
Chasing Redhead sm0ls
Jun 2, 2017
so im trying to update the characters to g9.
amanda is almost done but if you have any feedback let me know!

View attachment 2319329 View attachment 2319330 View attachment 2319333
My thought is original has an eye shape that suggests partial Asian heritage and the new one does not. But that is just my impression.

At the end of the day this was still pretty early on and I find the new model plenty sexy and sweet which are both elements of the character. Like Jane needs to have rebellious printed on her face you know? But Amanda needs to say innocent and sweet with no dialogue. And for me, I think you have that. But it is different.

I would rather have progress than perfect clones, myself.



Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
My thought is original has an eye shape that suggests partial Asian heritage and the new one does not. But that is just my impression.
:unsure: I seriously thought just the opposite, especially in Render 2 of the new Amanda. Das3d is weird though, since the models will never look quite human, so we each see what we see, like the gold-dress/blue-dress debate.
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Jan 9, 2023
Thanks for picking up the project. :)

Useful feedback may be hard to get here tbh, since those of us still following are so used to the original and really liked what RomanHume was doing with it all (I was particularly a fan of the subtle yet communicative facial expressions) before his fulltime job made it impossible. So any feedback we give will probably be tainted by that. Plus, you're getting into the groove of the characters yourself. So what is shown now may change a bunch as the process continues.

Initial feedback though: I like the realism of the G9 skin more. But the feel of the character is definitely different. Amanda 1 looks a little less trusting and more guarded in general, but very present. It's hard to get a read on any thoughts or expressions in the face of Amanda 2 so far. A bit blank in the first two renders. The third render, maybe melancholy and distant. But if I were looking at her through MC's eyes, I feel like she'd be looking at me as someone who doesn't know me that well and might not have the comfort level that familiarity brings. I know that feedback contradicts how I describe Amanda 1's look "less trusting, more guarded". But her expressions seem to show more familiarity with MC where she might let that guard down. Amanda 2 seems more just like "your neighbor's daughter's friend" and is harder to read.

Like I said, that perception could be tainted by familiarity with the OG character somewhat, so it's hard for me to judge how accurate I'm being with the feedback. I hope it helps, though!

As an aside, Amanda 2's model has more noticeably Asian-like features, especially in the second render. Nothing wrong with making that sort of change, but just a notable difference. I'm personally less a fan of swaps like that in a re-imagining, but for those encountering the game for the first time, it'll be six of one, half dozen of the other. Likely NBD for them.
thanks for the reply!

her eyes were angled down a bit much, but i did some side by sides in photoshop to help show where i needed to still make tweaks. the latest version is a lot closer i think. i want her to try to be as much like she was previously but more real looking. and since i love the character and roman is still doing the writing she shouldnt change in personality.

but youre right i know i cant please everyone.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: dontcarewhateverno


Jan 9, 2023
It's hard to say why, but there are some things that I'll definitely miss if the model ends up more like your updated one. Here are some thoughts on various points of the change:
  • Somehow her overall appearance feels more confident that previously, and I'm not sure why exactly. There are some things that I think might contribute to that feeling, but IDK if this is comprehensive:
    • The hair color now feels too bold; the lighter pink almost conveys insecurity, whereas the newer shade feels rebellious instead. Maybe it's not the shade but the style itself (like the braid)? Not sure. Is there a G9 hairstyle more similar to the older one? Maybe that's not a resource available, though.
    • The cheeks are a bit rounder than before also, which does make her seem a little bit like a different character but not in a bothersome way IMO. I do think this might be contributing some to the change in feeling that is conveyed visually.
  • I'm indifferent on the skin tone differences; I don't feel like she'll feel any different really with those generally. I would say I agree with dontcare, however. I do wonder whether seeming more tanned might be making her seem more confident too. I don't think so, but I'm not versed in the psychology of art to this fine of a detail.
  • I think I prefer the earlier breast shape, although I don't care all that much. It's just a personal preference, especially since they aren't all that different.
  • I like how you kept the same angle of eyebrows and that the eyes are very similar in shape and tone. That will help her feel like the Amanda I've come to love.
  • Does she still have braces? I quite liked that she had those, adding to her innocence and lack of self-confidence. (Not that I prefer lack of confidence or anything, mind you. In this case, it made her that much cuter to me though.)
  • I like the collarbone definition you added. I think it is a nice touch and adds some sexiness to someone completely unaware of her own beauty.
  • While I really liked the persistent blush on her cheeks, I actually think the redesign is better in that regard. Maybe something along the lines of the old blush can be added when she's actually blushing and not stay there constantly. It will make a good distinction, I think.
I guess that's all I can think of offhand. I appreciate your reaching out for feedback too! It shows you really care and want to stay true to the original while also making it your own. I feel like this is in very good hands now. View attachment 2319364
the confidence might just be a result of the posture and that i didnt do any sheepish kinda stance on her yet. right now i cant find any braces for the teeth but since teeth are a separate geometry in g9 i expect they will be along soon and shell have them back right away!

when compared to the base g9 skin shes actually quite pale but not as pale as the yellow tinted amanda of old. i think when shes standing next to cassie and jane shell look more pale than she does when compared to her twinsy.

and i did like her old breast shape i just couldnt get that perk with the new sliders. maybe as more tools come out i can try again on the breasts but i gotta say the g9 base toolset is already pretty extensive so im happy about that!

thanks for the reply!


