First off, I want to say that I'm happy you found yourself back around this way. Hopefully things look a lot better than the last time you were here.
###Thank you, it's...good...to...be...back? Lol No, seriously- thank you for the response and answering all of my questions. And here I thought I was a long-winded bastard. j/k

It is truly nice that Devs, such as yourself, take the time to talk to your fans.
In a nutshell, we got better.
###Yes, yes you did. I even looked through the older image files and your use of lighting and shading has seriously improved. The characters look more natural and part of the environment (not copy'n'pasted onto it, like a lot of other games.) Lol The models were attractive before, but now they're simply gorgeous. Again, Cassie is definitely leading the pack.
We ditched Amanda's pony tail because that asset was burdensome to work with and just wouldn't behave. So we swapped it out for one that was more versatile.
###Awww, that's too bad- I thought it was kinda cute. Did she have braces before or was that part of her make-over?
Monica, the trainer, got so much flak for being a commonly used model that we held a poll to replace her with the current tom-boyish version.
###Her bosom doesn't seem to be as ample either- I could imagine what an inconvenience that (those?) would be during a workout. Lol
As for playing with Lupita, that's on the horizon. We just wanted to slow her story down a touch and really build her character some more.
###That's good- it doesn't look like you plan on pulling focus from any of the characters. It sounds like they're all going to get their own turn in the spotlight.
Holy shit. I haven't even thought about those names since the first days of this project. Originally we had planned to have 12 primary love interests in the game. We were exceptionally ambitious...and stupid. We were very stupid. We whittled it down to the seven that we though were the most interesting, but even now seven has turned out to be a bit much as well. But we're committed to the current cast.
So that list you've provide are just the names of characters that never came to be.
###I don't know if I'd confuse ambition with stupidity.

At least you realized before it was too late that "less is more". Be grateful that you didn't dig an even deeper hole. Lol Also, "Sapphire" was going to be the stripper, wasn't she? Also, it would be kinda cool to corrupt a Nun, but maybe in the sequel? The MC could have a crisis of faith or tries confessing his sins...or just meets a really hot Bride of, y'know. (Thinking it is one thing, finishing that thought may be the equivalent of putting a stamp on my soul and mailing it directly to Hell.)
Originally the doctor was just a vehicle to get the story moving and explain the quasi-linear nature of the story telling.
As far as the legal stuff goes, that's where we might stretch it a bit. Like you said, not much fun if he ends up in jail.
###Yeah, I did say y'all sounded like you knew what you were talking about- so at least it's founded with actual knowledge and not B.S., that also helps with immersion tbth.
This was always the goal, to have your choices and decisions effect not just the story, but the personalities of the characters and the feel of the story. Now that we've gotten a very firm hand on how to handle renpy, we have more options than ever to make that happen. Cassie's nightie was one of our first experiments in that direction and we're looking to do a lot more of that.
###I did notice that depending on what choices you made (even if you switched back and forth)- the character's mentioned those specific things and seem to follow the story rather closely. THAT has to be even more of challenge, than just getting the dialogue right. Y'all have dedicated a lot of time, creativity, and hard work into your game- and it shows. I wonder how many other people noticed the change in Cassie's PJ's.
And believe me, we're very excited to bring it to you! This next update will be the largest we've done yet. But as usual, I'm sure it's going to take you a lot less time to play that it did for us to put together. But hey, that's the nature of the beast right?
###That is to be expected, but I do like to take my time and read all of the dialogue, soak it in a bit, and then make some sort of decision (unless it's the girls- then "put it on red, baby, and let it ride"). Oh, wait...that's roulette, eh- same principle.
I always have to stop myself from being that guy who corrects others on it's usage. No one wants to be that guy. But I can at least make sure I'm using it correctly.

###You have no idea how much I feel your pain on this one. I still appreciate the correct usage on those rare occasions when I see it or hear it. Lol Although, sometimes being "that guy" is a just a reflex and we really cannot help ourselves...
And since you're just now coming back around, make sure you check out our Patreon for the latest news and our homepage for some kick ass character art we've been doing on our live streams. You can find links to all of them in my signature.
###I will most definitely have to do that.
Cheers mate and thanks for playing!
###No, thank you for making the awesome game that you've created.
###One itty, itty, itty, itty, bitty critique... You were talking about immersion earlier- is there any reason you cannot change the MC's name? I'd love to "hear" Cassie say my name...and Amanda...and Jane.