
Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Love the 10$ Tier Beta Testing Idea. It's a Win-Win.
I think in the end it's going to save us a lot of time. Rather than stopping what we're doing, beta testing ourselves and playing through the different paths we can just put it together, kick it out the door to the testers and start working on the next scene. Then before we put it in the final release we can update anything reported by the testers. At least, that's how we're hoping it'll work.

And it gives those who are just champing at the bit an opportunity to see what's coming next.

We wanted to find ways to offer higher tier rewards without doing any extra work because we learned early on that maintaining the reward structure can eat up several hours at a time. This way, we're not doing anything extra and we're still devoting maximum hours to actual development. I hope it's like you say, a win-win.

Cheers mate!

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
I think in the end it's going to save us a lot of time. Rather than stopping what we're doing, beta testing ourselves and playing through the different paths we can just put it together, kick it out the door to the testers and start working on the next scene. Then before we put it in the final release we can update anything reported by the testers. At least, that's how we're hoping it'll work.

And it gives those who are just champing at the bit an opportunity to see what's coming next.

We wanted to find ways to offer higher tier rewards without doing any extra work because we learned early on that maintaining the reward structure can eat up several hours at a time. This way, we're not doing anything extra and we're still devoting maximum hours to actual development. I hope it's like you say, a win-win.

Cheers mate!
If I could afford more, I would gladly pay more!
If I can help in any other way though, please let me know.
I can proofread, do grammar/spellchecks.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
What is v1.1.X?
v1.1.X is an upgraded version of the game we've been working on the side. It has a number of new features include an upgraded interface. Our primary work has been focused on producing content for the current build of the game. But when v1.1.X's content has caught up to the current public build, v1.1.X will become the new public build and we will retire the current version.
So you have this 1.0.6. version and another version that's more advanced on the site or did I get this wrong?
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So you have this 1.0.6. version and another version that's more advanced on the site or did I get this wrong?
v1.0.6 is the current playable version of the game that we are continuing to work on.

v1.1.X is all gui and infrastructure with no content at the moment. Because we've changed the organization and structure of a lot of the underlying code, we are working on upgrading the v1.0.6 content to work with the new enhancements. It's something we're slowly working on completing on the side and currently what little is done can be playtested by patrons.

Once we get all the content upgraded and working with v1.1.X, it will replace v.1.0.X and become the new offical/public version.

I know it sounds ass backwards doing it this way, but we don't want to stop production again to rework old material. So we're going to continue moving forward with the game and upgrading the old content on the side. Once those upgrades are done we'll transition everything over to v1.1.X and retire the current build.

We spent the first year learning Daz. This last year was spent learning Renpy. We started making this game with zero experience in both but a strong desire to make the best game we can. We feel that all the enhancements and updates we're putting into v1.1.X will be the realization of that vision (And we've gotten smart enough to start coding in a way that future features and enhancements can be added without doing a hard restart. Fact is we stopped production once before to update old material. We refuse to do that again. And this was the best solution we could come up with.

Hope that clarifies a little.

Cheers mate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Oh, wow. I totally forgot how much I loved this game! I haven't played this one in a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-n-g time (which you'll soon discover). All of the ladies in this game are absolutely stunning. ;) Cassie has to be the most adorable though.

Let me preface this by saying- the last time I played this game was v. 0.5.1.

I have a couple of quick questions (they may have already been answered somewhere in the bowels of this thread-sorry tl;dr), but what happened to this game to require the major overhaul)?

What happened to the balcony overlook scene with Cassie, Amanda, and Jane? (And the nudes in the lawn/pool chairs?)
What happened to Amanda's cute li'l tail on the top of her head?
What happened to the kitchen scene with Cassie in the over-sized red tee?
What happened to the shower scene with Emily?
What happened to the trainer with the afro?
What happened to Lupita's pink maid outfit? (Also, didn't there used to be a "naughty" scene with her on the couch?)

