
Sep 13, 2017
Despite Palmer passing away, his dev team, Love-Joint, have released Episode 19. Their Patreon post is here: .

I am just now noticing this game, and it seems interesting. How does one go about playing it offline if the saves are not working properly?
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Despite Palmer passing away, his dev team, Love-Joint, have released Episode 19. Their Patreon post is here: .

I am just now noticing this game, and it seems interesting. How does one go about playing it offline if the saves are not working properly?
You can actually move save between them, but there is the possibility that something breaks.

Just use cheat codes to get all scenes.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
I am just now noticing this game, and it seems interesting. How does one go about playing it offline if the saves are not working properly?
offline saves work only with unofficial offline versions.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
While I agree with both of you at certain points, I still stand by my thought that those who never payed for this game and don't do it now, but continue to bitch that it's not getting released for free, deserve this. It's fucking 10$, that you will most likely spend on other stupid and useless shit. Stop whining, pay the 10$ and get the resolution that you so desperately want.

Off-topic - I already stated what 10$ mean to me. What is it to you guys? Just curious
While they may or may not deserve it. From a dev/marketing perspective it is still bad practice.

They are potential customers, you don't want to piss off potential money ba... I mean customers. When you win the loyalty of people, you want to keep it, not lose it.
And going back on things you have said or promises you have made, does exactly that, so not only will it piss off and remove some potential customers, it can also piss off and cause you to lose actual customers, who see that and think "well, I don't want to support that." or "If they break their promises once, who is to say they won't do it again?" type of thoughts, which you really don't want them thinking or doing.

BTW, not saying they have done this... but they are getting a bit long on ep. 19s free release, which as someone pointed out is also disrespectful to palmer, who had wanted it to ultimately be free, and just cheapens their "remember palmer" mentions as it starts to look more like they are trying to milk it, then they are actually trying to respect the dead.
Again not saying they are doing this, just saying what it is starting to look like, when you go from a 231 day for the free release, to over 300 days, with no hint of the release date in sight.
With both epilogues already being over 250 days themselves.
Not saying the epilogues should be released at the same time btw.

But when you say something, you do it, plain and simple, you don't make false promises. It is bad for reputation. And I do believe they said it would be released this year, or possibly even first half of this year.
Soooo, that doesn't bode well for their reputation if it isn't released this year (or if they did in fact say first half of this year).

From what I can tell though... as it is right now, if Palmer were still alive, I don't think he would be too happy about the current release state of Ep. 19. As it seems like his death is starting to be used as more of an excuse to not release, than it is to honor him.

Again, I am not saying they are intentionally doing any of this, it is just my perspective, and what it looks like to me. But the 1.5times (as of right now) delay on ep 19 compared to ep 18, isn't doing them any favors.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
While they may or may not deserve it. From a dev/marketing perspective it is still bad practice.

They are potential customers, you don't want to piss off potential money ba... I mean customers. When you win the loyalty of people, you want to keep it, not lose it.
And going back on things you have said or promises you have made, does exactly that, so not only will it piss off and remove some potential customers, it can also piss off and cause you to lose actual customers, who see that and think "well, I don't want to support that." or "If they break their promises once, who is to say they won't do it again?" type of thoughts, which you really don't want them thinking or doing.

BTW, not saying they have done this... but they are getting a bit long on ep. 19s free release, which as someone pointed out is also disrespectful to palmer, who had wanted it to ultimately be free, and just cheapens their "remember palmer" mentions as it starts to look more like they are trying to milk it, then they are actually trying to respect the dead.
Again not saying they are doing this, just saying what it is starting to look like, when you go from a 231 day for the free release, to over 300 days, with no hint of the release date in sight.
With both epilogues already being over 250 days themselves.
Not saying the epilogues should be released at the same time btw.

But when you say something, you do it, plain and simple, you don't make false promises. It is bad for reputation. And I do believe they said it would be released this year, or possibly even first half of this year.
Soooo, that doesn't bode well for their reputation if it isn't released this year (or if they did in fact say first half of this year).

From what I can tell though... as it is right now, if Palmer were still alive, I don't think he would be too happy about the current release state of Ep. 19. As it seems like his death is starting to be used as more of an excuse to not release, than it is to honor him.

