1.90 star(s) 8 Votes


Mar 4, 2020
Looks like it might be something about porting Forbidden Arms to the GODOT engine
says something about how their game could be on SWITCH from a certain post (not accurately in recent times but probably around end of 2020)

I think his career should be more focused on being a developer with someone to watch over his works, i don't know why people want more headroom for time wasting to get all the cash they need rather than finishing it up quickly, and move on to another, its either you improve while getting cash and increasing your fan base and getting loyal fans, or stretch out your lewd updates to a monthly basis and milk money from them, that way you both don't even improve one bit, and you lose your fan base simple as that.

If i were to make these lewds, i would easily squander these fools, don't care if u donate or not, just want it finished, people are satisfied, and i'm happy with it, ofc donations would be very much appreciated. Too bad there's so few people out there with this kind of perspective, most of them is surviving and paying bills, how are opportunities gonna bite in if you're not living your life on the edge and being more grateful to other people by giving them quality smut work? Insane how those with the skill set to waste their potential on money milking projects that would end up hitting a wall from the beginning, sometimes i don't understand people these days, its either corona was a wake up call, or people are evolving backwards, i've seen more sense in people in the last few decades than these other peeps on today's generation.

Just give up on this guy, he ain't making anymore good shit and i'm calling it now, fight me.


Dec 2, 2017
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Right? If I had the knowhow and span to make smut games I'd do it just to get the stuff I like (which there isn't many, least in actual content) out there for people like me.


Mar 4, 2020

Right? If I had the knowhow and span to make smut games I'd do it just to get the stuff I like (which there isn't many, least in actual content) out there for people like me.
Lots of people has the creativity, like me and you we just don't know how to portray it, those who can are wasting its potential over milking people with their money on patreon :V well i doubt thats their career, probably a profitable sideline, i call it smart and dumb at the same time, but for me following a principle of "satisfy your customers!" i ain't gonna be those twats


Nov 15, 2017


Dec 2, 2017
reminds me of how the development of 1.95 went from 2014-2018, loads of concept art but a lot of roadblocks, an intern that didn't do anything for the game, a new artist and completely different look from the first demo, I'd say by 2024 we'll get a different game entirely...:)
Hey, if that new game is entirely different with same quality. Count me in... Disappointedly.


Mar 4, 2020
Lol, its laughable, been years after he said he takes time on making his stuff, no you don't you just milk money.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
what's wrong with HTH?
Let me change your question - what is NOT wrong with HTH?

Dude, HTH is a concept that was somewhat promising for the first 5 years of development (2004-2009) - during that time there was HTH1 (somewhat decent for a free, flash porn game) and a few failed iterations of HTH2. After that, Crowchild discovered that crowdfunding is a cool concept and was one of the first to milk his followers with shitty progress for the next...12 years now? He decided to make a new HTH2 that was technically a terrible game but a major business success.
At one point (I think it was 2017?) he decided to do a 3d remake of it - which looks and functions exactly the same so you are being charged twice for the same content.

Since 2006 he is also working on an animated porn video...go figure...

Also, to give you an idea of how bad he is as a developer, look at this code from his flash version of the HTH2:
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and check how short it can be if you've read at least one coding book in your life:
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So, yes, ViperV is making it look like he's changing into Crowchild 2.0.


Mar 4, 2020
anyone knows if there really is a complete scene for this?
can't find this anywhere else or im not searching long enough, eitherway its annoying to even find its source since i know its not gonna get far off from its paywall and would just want to know whats the "complete scene" is out of curiosity, if only this guy isn't a shithead and just get on with whatever bullshit he needs to do to get something done.
his logic at coding sucks i get that, but can't this guy have any conscience whatsoever? he's milking money from people, and by the end of the day, he's gonna run out of supporters.


Dec 5, 2017
Let me change your question - what is NOT wrong with HTH?

Dude, HTH is a concept that was somewhat promising for the first 5 years of development (2004-2009) - during that time there was HTH1 (somewhat decent for a free, flash porn game) and a few failed iterations of HTH2. After that, Crowchild discovered that crowdfunding is a cool concept and was one of the first to milk his followers with shitty progress for the next...12 years now? He decided to make a new HTH2 that was technically a terrible game but a major business success.
At one point (I think it was 2017?) he decided to do a 3d remake of it - which looks and functions exactly the same so you are being charged twice for the same content.

