I actually just deleted the game because after several tries, it turned my screen black and the computer stops responding. I don't want that to happen again so yeah...
Unfortunately, I don't have screenshots.
If it helps, the crashes were inconsistent
- the first crash that I got is when I pressed 'Z' on Shoto's bed the second time after taking the dress and clearing my equipments. It just stopped and closed the window, but still running on Task Manager.
* I tried to do it again but wasn't able to replicate the crash.
- Sometimes when leaving the house, it turns the game window black.
- Mostly is when reaching the cave, sometimes it shows a pop-up window with 0x(something). Sometimes it's shows the error with yellow font. (dont have the screenshot of the error sorry)
I also experienced bugs that didn't crashed the game but it made the game unplayable.