good job in depicting cum-play and cum "distribution" in general i really hope that you come up with a satisfying solution for this (and i am not hoping to just letting her get back on the pill because: boooring). What i am really trying to say is, as someone with an impregnation fetish: Play around with the theme to make scenes even more kinky and hot, right now you are in a very good spot to go in that direction.. may it be with bringing her cycle into the mix, plan B pills, broken condoms or inseminations (like you already did with the "wear the dildo all day" and cole cumming in her and then shoving the dildo back in to trap his cum deep in side her all day where it has alot of time to do possible "damage" right next to her cervix). Overall ... Devin is a woman with a healthy reproductive system.. use it to spice things up, especially for people like me ;) (still a little sad that you did not take the "Sex education" scene further... that body tattoo was so hot and you could've made so much more out of it).

I really enjoy your game and as you can see i do care about it and want it to be the most awesome game it can be. Be brave and continue to break with conventions, don't be boring and make it kinky and hot. Use more sexual language, describe what people think during scenes, how their mindset is (like with val) and what goes on with and winthin their bodies (uterus, womb, cervix etc.). Looking forward to the next update and if you have more questions or want some help writing scenes... send me a pm ;)
First sentenz, thank you for the feedback and the recommendations. That type of review is really nice to read. It doesn't help when people just say "Great game" or "That was stupid". Your entire message was great feedback and full of good suggestions.

I do agree with Lac though, I don't see pregnancy as a main part of the game. But, I think we can still work something out. My intent originally was for there to be no pregnancy at all in the game, but after a few updates thought it would be fun to have the fear of pregnancy as a constant factor for Devin's choices. Here is what I'm thinking.

One of the girls in class get's pregnant. Or maybe already is, but we just don't know. They start to show and that makes Devin even more focused on not getting pregnant. I'm also thinking along the way there can be a path that Devin goes back to the hospital and has the choice to steal birth control. If she does, she will probably get in trouble, but won't get pregnant. Or if she doesn't she could possibly get pregnant.

But, either way, I don't think Devin will even have a big belly or actually have a baby. I just don't see a full nine months of in game time passing. Or even enough time passing for her to show.



Jan 9, 2018
First sentenz, thank you for the feedback and the recommendations. That type of review is really nice to read. It doesn't help when people just say "Great game" or "That was stupid". Your entire message was great feedback and full of good suggestions.

I do agree with Lac though, I don't see pregnancy as a main part of the game. But, I think we can still work something out. My intent originally was for there to be no pregnancy at all in the game, but after a few updates thought it would be fun to have the fear of pregnancy as a constant factor for Devin's choices. Here is what I'm thinking.

One of the girls in class get's pregnant. Or maybe already is, but we just don't know. They start to show and that makes Devin even more focused on not getting pregnant. I'm also thinking along the way there can be a path that Devin goes back to the hospital and has the choice to steal birth control. If she does, she will probably get in trouble, but won't get pregnant. Or if she doesn't she could possibly get pregnant.

But, either way, I don't think Devin will even have a big belly or actually have a baby. I just don't see a full nine months of in game time passing. Or even enough time passing for her to show.

The birth control or not bit and pregnancy tests combined with possible "Endings" that fast forward and show her situation months and months after the gameplay actually finishes could serve the impregnation/pregnancy fetish. It's not high fantasy like Violated Heroine where the heroine is potentially knocked up and birth babies many many times during a single play-through.

You don't actually need to make many renders of her showing to get some of the effect. A few stills with an appropriate dialogue to go along would probably suffice.


Jul 2, 2017
@numanumani: *hehe* you are as desperately wanting Devin pregnant as i want the opposite.

Looking at the game so far, pregnancy could be a final ending like the one at the farm where Devin ended as a cow or it could be a dream from which Devin could wake up soaked in sweat. We will see.

For now i am rooting for taboo22 and his really great ideas.
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Jan 9, 2018
@numanumani: *hehe* you are as desperately wanting Devin pregnant as i want the opposite.

Looking at the game so far, pregnancy could be a final ending like the one at the farm where Devin ended as a cow or it could be a dream from which Devin could wake up soaked in sweat. We will see.

For now i am rooting for taboo22 and his really great ideas.
If there are going to be epilogues with short stories about what eventually happened to the MC I am not sure I would prefer a pregnancy ending. It would depend on the specific circumstances and what other endings were available.

I note that there's both a rape and a romance tag, one of those can be associated with a fair bit of humiliation depending on what actually happens and her state of mind.
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Sep 21, 2017
If there are going to be epilogues with short stories about what eventually happened to the MC I am not sure I would prefer a pregnancy ending. It would depend on the specific circumstances and what other endings were available.

I note that there's both a rape and a romance tag, one of those can be associated with a fair bit of humiliation depending on what actually happens and her state of mind.
Remember.. the game is in developement for quite some time now so some tags may be out of date or don't fully represent the current state of the game and the direction it took.
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
The main story starts with softcore and go slowly to hardcore include some BDSM and fetish scenes.
Now there is nearly a full page of pregnancy route or endings, what is the point here. To have sex with a women without or with pregnancy is common case. I agree if some guy´s or girls, turned on with pregnancy body, it´s still a porn game. Instead to turn any game in the option of pregnancy, than better create a new game " The Doctor " for exsample, where all scene make sence until she can hold her baby, in front of many guys to decide who is the Father of the child. Can be a new "tag " as well for games called " babys ".
More importent; I miss this point here when the game goes on, after 4-5 month. Maybe Devine is already pregnant from Bill " Homeless guy " and we have to wait another 4 month to see her again with the lovely baby, sitting on the street beside Bill in a dark corner, hiding from police and Farsin.
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Jan 9, 2018
It probably sounds cliche but I play the games because of the interactive story. If all I wanted was in-out sex I would (and do) watch a porn clip; it serves a different purpose. So what happens during and after the story unfolds matters. Having unprotected sex can and does result in pregnancies so to have an epilogue that summarises what the player choices resulted in is a nice, non-intrusive, fan service I think.

