
Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
:cry: This is indeed a long wait for the update saw some pages back ago that this update will ft lupita I hope that the update will not be mainly focused on her I enjoy spending time with the girls quite a bit side note can’t really pick a favorite of the girls you guys did a dammed good job of the character development for them for me not be able to choose between them :cry: but since it’s taking a good bit must mean it is a good lengthy update tyvm for you’re efforts in making a great game ;)
I know and for that I really apologize. During the holidays the office was closed a lot and I had a lot of time to work on the game. But the real job blues as I call them have slowed things down a bit. And the size of my team is constantly on the shrink. But I remain dedicated to proceeding and I'll continue to do everything I can in the time I have.

If fortune favors maybe I'll be making enough on Patreon before the end of the year to switch to full time dev status, but until then, I'm chipping away at it one scene at a time.

I will say it's one of the longest chapters to date, but it'll still probably take you less than an hour to play (sad fact is that you guys play it a lot faster than I can make it), but on the upside, it's going to be one of the most beautiful and well assembled chapters we've ever done. And the sex scenes are going to unlike anything we've published previously. We've taken the feedback on those to heart and we're going to try and make them worthwhile.

I appreciate you playing though and hope you'll continue to hang in there with us.



Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
TBH i also think that Lupita is the least interesting Character so far. Compared to all the other shenenigans the MC is up to, boinking the maid is really lame. But I fast forwarded through her scene so what do I know.
I'll be interested to watch the evolution of this opinion as her story progresses to see if it changes or stays the same. We have a lot planned for Lupita. Her being the maid is really more about how they met, but we plan to take their relationship to some interesting places.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
One thing that bothers me in other games that I insisted on finding a solution to in ours, was crowds in public. Nothing breaks the immersion for me than when I am going out to dinner or something with a character and the only two people in the environment are me and the girl.
###I could not agree more. :)

Lol. We'll have to save the nun thing for a future game. And as for Lita...I don't think there is any redeeming her. She's stone cold bitch. But that just means you don't have to say sorry after you abuse her.
###Awww, that's too bad I was hoping to get into the "habit" of playing with a Nun. Lol Out of curiosity, when you use the word "abuse" could I have just a bit more context. We aren't talking anything too extreme, are we? I don't see the MC as someone who would anything too drastic to any of the female characters... Hopefully?

Why thank you!
###You are more than welcome. :)

I haven't played the Fables one yet. But I loved "Wolf Among Us", and their Batman games were quite excellent.
###Ironically, that was the "Fables" one. Lol If you haven't read the comics, I'd recommend picking up the first 3 TPB's just to see how well the guy world builds and tells a story. It was the only reason I got back into comics after a 10 year absence- they're that good. :) The Batman ones were incredible- always love Harley no matter what, but liked the Catwoman story too. The stories (short as they are, when you think about it), humanize the characters a lot more than they did in a lot of the comics.

I mean this is very true. I think about the game and story constantly. The idea was to make the game we'd want to play.
###Well, it definitely shows. It's just too bad that you weren't thinkin' about Nuns when you were doin' it... Lol

Unfortunately yes. And it's something we never wanted to ask players to do. But, this should be the only time players will ever have to restart the game. Some of the changes just won't work from an existing save. Like the journal.
###Well, that's it. I'm done. I wish y'all the best of the luck... j/k I could never abandon Cassie, Amanda, and Jane. My Angels, my Sirens, and my Muses. Lol

And you know, since we're going to ask you to restart anyway, we figure it's a good time to go back and maybe add a few more things to strength up the scenes we've already released. Most notably the sex scenes. There has been a big call to make the longer, more descriptive and offer more choices, so we're going to throw that in as well when we're re-factoring the old material.
###Oooh, even more "naughty" goodness? Huzzah!