Also, I was going through the "game" folder...and I noticed
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Also, it seems that y'all are right on the money with some of Dr. Amana's observations/counsel- somebody must have a little Psych 101 under their belts? Although, IF he admits to her that some of his illicit "activities" (the taboo ones) are illegal where he lives- isn't she obligated to violate the doctor/patient confidentiality protection and report him? Here's hoping that he doesn't... Be a shame to end the game by throwing the MC in jail. :)

I like the progress with the game and characters- it has definitely come a long way from the version that I played. The converstations feel real and organic- especially if you go the sarcastic route. The action/dialogue does seem much better if you make all of the red choices with the girls- Jane especially. :) As a lot of those decisions I wouldn't even dare to make IRL- I like to play against type, just to see what happens. I did notice if you go "red" with Cassie- she shows up in a silky, pink nightie when you're in the "man-cave" with Amanda, instead of the plain white one she wears if you go with the "blue" pill. Lol Oh, and the scene with Amanda and the MC in right before that- it was sweet, tender, and for some odd reason really erotic.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game is headed in the future and cannot wait for the next update. Hopefully we'll get to spend more time with the girls. :)

P.S. Thank you for being among the few, rare individuals that know how to use this phrase properly. No, seriously. :D
"And it gives those who are just champing at the bit an opportunity to see what's coming next."
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2018
Oh, wow. I totally forgot how much I loved this game! I haven't played this one in a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-n-g time (which you'll soon discover). All of the ladies in this game are absolutely stunning. ;) Cassie has to be the most adorable though.

Let me preface this by saying- the last time I played this game was v. 0.5.1.

I have a couple of quick questions (they may have already been answered somewhere in the bowels of this thread-sorry tl;dr), but what happened to this game to require the major overhaul)?

What happened to the balcony overlook scene with Cassie, Amanda, and Jane? (And the nudes in the lawn/pool chairs?)
What happened to Amanda's cute li'l tail on the top of her head?
What happened to the kitchen scene with Cassie in the over-sized red tee?
What happened to the shower scene with Emily?
What happened to the trainer with the afro?
What happened to Lupita's pink maid outfit? (Also, didn't there used to be a "naughty" scene with her on the couch?)

Also, I was going through the "game" folder...and I noticed
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Also, it seems that y'all are right on the money with some of Dr. Amana's observations/counsel- somebody must have a little Psych 101 under their belts? Although, IF he admits to her that some of his illicit "activities" (the taboo ones) are illegal where he lives- isn't she obligated to violate the doctor/patient confidentiality protection and report him? Here's hoping that he doesn't... Be a shame to end the game by throwing the MC in jail. :)

I like the progress with the game and characters- it has definitely come a long way from the version that I played. The converstations feel real and organic- especially if you go the sarcastic route. The action/dialogue does seem much better if you make all of the red choices with the girls- Jane especially. :) As a lot of those decisions I wouldn't even dare to make IRL- I like to play against type, just to see what happens. I did notice if you go "red" with Cassie- she shows up in a silky, pink nightie when you're in the "man-cave" with Amanda, instead of the plain white one she wears if you go with the "blue" pill. Lol Oh, and the scene with Amanda and the MC in right before that- it was sweet, tender, and for some odd reason really erotic.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game is headed in the future and cannot wait for the next update. Hopefully we'll get to spend more time with the girls. :)

P.S. Thank you for being among the few, rare individuals that know how to use this phrase properly. No, seriously. :D
"And it gives those who are just champing at the bit an opportunity to see what's coming next."

They gained some experience making the game in the original edition and decided to rework it completely from begining. New models and new stories for most part.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Oh, wow. I totally forgot how much I loved this game! I haven't played this one in a l-o-o-o-o-n-n-n-g time (which you'll soon discover). All of the ladies in this game are absolutely stunning. ;) Cassie has to be the most adorable though.

Let me preface this by saying- the last time I played this game was v. 0.5.1.
First off, I want to say that I'm happy you found yourself back around this way. Hopefully things look a lot better than the last time you were here.

I have a couple of quick questions (they may have already been answered somewhere in the bowels of this thread-sorry tl;dr), but what happened to this game to require the major overhaul)?

What happened to the balcony overlook scene with Cassie, Amanda, and Jane? (And the nudes in the lawn/pool chairs?)
What happened to Amanda's cute li'l tail on the top of her head?
What happened to the kitchen scene with Cassie in the over-sized red tee?
What happened to the shower scene with Emily?
What happened to the trainer with the afro?
What happened to Lupita's pink maid outfit? (Also, didn't there used to be a "naughty" scene with her on the couch?)
In a nutshell, we got better.

When we first started working on this project all we had was some creative writing experience. We were learning Renpy and Daz as we went, and after so many months of studying the tools of the trade and learning what's what, we decided to close down the alpha build and start moving ahead with the beta.