Again, I am not saying they are intentionally doing any of this, it is just my perspective, and what it looks like to me. But the 1.5times (as of right now) delay on ep 19 compared to ep 18, isn't doing them any favors.
As someone who supported this game financially through every single update, I wouldn't lose a single bit of sleep if they never released the last update for free. If people want to play the game that bad, pay $10. If not, stop complaining about not getting your free stuff. Is there anyone out there that was a full-time supporter of the game that feels horribly wronged because other people didn't get everything free after their money made it possible? Sure, there's paid subscribers that leak their copies of the game, but I suspect that's done for reasons other than altruism.

I also don't see it as too likely that someone will get so upset over the dev daring to ask for money for their update that they will never, ever give them money in the future. The odds are far more likely they'd never consider paying anything unless they absolutely had to in order to see the content. On the other hand, if people know that the entire game will eventually be available for free, there will definitely be some among them who decide to wait it out, although as we've seen that comes with increasing impatience and entitlement. Giving away updates for free just isn't a good business model other than to draw people in initially. It doesn't pay the bills and it doesn't earn you goodwill that somehow magically turns into income in the future.

And people really need to stop with the "not releasing the game is disrespectful to Palmer" bull. You're literally using the guy's death to try to talk your way into free stuff. That is about as disrespectful as it gets. We don't know what Palmer would say about this right now under the circumstances, because a lot has changed since then, so stop trying to use that vagueness and words said long ago to your own benefit.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
As someone who supported this game financially through every single update, I wouldn't lose a single bit of sleep if they never released the last update for free. If people want to play the game that bad, pay $10. If not, stop complaining about not getting your free stuff. Is there anyone out there that was a full-time supporter of the game that feels horribly wronged because other people didn't get everything free after their money made it possible? Sure, there's paid subscribers that leak their copies of the game, but I suspect that's done for reasons other than altruism.

I also don't see it as too likely that someone will get so upset over the dev daring to ask for money for their update that they will never, ever give them money in the future. The odds are far more likely they'd never consider paying anything unless they absolutely had to in order to see the content. On the other hand, if people know that the entire game will eventually be available for free, there will definitely be some among them who decide to wait it out, although as we've seen that comes with increasing impatience and entitlement. Giving away updates for free just isn't a good business model other than to draw people in initially. It doesn't pay the bills and it doesn't earn you goodwill that somehow magically turns into income in the future.

And people really need to stop with the "not releasing the game is disrespectful to Palmer" bull. You're literally using the guy's death to try to talk your way into free stuff. That is about as disrespectful as it gets. We don't know what Palmer would say about this right now under the circumstances, because a lot has changed since then, so stop trying to use that vagueness and words said long ago to your own benefit.
bruh... you missed the whole point and are just being mindless. Chill.

Loyalty is nice and all, but mindless loyalty just makes you look like a moron.

Broken promises are broken promises and should never be accepted. That being said, they haven't exactly broken them yet, is just overdue at this point.
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New Member
Apr 17, 2021
32bit or 64 bit ? Or can i play it in android if i download the unofficial offline ?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
bruh... you missed the whole point and are just being mindless. Chill.

Loyalty is nice and all, but mindless loyalty just makes you look like a moron.

Broken promises are broken promises and should never be accepted. That being said, they haven't exactly broken them yet, is just overdue at this point.
And complaining about not getting something for free while trying to guilt-trip the current developers using their dead friend as leverage makes you look totally okay. As for promises, generally people understand that if circumstances change (like, for instance, someone dying), then the promise may not be followed through on. If I promise to have lunch with someone on Saturday, and then have to work on Saturday at the last minute, according to you that is unacceptable. I realize that the death of Palmer is a tremendous inconvenience to you and your ability to not spend $10, but try not to be a dick about it.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
And complaining about not getting something for free while trying to guilt-trip the current developers using their dead friend as leverage makes you look totally okay. As for promises, generally people understand that if circumstances change (like, for instance, someone dying), then the promise may not be followed through on. If I promise to have lunch with someone on Saturday, and then have to work on Saturday at the last minute, according to you that is unacceptable. I realize that the death of Palmer is a tremendous inconvenience to you and your ability to not spend $10, but try not to be a dick about it.
You are ignoring the fact that said dead person wanted it to be free XD

Stop ignoring the obvious, so you can mindlessly defend them. Be mindful, think.
You would realise that as of right now there is nothing to defend, and it is mostly concern that they may be going back on their word. Notice: THEY PROMISED SOMETHING. And going against that promise would disrespect the dead that made the same said promise.