I never read any King. A friend, whose literary opinion I've come to trust, once told me that King writes an excellent story, but he can't write an ending worth a shit. That kind of sealed it up for me.
###It's not so much that some of his premises are utter crap. :) He'll spend 13 pages describing a pimple on the character's behind in such detail that it makes you feel like it's going to be important to the plot- only to just kill them (4 pages later) as an afterthought, in only 2 pages. Lol

Anyway, excited and "champing at the bit" waiting for the update and to where next it takes us. :)


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
###Awww, that's too bad I was hoping to get into the "habit" of playing with a Nun. Lol Out of curiosity, when you use the word "abuse" could I have just a bit more context. We aren't talking anything too extreme, are we? I don't see the MC as someone who would anything too drastic to any of the female characters... Hopefully?
I only mean abuse in the sense that you treat her like nothing but a ditch for cum. Not like physical abuse. Hell, not even emotional abuse, Lita would have to give a shit for that to work. I just mean like, you can use her and toss her out without regret.

I haven't played the Fables one yet. But I loved "Wolf Among Us", and their Batman games were quite excellent.
###Ironically, that was the "Fables" one. Lol If you haven't read the comics, I'd recommend picking up the first 3 TPB's just to see how well the guy world builds and tells a story. It was the only reason I got back into comics after a 10 year absence- they're that good. :) The Batman ones were incredible- always love Harley no matter what, but liked the Catwoman story too. The stories (short as they are, when you think about it), humanize the characters a lot more than they did in a lot of the comics.
Oh right, I forgot that was part of different series. I had never been exposed to it beyond the game. I love that kind of dark twist. Reminds me of some old school World of Darkness stuff. I thought the setting and the story was amazing. I'll have to dig up those comics and check them out.

Yeah, Batman I sat down expecting the same old Batman-esque story but they surprised me at every turn. Changing Bruce's father's backstory, mixing up Harley and Joker. Catwoman was amazing. Even the relationship between Bruce and Penguin. They did a great job of putting a fresh spin on it all and enjoyed it because it was so familiar but so different.

I mean this is very true. I think about the game and story constantly. The idea was to make the game we'd want to play.
###Well, it definitely shows. It's just too bad that you weren't thinkin' about Nuns when you were doin' it... Lol
One of the installments I want to do of this game is where you're the lead guitarist for a 70's metal band and you follow them through the ages. It'll definitely have a touch more satire than this one. I think that would be a perfect place for sex, drugs, nuns, and rock and roll.

###Well, that's it. I'm done. I wish y'all the best of the luck... j/k I could never abandon Cassie, Amanda, and Jane. My Angels, my Sirens, and my Muses. Lol
Well, I mean you'll technically be getting more of them. I wanted to add your stereotypical lotion scene by the pool, but we ran out of time previously. Now...well, now I have time. =D

###It's not so much that some of his premises are utter crap. :) He'll spend 13 pages describing a pimple on the character's behind in such detail that it makes you feel like it's going to be important to the plot- only to just kill them (4 pages later) as an afterthought, in only 2 pages. Lol
Yeah, I stopped watching the Walking Dead for that reason. I mean, you know people are going to die you expect it. And I was fine with that for two seasons. But when you introduce a character, eat up ten minutes of an hour long episode with their backstory, and then kill them before the episode is done, that's when I feel like you're wasting my time.

I remember another author I had put down some time ago. The guy is meeting with his boss when some goons come in, beat him unconscious, and kidnap the boss and the secretary. The boss was explaining to the guy right before the kidnapping how he was going to save the world from this catastrophe. Well the guy wakes up, and realizes he has to go save his new boss and prevent this world ending disaster. But first, he returns to his apartment for some aspirin and a fucking sandwich. Then he runs into one of his students (the guy was a professor), waxes intellectual with him for awhile. Gets jumped by more baddies and escapes. But there was literally no sense of urgency about this guy. He's got "save boss, save secretary and save world" on a list of shit to do with all the importance of going to the grocery store. And the bad guys keep showing up and it almost feels like if they didn't keep popping in to drag this guy back into the story, that he'd forget what the fuck he was doing and just spin off into distraction.