There were a lot of limitations on that first run at the game. Knowledge, hardware and experience. Now we are a producing a game that is much more in line with the original vision. And one that we hope players find significantly better than our first attempt.

During the recreation, we re-wrote a lot of those scenes to make them stronger, increase immersion and strengthen the character's stories and personalities. So most of those scenes are still there in some form or another, just improved (Emily's shower is now a bath/ The balcony scene was blown up into a whole afternoon at the pool) things like that.

We ditched Amanda's pony tail because that asset was burdensome to work with and just wouldn't behave. So we swapped it out for one that was more versatile.

Monica, the trainer, got so much flak for being a commonly used model that we held a poll to replace her with the current tom-boyish version.

As for playing with Lupita, that's on the horizon. We just wanted to slow her story down a touch and really build her character some more.

Also, I was going through the "game" folder...and I noticed
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Holy shit. I haven't even thought about those names since the first days of this project. Originally we had planned to have 12 primary love interests in the game. We were exceptionally ambitious...and stupid. We were very stupid. We whittled it down to the seven that we though were the most interesting, but even now seven has turned out to be a bit much as well. But we're committed to the current cast.

So that list you've provide are just the names of characters that never came to be.

Also, it seems that y'all are right on the money with some of Dr. Amana's observations/counsel- somebody must have a little Psych 101 under their belts? Although, IF he admits to her that some of his illicit "activities" (the taboo ones) are illegal where he lives- isn't she obligated to violate the doctor/patient confidentiality protection and report him? Here's hoping that he doesn't... Be a shame to end the game by throwing the MC in jail. :)
Originally the doctor was just a vehicle to get the story moving and explain the quasi-linear nature of the story telling. But as people played the first and second versions of the game, there was a bigger and bigger call to have more interactions with her. And since we want you to have to suspend disbelief as little as possible, I picked up a couple of used psychology textbooks and started brushing up on my doc talk a bit just to make it more authentic.

As far as the legal stuff goes, that's where we might stretch it a bit. Like you said, not much fun if he ends up in jail.

As a lot of those decisions I wouldn't even dare to make IRL- I like to play against type, just to see what happens. I did notice if you go "red" with Cassie- she shows up in a silky, pink nightie when you're in the "man-cave" with Amanda, instead of the plain white one she wears if you go with the "blue" pill. Lol Oh, and the scene with Amanda and the MC in right before that- it was sweet, tender, and for some odd reason really erotic.
This was always the goal, to have your choices and decisions effect not just the story, but the personalities of the characters and the feel of the story. Now that we've gotten a very firm hand on how to handle renpy, we have more options than ever to make that happen. Cassie's nightie was one of our first experiments in that direction and we're looking to do a lot more of that.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game is headed in the future and cannot wait for the next update. Hopefully we'll get to spend more time with the girls. :)
And believe me, we're very excited to bring it to you! This next update will be the largest we've done yet. But as usual, I'm sure it's going to take you a lot less time to play that it did for us to put together. But hey, that's the nature of the beast right?

P.S. Thank you for being among the few, rare individuals that know how to use this phrase properly. No, seriously. :D
"And it gives those who are just champing at the bit an opportunity to see what's coming next."
I always have to stop myself from being that guy who corrects others on it's usage. No one wants to be that guy. But I can at least make sure I'm using it correctly. :D

And since you're just now coming back around, make sure you check out our Patreon for the latest news and our homepage for some kick ass character art we've been doing on our live streams. You can find links to all of them in my signature.

Cheers mate and thanks for playing!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
If I could afford more, I would gladly pay more!
If I can help in any other way though, please let me know.
I can proofread, do grammar/spellchecks.
We appreciate that mate. I understand that not everyone can be a patron. And those that are do so at levels they can afford and are comfortable with. And we appreciate every hard earned dollar people send our way.

And yeah, any time you pick up on some bad spelling or grammar, let me know. My typos typically arise from my trying to type as fast as I think, or trying to type while the system is lagging from the render work.

We appreciate your support mate! Salute!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
First off, I want to say that I'm happy you found yourself back around this way. Hopefully things look a lot better than the last time you were here.
###Thank you, it' Lol No, seriously- thank you for the response and answering all of my questions. And here I thought I was a long-winded bastard. j/k ;) It is truly nice that Devs, such as yourself, take the time to talk to your fans.

