I only mean abuse in the sense that you treat her like nothing but a ditch for cum.
###Okay, I can work with a "semen depository".

It may not be my thing, but so long as it was nothing too over the top. As I said before- I like to play against type (sometimes) with a lot of these games just to see what it's like, but there are still some lines I would never cross...even hypothetically.

There's fantasy and then there's "no effing way". Lol
Oh right, I forgot that was part of different series. I had never been exposed to it beyond the game. I love that kind of dark twist. I'll have to dig up those comics and check them out.
###You will not regret it.

If you were able to enjoy the game without any real frame of reference- it's even more satisfying to play that noir-style game when you know the lore. It barely scratched the surface... Even the spin-off stories were done really well.
Yeah, Batman I sat down expecting the same old Batman-esque story but they surprised me at every turn. They did a great job of putting a fresh spin on it all and enjoyed it because it was so familiar but so different.
###Precisely. I could not have said that better. I liked the Gotham TV show for a while too- it was different, but there were so many times they put Bruce in danger...you're like *sarcastically* "oh no, what will happen?", "will he be able to get out of this?", "how can he survive that?"... I, honestly, wonder how many people were genuinely worried and on the edge their seats that something bad was going to happen to him at the end of these "cliffhangers". People know how the future works, don't they? Lol
One of the installments I want to do of this game is where you're the lead guitarist for a 70's metal band and you follow them through the ages. It'll definitely have a touch more satire than this one. I think that would be a perfect place for sex, drugs, nuns, and rock and roll.
###Um, I'm sorry. Did you say "METAL"?! \m/ You've already given me Cassie, Amanda, and Jane...AND now you say Metal- you're becoming one of my favorite people. Although 70's metal seems kinda limiting- you have what KISS, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, and Deep Purple? Metal hit its heyday pretty much in the 80's (and then sadly grunge and alternative were invented near the end of the decade). At least the 80's Metal gave us W.A.S.P., Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Scorpions, Twisted Sister, and Motley Crue (just to name a few- this isn't even including Speed, Thrash, Death, or Black).

Imho, W.A.S.P. has to be one of the most under-rated Metal bands of all time. \m/ Ooooh, and you said "nuns", seriously...becoming one of my favorite people. Lol Also, IF you like Metal- you should check out Lordi- they would've been superstars if they'd have come out in the 80's. The music, the lyrics, the presence, and the costumes. Worth checking out...
Well, I mean you'll technically be getting more of them. I wanted to add your stereotypical lotion scene by the pool, but we ran out of time previously. Now...well, now I have time. =D
###You had me at "more".
Yeah, I stopped watching the Walking Dead for that reason. I mean, you know people are going to die you expect it. But when you introduce a character, eat up ten minutes of an hour long episode with their backstory, and then kill them before the episode is done, that's when I feel like you're wasting my time.
###Ugh, tell me about it. That and there didn't seem to be any purpose- what were they ultimately trying to do? They just kept rounding up survivors or as I like to think of them "snacks"...the larger your group, the harder it becomes to maintain. Plus, I think the "zombie" thing has just been done to death (no pun intended). There have been a couple of fresh spins on it here and there, but at its core- they're still "zombies". Bleh. A horde attack just doesn't have the same suspense as being picked off one-by-one when a single protagonist is hunting you, or even a smaller group- like say the Cenobites for example.
I remember another author I had put down some time ago. The guy is meeting with his boss when some goons come in, beat him unconscious, and kidnap the boss and the secretary. And the bad guys keep showing up and it almost feels like if they didn't keep popping in to drag this guy back into the story, that he'd forget what the fuck he was doing and just spin off into distraction.
###Yeah, they do that in movies and a lot of games too. The world is ending. You're the only guy who can stop it. The demons will be here soon. You have to talk to the ghost of a little girl with all of the answers. She is the key to saving humanity...but first a "fetch quest" to find her cwayons, favorite bear, blah, blah, and blah. Not in a hurry or anything...
Anyway. It's easy to spot bad writing. Even non-writers know what it feels like when they see it.
###I don't know- look at how people fawn over the one that wrote the "Twilight" series. Lol I've never read them, but I can imagine the style based on who she was pandering to...at it's core it was about a teenage girl trying to figure out if she wanted to have sex with a dead guy or a dog. Riveting stuff. It could have been resolved in a pamphlet. Lol