Anyway. It's easy to spot bad writing. Even non-writers know what it feels like when they see it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
I only mean abuse in the sense that you treat her like nothing but a ditch for cum.
###Okay, I can work with a "semen depository". :) It may not be my thing, but so long as it was nothing too over the top. As I said before- I like to play against type (sometimes) with a lot of these games just to see what it's like, but there are still some lines I would never cross...even hypothetically. :) There's fantasy and then there's "no effing way". Lol

Oh right, I forgot that was part of different series. I had never been exposed to it beyond the game. I love that kind of dark twist. I'll have to dig up those comics and check them out.
###You will not regret it. :D If you were able to enjoy the game without any real frame of reference- it's even more satisfying to play that noir-style game when you know the lore. It barely scratched the surface... Even the spin-off stories were done really well.

Yeah, Batman I sat down expecting the same old Batman-esque story but they surprised me at every turn. They did a great job of putting a fresh spin on it all and enjoyed it because it was so familiar but so different.
###Precisely. I could not have said that better. I liked the Gotham TV show for a while too- it was different, but there were so many times they put Bruce in're like *sarcastically* "oh no, what will happen?", "will he be able to get out of this?", "how can he survive that?"... I, honestly, wonder how many people were genuinely worried and on the edge their seats that something bad was going to happen to him at the end of these "cliffhangers". People know how the future works, don't they? Lol

One of the installments I want to do of this game is where you're the lead guitarist for a 70's metal band and you follow them through the ages. It'll definitely have a touch more satire than this one. I think that would be a perfect place for sex, drugs, nuns, and rock and roll.
###Um, I'm sorry. Did you say "METAL"?! \m/ You've already given me Cassie, Amanda, and Jane...AND now you say Metal- you're becoming one of my favorite people. Although 70's metal seems kinda limiting- you have what KISS, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, and Deep Purple? Metal hit its heyday pretty much in the 80's (and then sadly grunge and alternative were invented near the end of the decade). At least the 80's Metal gave us W.A.S.P., Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Scorpions, Twisted Sister, and Motley Crue (just to name a few- this isn't even including Speed, Thrash, Death, or Black). :) Imho, W.A.S.P. has to be one of the most under-rated Metal bands of all time. \m/ Ooooh, and you said "nuns", seriously...becoming one of my favorite people. Lol Also, IF you like Metal- you should check out Lordi- they would've been superstars if they'd have come out in the 80's. The music, the lyrics, the presence, and the costumes. Worth checking out...

Well, I mean you'll technically be getting more of them. I wanted to add your stereotypical lotion scene by the pool, but we ran out of time previously. Now...well, now I have time. =D
###You had me at "more". ;)

Yeah, I stopped watching the Walking Dead for that reason. I mean, you know people are going to die you expect it. But when you introduce a character, eat up ten minutes of an hour long episode with their backstory, and then kill them before the episode is done, that's when I feel like you're wasting my time.
###Ugh, tell me about it. That and there didn't seem to be any purpose- what were they ultimately trying to do? They just kept rounding up survivors or as I like to think of them "snacks"...the larger your group, the harder it becomes to maintain. Plus, I think the "zombie" thing has just been done to death (no pun intended). There have been a couple of fresh spins on it here and there, but at its core- they're still "zombies". Bleh. A horde attack just doesn't have the same suspense as being picked off one-by-one when a single protagonist is hunting you, or even a smaller group- like say the Cenobites for example.

I remember another author I had put down some time ago. The guy is meeting with his boss when some goons come in, beat him unconscious, and kidnap the boss and the secretary. And the bad guys keep showing up and it almost feels like if they didn't keep popping in to drag this guy back into the story, that he'd forget what the fuck he was doing and just spin off into distraction.
###Yeah, they do that in movies and a lot of games too. The world is ending. You're the only guy who can stop it. The demons will be here soon. You have to talk to the ghost of a little girl with all of the answers. She is the key to saving humanity...but first a "fetch quest" to find her cwayons, favorite bear, blah, blah, and blah. Not in a hurry or anything...

Anyway. It's easy to spot bad writing. Even non-writers know what it feels like when they see it.
###I don't know- look at how people fawn over the one that wrote the "Twilight" series. Lol I've never read them, but I can imagine the style based on who she was pandering it's core it was about a teenage girl trying to figure out if she wanted to have sex with a dead guy or a dog. Riveting stuff. It could have been resolved in a pamphlet. Lol
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Damn, 8th of February is like almost 3 months ago, yet it doesn't feel like the last update was that far away.
Yeah, sorry about the delay. A lot has been happening on this side of the curtain. Team shrinkage is definitely a factor, but more importantly we threw the brakes for a moment to reconfigure how we're doing sex scenes going forward.

