VN Unity Abandoned Doll my Love [v0.02] [Jakai]


Oct 22, 2017
Hope she doesn't turn into a Chucky... for a 0.2 this is also very short, maybe 2 or 3 minutes of gameplay


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
the idea is actually stolen from a game called hako. just with the difference that it is eh.... a lifeless object you can fuck...? :OhMyGoodness:


Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
Nice concept but holy hell I didn't expect it to be THIS short... it's more like "DEMO v0.02". I'll just come back in a few months..


Active Member
Mar 13, 2018
Wait.. like an actual doll, as in not alive? Does she at least pull a Pinocchio at some point and come to life?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
Games/stories have been around for awhile now that use silicone dolls to be models. I remember one called candy girl that was made using a silicone doll.


Dec 28, 2017
i like the start good thought, but why start when there is no content ? try too release when you have more content give the player a chance too decide if he or she likes this game,i think it will be good but no content too work with makes it very hard too give comments or thoughts on this game.
maybe some original thoughts like
get the player too choose the doll [ big ass small tits big tits big ass blonde red dark light perky saggy ect ect then on with the story like how dose the player want the doll dressed ? lace leather ect ect
you could do so much with this game if you put in the effort i know games take a lot of time but it seems you just let the game be short with no effort ! i wish the developers would make a real effort and put out a good start too a game that you could play for a bit then decide if its good bad instead just a donate too me and maybe i will continue too progress too add more content .
take a look at the game[ a new home ]if you would like too see how it is done the the art is great it has a story it has direction and its long enough to figure out if it is good bad ect
thanks these are my thoughts hope too see you get better at this as im sure you will, you have great potential and do think this [ comment ] will not hurt but meant too help improve on the gaming and quality of this industry

Oppai Auteur

Developer of Old Friends and Public Transport
Game Developer
Mar 26, 2018
That was short, really short, like barely even two minutes and was a little weird as well.

Also the renders were a little blurry

I was expecting the regular living doll story, not a love doll that was unaware of what she was, or the guy not knowing she had a consciousness

Maybe check back in a few updates


Feb 13, 2018
...unless you've played a lot of Japanese games. At least this one isn't anime. Still kinda creepy, though.
Yeah, creepy is right. Just wait..., you wake one night to find "The Doll" standing over you, and you notice you're tied face down on your bed. The Doll slowly reveals she's wearing a strap-on, and says, "Remember when you forced your "thingie" in by ass? Now it's MY turn."
Simply terrifying...., (shudders).
Aug 16, 2017
seems some of the tech demo was cut to make way for this update , which has kept short.
theres not even enough to spectulate on as its just nothing doing
I doubt it will be worth downloading again any time soon