I honestly don't understand why potential pregnancy being a (small) part of said story is met by such hostility, especially if player choice determines the chance/risk of conception.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
It probably sounds cliche but I play the games because of the interactive story. If all I wanted was in-out sex I would (and do) watch a porn clip; it serves a different purpose. So what happens during and after the story unfolds matters. Having unprotected sex can and does result in pregnancies so to have an epilogue that summarises what the player choices resulted in is a nice, non-intrusive, fan service I think.

I honestly don't understand why potential pregnancy being a (small) part of said story is met by such hostility, especially if player choice determines the chance/risk of conception.
It´s not cliche at all. As well not hostility in my points. To hold a dice in your hand who is the father, without background story and get fucked arround the town is not funny. She have her revenge in the end as @taboo22 said. But running arround pregnant and take revenge without knowlege how is the Father it´s not the end, only a stupid ending. Or she make DNA test before.
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Jan 9, 2018
It´s not cliche at all. As well not hostility in my points. To hold a dice in your hand who is the father, without background story and get fucked arround the town is not funny. She have her revenge in the end as @taboo22 said. But running arround pregnant and take revenge without knowlege how is the Father it´s not the end, only a stupid ending. Or she make DNA test before.
I think we're in agreement at least to a degree: It doesn't work if the story isn't there.


Sep 21, 2017
Imho not being open to a wide variety of fetishes in any porn game is a little narrowminded unless you expect the game to be made only for you with only the things you like.

There are already things in Devin's Life that could be discussed just as the pregnancy thing. Taking me for example.. i don't like unrealistic (humongous) Dicks.. or puking.. or pissing... or skin colour changes into brown (like the farm Bad-End) but yet all this is in the game and i accept it and don't bat an eye and focus on what i like and would like to see.

My suggestions in terms of impregnation and pregnancy were just that.. suggestions, voicing my desire to see it in this lovely game. I did not demand to turn Devin's Life into a 100% focus pregnancy simulation or narrowing it all down to impregnation... quite the contrary: This game has alot of potential and possibilities to cater to any fetish and you should ask yourself if refusing some content you don't like is benefitting the game or just yourself. Because i like to see a little bit for everyone and maybe i will find something new i never had before myself.

If you don't like pregnancy.. skip over it because i strongly believe it will be implemented in a way that you can... if you don't like the yellow gummy bears.. eat the red ones but don't say yellows should not be included in the bag because there are people who like them.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
Imho not being open to a wide variety of fetishes in any porn game is a little narrowminded unless you expect the game to be made only for you with only the things you like.

There are already things in Devin's Life that could be discussed just as the pregnancy thing. Taking me for example.. i don't like unrealistic (humongous) Dicks.. or puking.. or pissing... or skin colour changes into brown (like the farm Bad-End) but yet all this is in the game and i accept it and don't bat an eye and focus on what i like and would like to see.

My suggestions in terms of impregnation and pregnancy were just that.. suggestions, voicing my desire to see it in this lovely game. I did not demand to turn Devin's Life into a 100% focus pregnancy simulation or narrowing it all down to impregnation... quite the contrary: This game has alot of potential and possibilities to cater to any fetish and you should ask yourself if refusing some content you don't like is benefitting the game or just yourself. Because i like to see a little bit for everyone and maybe i will find something new i never had before myself.

If you don't like pregnancy.. skip over it because i strongly believe it will be implemented in a way that you can... if you don't like the yellow gummy bears.. eat the red ones but don't say yellows should not be included in the bag because there are people who like them.
Imho not being open for the Father.
It´s not about like or not if you read my text. In " Manila Shaw " it´s a storyline with all option for pregnancy include pills and her special relationship to the guys. But Devine life is a dice game for the pregnancy, right.
I like also the scene in " Max Life " with the pregnancy´s wife of his Father . If this option is implement in Devine Life, why not. After the twist to the revenge part later and the final end. I hope you don´t mind to know how is the real Father of this child or you don´t care? By the way this pregnancy option fit perfect in the secound game of @taboo22 " The Laywer ".
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Apr 18, 2018
how long till next update ?. not tryin to be a lick ass but this is my fav game of all, and i cant wait till next update :D


Active Member
May 4, 2018
I hope that you follow your intuition for the last half of this game. Your first half get mostly "5 stars" .
The new renpy update, can have some picture with short text between, before change the location.
Like in the morning when she wake up ! In the kitchen: "still some time to take a breakfast" , and somrtime a 2. picture " Henry said don´t come late today I have some friends coming " . When she finish the school and standing in the middle of the town. " I´m tired and like to home, Oh I forget that I invide the two boys from neighbour for swim, she went to the beach".
I don´t want bother your time, but it´s like a strawberry on this cake for the storyline.
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Aug 16, 2016
My point is, are you playing the bottom bitch or not, not a fan of games where im the one getting abused, i just like games where im doing the abusing


Active Member
May 4, 2018
Is this game "Abandoned" ?
Six month ago the game ended with the information " a short break ". End of last year, we get some hope " after "The Lawyer Ch2" an update for Devine w´ll come soon. Today, 3 month later an update " The Lawyer Ch3 ". Can someone ask the " Game-Developer" is this still a -short break- or "total-crash". To store games in my PC isn´t a problem, but the dust on this folder are serious.
3.40 star(s) 42 Votes