We've got a great story, great character and great renders, but we've been told, and completely agree that our sex scenes have left a lot to be desired. So effort is being made to improve this aspect of the game.

We did some mock ups and tried out a few different things but have finally settled on a format going forward.

Since this next update has two consecutive sex scenes, it was important to nail down now how we were going to handle this going forward. And since I operate under an entrepreneurial principle, "built one like you're going to build twenty", it was important that as we settle on a format, we have a well understood pipeline in place so that replicating for future sex scenes would be easy.

The problem with doing it in the traditional "renpy" menu way is that we end up with a lot of loops that double back on each other and it's easy to quickly lose control of the "flow of the code". So we needed to create a custom "sex screen menu" that would give us the broad range of options we wanted while still being easy to code and render.

I'm happy to report that we've settled on the specifics of the feature itself. We can now create a sex menu that offers up a huge variety of choice, but is coded to be scalable so we can add as many or as few "sexual options" as we want in a given scene.

However, there is a trade off. We now have many, many, many more renders that are required for a sex scene. Horrible right?!

Each sexual position will consist of about 25 associated images. And we're starting out with a whopping six positions (this is just the start). So that's 150 images we need for a single sex scene. But goddamn are you going to get to have some fun.

We're working on finishing the first scene now with one of the prostitutes and we are going to release it as a stand alone sample of how this will work in the game. Just to give people an idea of what we're working on and why it's take us this long to produce the next update. This of course doesn't include the several hundred images we've already rendered outside the sex scene just to tell the story.

The gist is this, during a sex scene you'll pick a location, "couch", "against the wall", "on the bed" (these will be scene specific so depending on where the sex is happening these choices will change.

Then you pick a direction. Is she facing you, facing away, beside you, etc. These choices will depend on the location chosen above.

Then you pick a sexual position based on which direction she's facing. Cowgirl? Candle? Penitent Monk (I made that one up).

Finally you'll pick a "point of stimulation", Rimming, Cunnilingus, Vaginal, Blow job, etc.

And in some cases you'll get to add a "flourish". Maybe while you're eating her out you want to finger her ass, or play with her tits.

Now, I know that sounds like a lot, but believe it or not, it's easy to set up so many options. With each combination only having 4 to 5 images with 4 to 5 camera angles a piece, each scene only needs to be set up once. After that, small adjustments are made, saved and batch rendered.

It only took us ten hours to stage 250 images for the transsexual sex scene. But at 25 minutes a render, that's 104 hours of straight rendering.

So the plan is to release the update with only four possible positions. Then we'll set some patreon goals and as we clear the goals, we can start adding more and more sexual options. The only reason we're tying this to patreon income is so that we can afford to set up a second computer whose sole purpose will be rendering images out 24/7.

So as our hardware quality increases, we'll be able to add a plethora of sexual choices without any further delays in production time.

So yeah, that's where we're at. I want to get the first scene completely coded and done and release it as a sample to the public early next week. Just so everyone can see what we're up to and understand the delay.

And believe me, I've been working on this Nanami chapter long enough. I'm ready to get this done and work on the next character. I need some Cassie/Emily time personally. The wife needs some serious attention!

Anyway, thanks for checking in with us! I always worry that these delays are going to cause interest in the project to wan. Glad to know people are still thinking about it!

Salute mate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
###Wow. That little white spot on his testicles looks troubling- should he have that looked at or was he painting his kitchen with his nuts? :p The scenes look amazing and it sounds incredibly ambitious- kinda wish y'all would have started with Cassie, Amanda, or Jane...but beggars cannot be choosers. Lol Seriously, looks bloody fantastic!

Then you pick a sexual position based on which direction she's facing. Cowgirl? Candle? Penitent Monk (I made that one up). had a chance to make a nun reference... :p WTH is the "candle"? I can, honestly, say that's not one I've heard of either.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Honestly that all sounds amazing, there seems to be a lot more to these scenes than i ever expected. Definitely looking forward to testing it out once you guys release it.