It isn't about complaining that it isn't free, it is about complaining that it was said to be free but isn't, there is a big difference between those two things. If it was never said that it was going to be free, then sure you would have a point... but your point falls flat when they said X will happen... and X has yet to happen, and is getting close to the point of broken promises, and possible milking.

Not saying it has reached that point yet... but imo is close to.

Also the "someone died card" was used for delaying the release and re-organising... that is over, done, fin, finito. To keep using that as an excuse would just be disrespectful to the dead, as it would be using them as a scapgoat at this point, instead of a valid reason.

Also your example doesn't count, as it is finsihed and ready to go, and can be released for free tomorrow. it has been ready for over 315 days. last two releases were around the 200 day mark. The free release is being held back, it isn't that it isn't ready. so your analogy simply doesn't work, as the only thing standing in the way of it being released is if they feel like it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
You are ignoring the fact that said dead person wanted it to be free XD

Stop ignoring the obvious, so you can mindlessly defend them. Be mindful, think.
You would realise that as of right now there is nothing to defend, and it is mostly concern that they may be going back on their word. Notice: THEY PROMISED SOMETHING. And going against that promise would disrespect the dead that made the same said promise.

It isn't about complaining that it isn't free, it is about complaining that it was said to be free but isn't, there is a big difference between those two things. If it was never said that it was going to be free, then sure you would have a point... but your point falls flat when they said X will happen... and X has yet to happen, and is getting close to the point of broken promises, and possible milking.

Not saying it has reached that point yet... but imo is close to.

Also the "someone died card" was used for delaying the release and re-organising... that is over, done, fin, finito. To keep using that as an excuse would just be disrespectful to the dead, as it would be using them as a scapgoat at this point, instead of a valid reason.

Also your example doesn't count, as it is finsihed and ready to go, and can be released for free tomorrow. it has been ready for over 315 days. last two releases were around the 200 day mark. The free release is being held back, it isn't that it isn't ready. so your analogy simply doesn't work, as the only thing standing in the way of it being released is if they feel like it.
You're assuming that a promise is in any way binding, especially when the circumstances change substantially. A promise still never entitles anyone to anything. If I promise to give you $1 million, there is no legal obligation there. If I die, there's even less, and certainly none to my former coworkers. Would it be nice if they gave out the update for free eventually? Sure. But they are under no obligation to do so, especially when so much has changed. You're sounding like a little child, getting angry with an adult and going "but you promised!"

And yes, not surprisingly, Palmer's death delayed the release and a lot of stuff after that. I'm not sure why you bring up that fact. But you also seem to think that Love-Joint is just sitting on a free version of the update that they could make available at any time. My guess is that they aren't. Their updates were built with security built in and to connect to their patreon site for authentication. At the very least that needs to be changed and tested. Maybe more as well. Considering that the updates for their current game are perpetually late, they likely don't have the time to devote even a minimal amount of resources to making the update free. They need to focus on the game that actually pays their bills. A free version is probably on their "to-do" list, but it's always going to be at the bottom of it, with new stuff appearing above it constantly.

I could honestly care less if someone *wants* the update for free. It's the people who feel entitled to it, because the other ones were free, or everyone else gives free versions, or someone who passed away over a year ago made a promise. Everyone makes promises. Everyone breaks them, especially when stuff changes. If you haven't learned this yet, you're probably not old enough to be playing these games in the first place. And I have zero sympathy for anyone low enough to keep trying to use Palmer's death as a rationalization as to why they are entitled to free stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
You're assuming that a promise is in any way binding, especially when the circumstances change substantially. A promise still never entitles anyone to anything. If I promise to give you $1 million, there is no legal obligation there. If I die, there's even less, and certainly none to my former coworkers. Would it be nice if they gave out the update for free eventually? Sure. But they are under no obligation to do so, especially when so much has changed. You're sounding like a little child, getting angry with an adult and going "but you promised!"
I can play this analogy game, too. When your kid promises you to get only straight A's if you buy them this expensive PC, then they are not legally obligated to follow through on their promise, (because most likely that promise had a false premise on its own). But as a parent, what would you do if the child instead of getting straight A's started to lower their performance in school instead? Would you justify that as willingly, or would you want to teach your kid the importance of the words being kept so they would grow up to be more responsible? The point is not that they are legally obligated or not. The point is that it makes them look unreliable and kills the trust. Simple as that. You have a very narrow-minded view on business. You say that profit is the only value for a successful business. But you're missing the fact that negative PR impacts the profits directly. It's marketing 101. When a big company fucks up and does something shitty to INCREASE THEIR PROFIT, it almost always impacts their stock value in the negative way and as a result their business. To the point of losing way more than their expected increase in profit.