In a nutshell, we got better.
###Yes, yes you did. I even looked through the older image files and your use of lighting and shading has seriously improved. The characters look more natural and part of the environment (not copy'n'pasted onto it, like a lot of other games.) Lol The models were attractive before, but now they're simply gorgeous. Again, Cassie is definitely leading the pack. :)

We ditched Amanda's pony tail because that asset was burdensome to work with and just wouldn't behave. So we swapped it out for one that was more versatile.
###Awww, that's too bad- I thought it was kinda cute. Did she have braces before or was that part of her make-over?

Monica, the trainer, got so much flak for being a commonly used model that we held a poll to replace her with the current tom-boyish version.
###Her bosom doesn't seem to be as ample either- I could imagine what an inconvenience that (those?) would be during a workout. Lol

As for playing with Lupita, that's on the horizon. We just wanted to slow her story down a touch and really build her character some more.
###That's good- it doesn't look like you plan on pulling focus from any of the characters. It sounds like they're all going to get their own turn in the spotlight.

Holy shit. I haven't even thought about those names since the first days of this project. Originally we had planned to have 12 primary love interests in the game. We were exceptionally ambitious...and stupid. We were very stupid. We whittled it down to the seven that we though were the most interesting, but even now seven has turned out to be a bit much as well. But we're committed to the current cast.
So that list you've provide are just the names of characters that never came to be.
###I don't know if I'd confuse ambition with stupidity. :) At least you realized before it was too late that "less is more". Be grateful that you didn't dig an even deeper hole. Lol Also, "Sapphire" was going to be the stripper, wasn't she? Also, it would be kinda cool to corrupt a Nun, but maybe in the sequel? The MC could have a crisis of faith or tries confessing his sins...or just meets a really hot Bride of, y'know. (Thinking it is one thing, finishing that thought may be the equivalent of putting a stamp on my soul and mailing it directly to Hell.) :D

Originally the doctor was just a vehicle to get the story moving and explain the quasi-linear nature of the story telling.
As far as the legal stuff goes, that's where we might stretch it a bit. Like you said, not much fun if he ends up in jail.
###Yeah, I did say y'all sounded like you knew what you were talking about- so at least it's founded with actual knowledge and not B.S., that also helps with immersion tbth. :)

This was always the goal, to have your choices and decisions effect not just the story, but the personalities of the characters and the feel of the story. Now that we've gotten a very firm hand on how to handle renpy, we have more options than ever to make that happen. Cassie's nightie was one of our first experiments in that direction and we're looking to do a lot more of that.
###I did notice that depending on what choices you made (even if you switched back and forth)- the character's mentioned those specific things and seem to follow the story rather closely. THAT has to be even more of challenge, than just getting the dialogue right. Y'all have dedicated a lot of time, creativity, and hard work into your game- and it shows. I wonder how many other people noticed the change in Cassie's PJ's. ;)

And believe me, we're very excited to bring it to you! This next update will be the largest we've done yet. But as usual, I'm sure it's going to take you a lot less time to play that it did for us to put together. But hey, that's the nature of the beast right?
###That is to be expected, but I do like to take my time and read all of the dialogue, soak it in a bit, and then make some sort of decision (unless it's the girls- then "put it on red, baby, and let it ride"). Oh, wait...that's roulette, eh- same principle.

I always have to stop myself from being that guy who corrects others on it's usage. No one wants to be that guy. But I can at least make sure I'm using it correctly. :D
###You have no idea how much I feel your pain on this one. I still appreciate the correct usage on those rare occasions when I see it or hear it. Lol Although, sometimes being "that guy" is a just a reflex and we really cannot help ourselves...

And since you're just now coming back around, make sure you check out our Patreon for the latest news and our homepage for some kick ass character art we've been doing on our live streams. You can find links to all of them in my signature.
###I will most definitely have to do that. :)

Cheers mate and thanks for playing!
###No, thank you for making the awesome game that you've created.