One question though, when we were asked about those choices on things like are you ok with trans characters and stuff, those that said yes get the trans stripper and those that said no get the female one? Or do we get to decide which one we get in the next update?


Oct 16, 2017
kinda wish y'all would have started with Cassie, Amanda, or Jane...but beggars cannot be choosers.
Well the Story Characters need a little more "Foreplay". I mean you want it to be a natural climax to a storyline, not some random "Why is there straw here?" "I don't know. Why are you wearing a mask?" "I don't know. Let's fuck" "Ok" encounter. With some Prostitute or Nanami you can do that, because one isn't really important to the story (and it's logical that there is no foreplay with a prostitute) and the other is already set up to get close and personal.

I hate the delay as much as everybody else, but I think it'll be worth the wait in the end.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
###Wow. That little white spot on his testicles looks troubling- should he have that looked at or was he painting his kitchen with his nuts? :p The scenes look amazing and it sounds incredibly ambitious- kinda wish y'all would have started with Cassie, Amanda, or Jane...but beggars cannot be choosers. Lol Seriously, looks bloody fantastic!

Then you pick a sexual position based on which direction she's facing. Cowgirl? Candle? Penitent Monk (I made that one up). had a chance to make a nun reference... :p WTH is the "candle"? I can, honestly, say that's not one I've heard of either.
The names of the sexual positions were pretty much taken from

I couldn't find a name for her standing and him on his knees eating her ass. But after I posed it, I thought, "Shit, he looks like he's praying." And thus the 'penitent monk' was born. There's probably an actual name for it, but I couldn't find it. (If he's on his knees and eating her pussy, I'm calling it the 'supplicant monk'. Cause you know, why the fuck not?


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Honestly that all sounds amazing, there seems to be a lot more to these scenes than i ever expected. Definitely looking forward to testing it out once you guys release it.

One question though, when we were asked about those choices on things like are you ok with trans characters and stuff, those that said yes get the trans stripper and those that said no get the female one? Or do we get to decide which one we get in the next update?
The update we're working on now has an optional transgender character. If you have transgender content turned off, you'll interact with Lita. If you have transgender content turned on, you'll interact with Lola. Both fulfill the same part of the story, but they have different dialogue, personalities, etc. But they play the same role in the plot (I don't want to say more for fear of spoilers).

So it's an either/or based on which option you've selected.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Well the Story Characters need a little more "Foreplay". I mean you want it to be a natural climax to a storyline, not some random "Why is there straw here?" "I don't know. Why are you wearing a mask?" "I don't know. Let's fuck" "Ok" encounter. With some Prostitute or Nanami you can do that, because one isn't really important to the story (and it's logical that there is no foreplay with a prostitute) and the other is already set up to get close and personal.

I hate the delay as much as everybody else, but I think it'll be worth the wait in the end.
Oh we're not cutting out foreplay at all. In fact there is an entire blowjob leading up to prostitute sex with dialogue and such as well. We'll play out the foreplay naturally, and then when it's time to fuck, you'll have all kind of choices.

The sex menu is there to make you feel like you stepped into an amusement park after a bit of a road trip and long walk up to the gate. And not all girls will have the same options at first. You might have to have sex with Amanda once or twice in a more vanilla fashion before she starts to feel comfortable enough to let you do anything kinky. You'll get there eventually, but you gotta build some trust.

That's the great thing about the way we coded this menu, we can tailor the choices to the character, situation and location. So you might not always have the same options, but our goal is to make sure you have plenty. And that you can go back and replay them over and over, and try as many of them as you want. You'll make these choices, but the sex menu will just keep looping until you deliberately tell it to end. This way you can do as many or as few of them as you like.

We want to put as much control in the player's hands as possible and this seems like a good way to do it. We're even going to generously let you cum as many times as you want. Roger's balls are loaded with an infinite supply of ammo that he can shoot into or onto as many places as he wants. (Though we aren't going to track those spots and render them in every subsequent scene, that would just be an insane number of visual combinations that we don't want to spend time programming).
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