It's one thing to be a supporter and a fan of the dev. You are taking it way more extreme and beginning to sound like a zealot. If you're so high and mighty, what are you doing on the PIRATE FORUM? Hypocrite much?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
I can play this analogy game, too. When your kid promises you to get only straight A's if you buy them this expensive PC, then they are not legally obligated to follow through on their promise, (because most likely that promise had a false premise on its own). But as a parent, what would you do if the child instead of getting straight A's started to lower their performance in school instead? Would you justify that as willingly, or would you want to teach your kid the importance of the words being kept so they would grow up to be more responsible? The point is not that they are legally obligated or not. The point is that it makes them look unreliable and kills the trust. Simple as that. You have a very narrow-minded view on business. You say that profit is the only value for a successful business. But you're missing the fact that negative PR impacts the profits directly. It's marketing 101. When a big company fucks up and does something shitty to INCREASE THEIR PROFIT, it almost always impacts their stock value in the negative way and as a result their business. To the point of losing way more than their expected increase in profit.

It's one thing to be a supporter and a fan of the dev. You are taking it way more extreme and beginning to sound like a zealot. If you're so high and mighty, what are you doing on the PIRATE FORUM? Hypocrite much?
Your example is entirely different. It's not a promise to say "if you do x then I'll do y". That's a contract, and legally binding. The kid gave up something of value in that they spent their time and effort to generate the requested outcome, in exchange for something of value. If it's just the kid saying "I'll get straight As" by itself, that's a promise. If the parent says "I'll buy you a computer", that's another promise. Only when you have quid pro quo, or "something for something", is there anything that is binding. If the kid gets the straight A's and the parent doesn't buy them the PC, that is breach of contract and legally the child could see the parent. That might not be a good idea overall, and there may be mitigating factors, like the parent losing their job during that time, so there's always an exception to even contracts.

The situation here? Palmer said it was his plan to give out the game for free. But there was never anything of provable value delivered by the people on the other side of that promise. There's nothing enforceable there. And there is zero correlation to how this would affect a "big company". There's nothing big about Love-Joint, and the adult game industry is kind of unique. It would take something a little more serious than not giving away free updates to drive subscribers away. As it stands, people support horrible games when the devs outright lie to people that actually do give them money, or don't produce updates for several months at a time, all the while collecting money from them each month.

Anything given to someone completely for free is a gift. There's no obligation there. If it's something critical, like if Coke said they'd give out free water to disaster areas, and then they didn't, that would be one thing. The only people that truly care about Love-Joint not putting out the free update are people that would never consider paying for something like that in the first place, but that still feel entitled to it. Maybe Love-Joint will put out the update at some point. I can't really say that people are especially motivating them to do so though with their arguments as to why they must do it.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
I can play this analogy game, too. When your kid promises you to get only straight A's if you buy them this expensive PC, then they are not legally obligated to follow through on their promise, (because most likely that promise had a false premise on its own). But as a parent, what would you do if the child instead of getting straight A's started to lower their performance in school instead? Would you justify that as willingly, or would you want to teach your kid the importance of the words being kept so they would grow up to be more responsible? The point is not that they are legally obligated or not. The point is that it makes them look unreliable and kills the trust. Simple as that. You have a very narrow-minded view on business. You say that profit is the only value for a successful business. But you're missing the fact that negative PR impacts the profits directly. It's marketing 101. When a big company fucks up and does something shitty to INCREASE THEIR PROFIT, it almost always impacts their stock value in the negative way and as a result their business. To the point of losing way more than their expected increase in profit.

It's one thing to be a supporter and a fan of the dev. You are taking it way more extreme and beginning to sound like a zealot. If you're so high and mighty, what are you doing on the PIRATE FORUM? Hypocrite much?
Don't waste your effort man, just a mindless fan with tunnel vision.
There is no reasoning with someone, who is not willing to observe any view besides their own.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
I played the first 3 episodes a good while ago and i had the intention to play it again and keep going, but i've read a little bit of the thread and i have a question, for how many episodes does the psychological manipulation-notNTR-notCucking or wathever you wanna call it goes on? I just dislike writters manipulation of kinks and doing just to get a response.
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