###One itty, itty, itty, itty, bitty critique... You were talking about immersion earlier- is there any reason you cannot change the MC's name? I'd love to "hear" Cassie say my name...and Amanda...and Jane. ;)


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I even looked through the older image files and your use of lighting and shading has seriously improved. The characters look more natural and part of the environment (not copy'n'pasted onto it, like a lot of other games.) Lol The models were attractive before, but now they're simply gorgeous. Again, Cassie is definitely leading the pack. :)
The lighting turned out to be the critical component. There is a great book, that we picked up. And while it doesn't address in any way 3d rendering, the principles all apply. Render software, and iray specifically is designed to mimic real world light as much as possible. So it turns out that applying real world lighting techniques in a 3d environment works almost without fail. And in Daz, you can adjust things like film speed and ISO, all things that real world photographers and videographers deal with. So it turns out, understanding the principles had a direct application.

The second half was learning about surfaces and shaders and how the interact with the light. So lighting and surfaces are responsible for all of the texture you see in the images, and it's the textures and shading that create the most realistic 3d image we can. It's been fascinating study to say the least.

###Awww, that's too bad- I thought it was kinda cute. Did she have braces before or was that part of her make-over?
She always had braces but you couldn't really see them before. We used to use a lot of pre-package expressions and what-not because we weren't expert at fine tuning facial expressions. Now we don't use any prepackaged poses or expressions at all. (Again, because I'm a huge fucking nerd) I picked up some old text books on Anatomy and Physiology and study human kinetics a bit. So now we do it all by hand.

If it's not obvious, I love buying old text books when I want to learn something. The new editions are always $250 dollars but copy from two editions ago being sold for pennies and contain mostly the same information. So that's always my go to.

###That's good- it doesn't look like you plan on pulling focus from any of the characters. It sounds like they're all going to get their own turn in the spotlight.
So there are seven primary love interests, and then there will be a number of one or two chapter flings that only come in long enough to serve a story purpose. On stage, do some story stuff, wham-bam-thank-your-lady-parts, and then back out the door. But each of the primary seven all have a well developed plot that will play out and that will cross and interweave with the others. It's been fun writing it.

###I don't know if I'd confuse ambition with stupidity. :) At least you realized before it was too late that "less is more". Be grateful that you didn't dig an even deeper hole. Lol Also, "Sapphire" was going to be the stripper, wasn't she? Also, it would be kinda cool to corrupt a Nun, but maybe in the sequel? The MC could have a crisis of faith or tries confessing his sins...or just meets a really hot Bride of, y'know. (Thinking it is one thing, finishing that thought may be the equivalent of putting a stamp on my soul and mailing it directly to Hell.) :D
So Sapphire actually got recycled into a side character named Lita that we're introducing in the next release. While no longer a major love interest, she's now a supporting/bangable character with a short term goal. You can see the improved version of her here.

###Yeah, I did say y'all sounded like you knew what you were talking about- so at least it's founded with actual knowledge and not B.S., that also helps with immersion tbth. :)
We're going to try to keep it as believable as possible but there will be times we have to deviate for the sake of the story. We're just going to try and do our best to keep those deviations small.

###I did notice that depending on what choices you made (even if you switched back and forth)- the character's mentioned those specific things and seem to follow the story rather closely. THAT has to be even more of challenge, than just getting the dialogue right. Y'all have dedicated a lot of time, creativity, and hard work into your game- and it shows. I wonder how many other people noticed the change in Cassie's PJ's. ;)
Probably not many. They were too busy griping about how short the scene was. =P I just of course. We learned a lot playing Tell Tale Games products. We stick to the idea that a scene can deviate a bit, but then must always find a way back to the same central path. This way you don't get caught in this ever branching tree of possibilities and stay centered a single plot. So far it's working out well and we've done a good job with "branch management" and making sure that each decision comes back around to the same point, albeit with changes along the way.

###No, thank you for making the awesome game that you've created.
Our pleasure!

###One itty, itty, itty, itty, bitty critique... You were talking about immersion earlier- is there any reason you cannot change the MC's name? I'd love to "hear" Cassie say my name...and Amanda...and Jane. ;)
So to answer there, I'll direct you here...specifically to the section titled "What is v1.1.X".
In short order, we spent the first year mastering Daz, and the second mastering Renpy. Now we're ready to roll out a bunch of changes people have been requesting, (like naming the MC and changing what certain characters call him). But we've had to update a lot of code and much of what we've done isn't compatible. So we're slowly working our way through the material and updating stuff. But in the meantime we're continuing work on the main story and when v1.1.X is complete, it will take over as the new official release.

