i want to have dialogue choices for the girls when ever roger isnt in a scene. romie says it steals from the immersion.
what do you think?
ps. im still gonna make my own decision, just wondering if anyone agrees with romie.
pss. i hate it when hes right about stuff!
psss. dont agree with him because his ego sucks and im right and manipulating these girls from inside their horny little minds is the best!
pssss. i dont know what the limit on psssses is.
Absolutely steals from the immersion, as well as the general flow, balance and professional shine on the game. Unless this VN were one with two or three switching MCs or an innovative VN experiment with a Game of Thrones style where there were no true main character, it would come out awkward. Unless you're a writer with Charlie-Kaufman-like talent, I wouldn't risk the latter either. Most VN's I've seen attempt this convenient perspective switch generally use it as a crutch and it never flows well. There are rules in story structure for how first, second and third-person perspective are generally used for a reason, too. Doubly so for VNs, which by necessity are easier to pull-off successfully in a first-person single-character perspective throughout. It takes a great writer to seamlessly break those rules of thumb.
We know little about your experience, so if it ends up you literally wrote a couple episodes for the last season of Mad Men (GOAT TV show writing), then I take it all back. Have at it! You could probably pull it off.
Otherwise, I'd steer clear. No offense, but I'd probably abandon following at that point, since I don't think it can be done well, with a few rare exceptions. The two greatest strengths of the OG game IMO were #1 its strong writing, unusual for an AVN and #2 its naturalistic facial expressions and poses. Working in that sort of perspective change-up will likely take away it's greatest strength, even if Roman ends up being the one writing it.
Also note that in ORS, the one decent example of a perspective switch AVN, both MCs are established from the very beginning and get equal time, so it works within the logic of the story & doesn't take genius-level writing skill to execute (though it still greatly slows down development + creates a load of implausible text for the multitude of choice combinations Eva may never find the time to retcon).