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
thanks for the reply!

her eyes were angled down a bit much, but i did some side by sides in photoshop to help show where i needed to still make tweaks. the latest version is a lot closer i think. i want her to try to be as much like she was previously but more real looking. and since i love the character and roman is still doing the writing she shouldnt change in personality.

but youre right i know i cant please everyone.
You can't. So definitely take our feedback here with a grain of salt. The art is your project now. :)

I do appreciate you trying to make them match the OG characters as much as possible though + with the added realism the next gen models can provide. That sounds great!
  • Red Heart
Reactions: meepish


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
I just find the skin tone too dark. Greyish.
That's actually your eyes playing tricks on you. It's most certainly darker / more tanned, but it's not grey in tone. It's kind of similar to chromatic noise (although it's definitely something else), and comes from the two being side by side.

You can see this if you were, for instance, to take a screenshot and cut out everything except for a square of the newer model's tone. Save that to your hard drive, go to sleep at the end of the day, and then view only that new tone the following day. It would not appear greyish, but a normal skin tone that happens to be darker than the original.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
took some of the feedback and made additional tweaks.
better? worse? indifferent? hate me for messing with a beloved model?

View attachment 2320554
No hate, but i can't see how can it be better. (Unless it's was a disaster to start, but that's not true this case.) I already wrote this in an another game's thread:
I think the problem is that the dev had a idea of the characters, then he created 3d model what is not the 100% perfect copy of his idea. But the game came out so the players saw the characters, so to them the game version the real character. Now the dev makes a new model that closer to his ideal, it's an improvement for him, but the player only sees the difference from the original, which was the 100% version of the character in the player eyes.

TLDR Never change character mid game :D


Jan 9, 2023
So happy to see someone is keeping this alive!

The best of this story were the characters (personality) and the dialogue. So please do not overstress over graphs. Although, to be fair, the last release with Cassie chapter was mind-blowingly beautiful.

Just hope you don't get over stressed too, I see most devs, specially new devs, tend to underestimate the effort needed to produce a novel.

I would also try to refrain from asking too much to the fanbase. A good every once in a while for specific things is good, but believe me, we can be very spoiled individuals. Not me, as the supervillain who will dominate Earth, I am actually entitled to my shenanigans! Which tends to be demanding devs to do things the way I want, how I want, whenever I want asking devs to take care of themselves!

Also please do not overstress about some random trolls coming on the website demanding stuff. It is part of F95. I tend to troll them back but someone will be there to put them in place.

Welcome and thank you!!

PS: RomanHume don't even think about abandoning us!
all good advice! an luckily roman is still doing the writing cause i suck at writing and stories sound very natural.

im not stressing about the art but i am throwing myself into it because its really my only job and im loving it. well that and outlining the story for roman. but hes still writing up the scenes so if i can nail the look and get the expressions right then combined with his writing it should be pretty awesome.

and im gonna risk sounding like a bitch but what i was told is that roman tried for year to get help and give this project to someone. so anyone who doesnt like what im doing should have picked it up when they had the chance. i dont want to ruin what roman did. i love his characters! specially amanda which is why i doted on her first.

but i do want to tell my own story while keeping in line with the character personalities that roman came up with.

and im in love with genesis 9! so much geometry to play with!

and i was able to add amandas braces back on her so today was a win!


Jan 9, 2023
I am going to say, if you are having trouble rendering characters and backgrounds at the same time, then switching to Gen9 is not the way to go. Composited images look bad, and there are not the resources for Gen9 yet. I really recommend against it.
Besides, changing the models in the middle of the game is never a good plan.

Best of luck.
i dont understand the comment about the characters and backgrounds. and 99% of the gen 8 stuff i have works on gen 9. dazs auto-fit converts them very good right out of the box. so there is a huge library of stuff ive been using with gen 9 so far.
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Jan 9, 2023
My thought is original has an eye shape that suggests partial Asian heritage and the new one does not. But that is just my impression.

At the end of the day this was still pretty early on and I find the new model plenty sexy and sweet which are both elements of the character. Like Jane needs to have rebellious printed on her face you know? But Amanda needs to say innocent and sweet with no dialogue. And for me, I think you have that. But it is different.