I appreciate all the questions and comments mate. I never miss an opportunity to talk or hype up my passion project!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
The lighting turned out to be the critical component. There is a great book, that we picked up.
###Well, it has certainly made a huge difference visually- and oddly enough, narratively. If the locations feel more real then it adds that extra weight to the characters/story. :)

She always had braces but you couldn't really see them before. I picked up some old text books on Anatomy and Physiology and study human kinetics a bit. So now we do it all by hand.
If it's not obvious, I love buying old text books when I want to learn something.
###Well, the braces are cute too- so I'll give y'all pass on the hair thing. :) I get the impression you have a fetish for buying used textbooks? Knowledge can be an aphrodisiac. Lol

So there are seven primary love interests, and then there will be a number of one or two chapter flings that only come in long enough to serve a story purpose.
So Sapphire actually got recycled into a side character named Lita that we're introducing in the next release. While no longer a major love interest, she's now a supporting/bangable character with a short term goal. You can see the improved version of her here.
###It's good to mix things up a bit, every once in a while. Mmmm, Lita, nice. I noticed y'all were a little tight-lipped on the Nun thing (probably for the best). Oooh, maybe the MC could help Lita turn her life around and she becomes a Nun (with benefits)... She could become a "prayer-stitute". If the guy can't redeem himself- maybe he can help someone else. Lol As an added bonus, IF he's suspected of cheating and the wife asks how many times- he could reply, "Nun." O-o-o-o-kay, I'll stop now. ;)

We're going to try to keep it as believable as possible but there will be times we have to deviate for the sake of the story. We're just going to try and do our best to keep those deviations small.
###Well, this is the internet- suspension of disbelief only goes so far, you start making outrageous claims or erroneous statements- someone will (inevitably) call your bluff. :) It sounds like y'all are not only concerned with putting out a quality product- you also want it to be an accurate product. Very commendable- your ethics deserve praise. :p

Probably not many. They were too busy griping about how short the scene was. =P We learned a lot playing Tell Tale Games products.
###You know, as well as I, no matter the duration or content of the scene- someone's going to whinge and moan about it. Ya can't please everybody, but y'all seem to be doing your best. That's all anyone should ask for, imho. Tbth, I wasn't initially a fan of the TT Games- they seemed too static. After playing the "Fables" one- I was hooked- a good story can make up for a lack of motion. The guy who wrote the Fables comic books is a master story-teller, that had to be my favourite comic book series- ever.

Our pleasure!
###Again, this shows. It's nice that you're so dedicated and passionate about your game. You sound more like the fans than the Devs. Lol

So to answer there, I'll direct you here...specifically to the section titled "What is v1.1.X".
###Wow, those all sound incredibly impressive- if I may, I'd like to address the elephant in the room...will this require a restart? :)

I appreciate all the questions and comments mate. I never miss an opportunity to talk or hype up my passion project!
###You've earned your bragging rights. Enjoy them! :D

P.S. I found this comment interesting...
"When I studied creative writing, one of the most important lessons I learned was that if you bother mentioning it in your story, then it better be relevant to the plot at some point. Otherwise, it's just wasted wording."
###It's never stopped Stephen King. Lol
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Well-Known Member
Respected User
Apr 19, 2018
:cry: This is indeed a long wait for the update saw some pages back ago that this update will ft lupita I hope that the update will not be mainly focused on her I enjoy spending time with the girls quite a bit side note can’t really pick a favorite of the girls you guys did a dammed good job of the character development for them for me not be able to choose between them :cry: but since it’s taking a good bit must mean it is a good lengthy update tyvm for you’re efforts in making a great game ;)
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Oct 16, 2017
TBH i also think that Lupita is the least interesting Character so far. Compared to all the other shenenigans the MC is up to, boinking the maid is really lame. But I fast forwarded through her scene so what do I know.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
TBH i also think that Lupita is the least interesting Character so far. Compared to all the other shenenigans the MC is up to, boinking the maid is really lame. But I fast forwarded through her scene so what do I know.
For me, it was Monica.
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Oct 16, 2017
For me, it was Monica.
Uhm, I am into Tomboyish Fitness Babes IRL and also she looks a lot like Chris from "Heavy Five" so nope, i am fine with her. But you are right, If i would rank them all she would be on the second to last spot. Maybe third to last depending on how the wife turns out. We haven't seen much of her. The shot in the Bath was super hot but she didn't really have much of a talking role yet.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Uhm, I am into Tomboyish Fitness Babes IRL and also she looks a lot like Chris from "Heavy Five" so nope, i am fine with her. But you are right, If i would rank them all she would be on the second to last spot. Maybe third to last depending on how the wife turns out. We haven't seen much of her. The shot in the Bath was super hot but she didn't really have much of a talking role yet.
Yeah, not a fan of Chris either. ;)
Nanami or maybe Lita I guess so far for me. I might like the wife, even if I really don't like having one, but she won't talk to me, never did anything with me, and barely even saw her, so who knows? It's only Nanami who was willing to have sex with my guy, so it's hard to pick another favorite. :p
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Oct 16, 2017
Yeah, not a fan of Chris either. ;)
Nanami or maybe Lita I guess so far for me. I might like the wife, even if I really don't like having one, but she won't talk to me, never did anything with me, and barely even saw her, so who knows? It's only Nanami who was willing to have sex with my guy, so it's hard to pick another favorite. :p
I can totally see people not being a fan of Chris, it's not everybody's piece of cake and tbh if It goes into the direction of femdom i'm out. But that being said, I do have this thing were I think it's cool to have like a super-hot Bi-sexual Buddy/Fuck-Buddy/Wingwoman relationship with someone like Chris. Basically a Buddy Cop Comedy where your Partner is hot, female and Bisexual.

