i just slowly made my way through the content until what you probably mean with the maze. no idea if it's a bug, some form of anti-piracy bullshit or a stupid design decission, but the slow movement speed is really aweful indeed. walked through that maze (it's more of a snaking corridor really) twice and got teleported to the start. not sure if i have to interact with a certain something or if deka wants me to run through it like twenty times, but this just felt stupid and i lost interest/my patience.
Funnily enough, if you went through that corridor one last time, you would have been put through the next area.
though in all honesty you would have deleted the game at the next few points. Nothing tops that aweful movement speed like 50+ random encounters while having that movement speed be decreased.
Oh, did you think I meant original decreased, the movement speed you get when saving best girl?
No, I meant a movement speed that is so slow, more slower, that I could get off my ass, learn how to code, finish this game and commission people to do the CG's with a relaxed time limit, remake this game from the ground up, and STILL be at this section of the game.