Since 2006 he is also working on an animated porn video...go figure...

Also, to give you an idea of how bad he is as a developer, look at this code from his flash version of the HTH2:
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and check how short it can be if you've read at least one coding book in your life:
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So, yes, ViperV is making it look like he's changing into Crowchild 2.0.
ah i see, i didn't know about HTH so i asked about it. Thanks for the info


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
ah i see, i didn't know about HTH so i asked about it. Thanks for the info
People abusing the crowdfunding and trust of their supporters must be exposed by any means available. One Breeding Season fiasco should be enough to wake up half of the people funding that kind of shit but I guess a lot of them have no idea what to do with their money...

his logic at coding sucks i get that, but can't this guy have any conscience whatsoever? he's milking money from people, and by the end of the day, he's gonna run out of supporters.
Don't get your hopes up. There's a thing that I like to call a "critical supporter mass". If you look at different patreons (and other places like that - enty, ci-en), you can see that after breaking a certain threshold, the follower count and income is secured (that is unless they do something really shitty that will grab everyone's attention). It's almost like in the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" when you reach a guaranteed level of payout.
It's mostly due to the fact that many people support multiple projects and forget about them. A few dollars here or there, what's the difference, right?

Normally, I wouldn't care - not my money, not my problem...but unfortunately it's common enough to spoil many of the otherwise promising creators and "break" the market for years to come. Just think about it - you are paid for working, not for the outcome of your work. The moment you finish your work, you lose your income...what will you do with that kind of system in place? :p


Mar 4, 2020
People abusing the crowdfunding and trust of their supporters must be exposed by any means available. One Breeding Season fiasco should be enough to wake up half of the people funding that kind of shit but I guess a lot of them have no idea what to do with their money...

Don't get your hopes up. There's a thing that I like to call a "critical supporter mass". If you look at different patreons (and other places like that - enty, ci-en), you can see that after breaking a certain threshold, the follower count and income is secured (that is unless they do something really shitty that will grab everyone's attention). It's almost like in the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" when you reach a guaranteed level of payout.
It's mostly due to the fact that many people support multiple projects and forget about them. A few dollars here or there, what's the difference, right?

Normally, I wouldn't care - not my money, not my problem...but unfortunately it's common enough to spoil many of the otherwise promising creators and "break" the market for years to come. Just think about it - you are paid for working, not for the outcome of your work. The moment you finish your work, you lose your income...what will you do with that kind of system in place? :p
Well if these people don't know what to do with their money, there's charity that are more worth donating for than being generous enough to provide for someone who can't do any favor for their supporter (or give and forget type of people)

His choice to become that pathetic, why not do some workload once and drop off a demo in under a year just to make himself feel better, as if getting to learn a few things and improve your way of work isn't beneficial for both you and for those anticipating more of your work, and i don't really like people who goes in and say "This is reality" that's dumb, that's their reality, better make a better one yourself and make a change, like shit? with that talent, why waste it milking money on trickle amounts if you can make bigger cash if you get more popularity, its an investment that doesn't require you spending, only effort and genuine passion for your work and supporters.

He thinks he's smart, he's a dumbass in the most retarded way, this isn't gonna last forever, nor its gonna be for long, if it does, is that it? stretching all the shit he can stretch just to pound on that wall until it breaks and its all gone.
Smart now, its gonna get dumb later.

EDIT: Promising creators yes, better spoil them than someone trying to make a fool of themselves thinking this is a cool way of doing things, and i hope these people who has money doesn't just throw it away to those who don't deserve it, people need to be smarter than that, this is why milking exist, even if it stops, i know its gonna happen in another different form or way, but atleast people ain't falling for these tricks again.


New Member
Jan 16, 2018
Sorry if im beating a dead horse but wtf happened between Viper V and Chris Amrin? I recently came back to check on the game and my god, were those animations on a whole other level. I dare say those were some of the best ive seen. Such a shame they stoped working together. Lord only knows what kind of material he could of made by now...
1.90 star(s) 8 Votes