I don't like the fact that the MC is running around on his Wiffe like a little pussy but I think it's awesome that when the MC told Monica that he is married, she is cool with not being the only woman. (You may have played it differently)


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I can totally see people not being a fan of Chris, it's not everybody's piece of cake and tbh if It goes into the direction of femdom i'm out. But that being said, I do have this thing were I think it's cool to have like a super-hot Bi-sexual Buddy/Fuck-Buddy/Wingwoman relationship with someone like Chris. Basically a Buddy Cop Comedy where your Partner is hot, female and Bisexual.

I don't like the fact that the MC is running around on his Wiffe like a little pussy but I think it's awesome that when the MC told Monica that he is married, she is cool with not being the only woman. (You may have played it differently)
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I told the wife about Nanami, because I am not a liar, and she left, never speaking to me again. So much for wanting honesty. :p


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018

Weekly Update 2019-04-19
Teaser Scene:
Mama always said don't put your lips on a whore. But mama never saw Lita. She's so hot I don't even know if mama would say no. Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, Lita. she's a vixen, no doubt, and right now we're working on making her do some nasty things ($5+ patrons will get a special uncensored sneak peek within the hour.)

I won't lie, this has been a slow week. The Real Job Blues had me working out of state this week, so I lost a lot of development time unfortunately. But I did have enough render work done to continue doing some post processing on the laptop. So while almost no headway was made on the new renders, post processing is caught up and I squeezed in a little writing on the plan and in the hotel. So not a total loss.

I'm going to see if I can squeeze out a few extra days off next week to devote entirely to development. Just have to run it by the powers that be.

My out of town work also put the kibosh on any live streaming this week, I'm going to try and get one in next week if time permits. But losing five days this week means I need to put in some overtime getting these sex scenes done for Lita and Lola. I'm going to play it by ear for now but worst case scenario we'll be live streaming again the week of the 29th with a certainty. I enjoy doing them and I look forward to doing the next one.

So last week we began piloting a new system of playtesting the new material before release. The results so far are very encouraging. We've gotten some good feedback and discovered several bugs early on. This should go a long way in making sure that when the chapters are complete and ready for distribution, they should be relatively bug free and thoroughly tested.
We have posted up the four scenes for Nanami's next chapter for playtesting with only three more to complete before release. So we're getting close.

For those interested in playtesting the material, we have the latest scenes for the current release up for $10+ patrons. We also have v1.1.x up for playtest for $15+ patrons and the v1.1.x Alternative Game Modes up for playtesting for $20 patrons.
Since we'll be putting up playtest material as it's being completed, the updates should be fairly frequent and consistent.
Once all the scenes for a chapter are complete and tested, they'll be bundled and distributed. You'll have the option of downloading just the update, or the entire game. Whichever you need.

What's Next:
Work, work, work. For Nanami, Chapter 03 we have three sex scenes to finish rendering and an interim scene of dialogue. We have everything mapped out and the sets ready to go, we just have to work on posing, surfacing and rendering. Losing this week to work on the game didn't help anything, but I'll be pushing overtime next week to make up the loss.
I know it's been awhile since we've released an update, and I thank you for your patience.