I would rather have progress than perfect clones, myself.

and i spent a deal of time today really playing around with her facial expressions trying to get good with the gen 9 sliders. its a total switch from what roman had with gen 3 so i cant replicate things exactly but im getting there. i also want to keep her as demure as possible.


Jan 9, 2023
No hate, but i can't see how can it be better. (Unless it's was a disaster to start, but that's not true this case.) I already wrote this in an another game's thread:
I think the problem is that the dev had a idea of the characters, then he created 3d model what is not the 100% perfect copy of his idea. But the game came out so the players saw the characters, so to them the game version the real character. Now the dev makes a new model that closer to his ideal, it's an improvement for him, but the player only sees the difference from the original, which was the 100% version of the character in the player eyes.

TLDR Never change character mid game :D
i get ya but this game also has a new dev with a new vision. and this dev wants to use updated models AND pay tribute and respect the models as they were. and i like the models how they were but theyre dated and inconsistent.

and roman has warned me about the negative comebacks im gonna get for my changes so much i wanna vomit every time he reminds me. but im good! i can take it. im here to have fun with these ladies and take what roman started to the next level. and some people wont like it and it is what it is. jane can piss in their hater-ade.

im gonna make a game and people who like what i do will play and people who dont wont.

or they will and they will whine about it. either way im gonna do what i do and hope for the best.


Jan 9, 2023
The new model could use more gloss on her lips to match the old model.
ugh i know right!
so gen9 doesnt have a separate vertex group like gen3 did for the lips. the face is all one grouping now and the pbr shader has a makeup grouping with a mask but the params are very light.

im going to continue looking for a way to improve her lipstick and make up (and i think it was the eye liner making her look more asian in some of the early renders). either way its a good place to start and there is plenty of room to refine as we go.


Jan 9, 2023
Can you apply a wet effect to her lip region only? That is what makes the gloss shine IRL
no with gen9 its a bit more complicated than that. i believe at this point i would have to use lie masks. which is possible, but a lot of work.

they dont have separate surfaces now for the lips. its all just part of the entire head. which is good in a way because it means the whole surface texture will be more uniform and change together but sucks because you cant just manipulate a single part of the body without opacity masks.

its the kind of small detail i can let slide until someone comes up with a script. itll happen soon too i bet because makeup is big business in the daz store.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
i dont understand the comment about the characters and backgrounds. and 99% of the gen 8 stuff i have works on gen 9. dazs auto-fit converts them very good right out of the box. so there is a huge library of stuff ive been using with gen 9 so far.
The update ate my reply again... =/

I meant this...

IDK what kind of system you have, but if you have to do things like this to render, you are better off going back to gen3, not 9.

So far, I am not a fan of gen 9, other than being gender neutral, what I have seen looks bad, especially that new breast control thing, looks like a man with implants.

But, my feelings aside, it is almost never good to change the models in the middle of the game.

Either way, best of luck.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So happy to see someone is keeping this alive!

The best of this story were the characters (personality) and the dialogue. So please do not overstress over graphs. Although, to be fair, the last release with Cassie chapter was mind-blowingly beautiful.

Just hope you don't get over stressed too, I see most devs, specially new devs, tend to underestimate the effort needed to produce a novel.

I would also try to refrain from asking too much to the fanbase. A good every once in a while for specific things is good, but believe me, we can be very spoiled individuals. Not me, as the supervillain who will dominate Earth, I am actually entitled to my shenanigans! Which tends to be demanding devs to do things the way I want, how I want, whenever I want asking devs to take care of themselves!

Also please do not overstress about some random trolls coming on the website demanding stuff. It is part of F95. I tend to troll them back but someone will be there to put them in place.

Welcome and thank you!!

PS: RomanHume don't even think about abandoning us!
I mean, it's not like I have been around much so would abandonment really feel all that different?

Just kidding though. I'm not going anywhere. I'm excited to see where all this goes! I won't spoil anything but Meep is laying out the story and I'm taking those raw ideas and turning them into scenes and building the dialogue. I have to say, she's definitely got some very clever ideas. I'm going to do my best to write them as well as I can and let her art shine on its own merit.


Jan 9, 2023
The update ate my reply again... =/

I meant this...

IDK what kind of system you have, but if you have to do things like this to render, you are better off going back to gen3, not 9.

So far, I am not a fan of gen 9, other than being gender neutral, what I have seen looks bad, especially that new breast control thing, looks like a man with implants.

But, my feelings aside, it is almost never good to change the models in the middle of the game.

Either way, best of luck.
roman gave me the two computers he built for making the renders so the systems are good. and i didnt have to do it that way it was something i was trying to help roman with to save time on the art.

i like gen 9 and dont really have any problem making the boobs look great. and you can easily add geometry to the nipples so that they look good from any angle and not just straight on. and 8k normals are fecking awesome!
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