Hopefully the above teaser and the soon to be posted uncensored teaser will demonstrate our commitment to quality and reassure you that it's taking awhile because we refuse to put out anything sub-standard.

We want this to be one of the best games in your library and the best game that we can produce. Sometimes that means taking just a little extra time to make a scene look "right". But when we got it, the results are pretty clear.

As always, we at Ianvs Salute You!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
###Well, it has certainly made a huge difference visually- and oddly enough, narratively. If the locations feel more real then it adds that extra weight to the characters/story. :)
One thing that bothers me in other games that I insisted on finding a solution to in ours, was crowds in public. I understand the challenges involved in rendering large groups of people, but with proper planning, you can do the work and tactfully reuse and make it feel new each time.

Nothing breaks the immersion for me than when I am going out to dinner or something with a character and the only two people in the environment are me and the girl. Rest assured, when you walk into our strip club in the game, you'll feel like you're stepping into a party.

###It's good to mix things up a bit, every once in a while. Mmmm, Lita, nice. I noticed y'all were a little tight-lipped on the Nun thing (probably for the best). Oooh, maybe the MC could help Lita turn her life around and she becomes a Nun (with benefits)... She could become a "prayer-stitute". If the guy can't redeem himself- maybe he can help someone else. Lol As an added bonus, IF he's suspected of cheating and the wife asks how many times- he could reply, "Nun." O-o-o-o-kay, I'll stop now. ;)
Lol. We'll have to save the nun thing for a future game. And as for Lita...I don't think there is any redeeming her. She's stone cold bitch. But that just means you don't have to say sorry after you abuse her.

###Well, this is the internet- suspension of disbelief only goes so far, you start making outrageous claims or erroneous statements- someone will (inevitably) call your bluff. :) It sounds like y'all are not only concerned with putting out a quality product- you also want it to be an accurate product. Very commendable- your ethics deserve praise. :p
Why thank you!

###You know, as well as I, no matter the duration or content of the scene- someone's going to whinge and moan about it. Ya can't please everybody, but y'all seem to be doing your best. That's all anyone should ask for, imho. Tbth, I wasn't initially a fan of the TT Games- they seemed too static. After playing the "Fables" one- I was hooked- a good story can make up for a lack of motion. The guy who wrote the Fables comic books is a master story-teller, that had to be my favourite comic book series- ever.
I haven't played the Fables one yet. But I loved "Wolf Among Us", and their Batman games were quite excellent. In the second one they offered up a version of Joker and Harley and I had never seen before. It was a complete role reversal with Harley being this dominant psychotic bitch and the Joker being this pussy whipped little nut job. It was a fun switch in the dynamic and I found it refreshing.

###Again, this shows. It's nice that you're so dedicated and passionate about your game. You sound more like the fans than the Devs. Lol
I mean this is very true. I think about the game and story constantly. The idea was to make the game we'd want to play.

###Wow, those all sound incredibly impressive- if I may, I'd like to address the elephant in the room...will this require a restart? :)
Unfortunately yes. And it's something we never wanted to ask players to do. But, this should be the only time players will ever have to restart the game. Some of the changes just won't work from an existing save. Like the journal.

Something we thought would be a cool addition would be if the MC kept a journal, or log of his activities. This updates as your playing the game and what gets entered will depend on the choices you make and the paths you follow. So it's not just a record of what's happened in the game, it's a specific record of what you've done in the game.

It's handy to refresh your memory about what you did in different saves or to catch up again after a long wait for an update. But more importantly, we're saving everything you do in a playthrough in an exportable object. This means we can export your choices into a future game, but more importantly, everything will be encapsulated so that even if we add more features or upgrades, we can do it without a need to restart the game because everything will already be recorded and can be referenced.

So it's future insurance against any need to restart the game in the future.

And you know, since we're going to ask you to restart anyway, we figure it's a good time to go back and maybe add a few more things to strength up the scenes we've already released. Most notably the sex scenes. There has been a big call to make the longer, more descriptive and offer more choices, so we're going to throw that in as well when we're re-factoring the old material.

###It's never stopped Stephen King. Lol
I never read any King. A friend, whose literary opinion I've come to trust, once told me that King writes an excellent story, but he can't write an ending worth a shit. That kind of sealed it up for me.

Salute mate!
4.40 star(s) 78 Votes