Jan 1, 2018
I appreciate that but it has already been determined that if we have voice acting I will be doing all of the characters. I'm told that for a middle-aged man I actually do a very good impression of a Japanese woman cumming. I can also do "young virgin masturbating" and "teenage not-daughter getting railed".
You forgot the obligatory of-COURSE-she's-not-underage, ear-splitting, squirting virgin orgasm voice (complete with sound effects). You could totally pull that off!


Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017

Teaser Scene
This week's teaser scene comes from Nanami's upcoming release. In it we'll meet Val Jones, a private detective that Nanami has hired to help her secure intel on Roger's corporate enemies. So get ready to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, cause we're a long way from the bottom.
Insanely busy week behind us! We've made an incredible amount of progress on the next update and the scenes are coming together wonderfully. There's been a small deal of rewriting along the way, but only in an effort to make the scenes and the story stronger.
If you've been following along, you know that each of the main love interests have two paths that their story may follow. To that end, we've completed Cassie's next [Blue] scene, Nanami's next [Blue] scene, and Lupita's Introduction. Staging of the visuals in currently happening for those scenes and work has begun on the [Red] paths for Cassie and Nanami.
We're driving forward hard and will hopefully have some very nice teaser scenes coming up to help wet your whistle. So check back frequently!
Current Poll
There is still plenty of time to get in on Monica's date night poll! You can check out all the details !

What's Next
Right now we are just going to continue working hard on this next update. I have a few extra days off next week while the real job closes for holiday maintenance and Fecal has a few extra the day after. So we've got plenty of extra time this month to apply towards this larger update.
We're real excited about this as it will forward three different character's plot lines. Our goal is to have this out before Christmas. Right now, we seem to be on track to hit that goal, but at the moment it's still too early to put an actual launch date on it.
But as we get closer we'll work on zeroing in and firming up that launch date.
In the meantime, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm! It keeps us going!
Salute mates!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
1. Music - I think this can really set a scene whether it be sexual, romantic, or atmosphere. Like some people have said it should start low before it comes in so as not to jar the player. like in movies and tv music can really set the mood and turn an okay scene into a fantastic scene. It's all about context. Renpy already gives an option to turn off music so you won't have to worry about that feature.

2. Sound - As with music this can set scenes or moods if done right. It's not required but it can help some people get immersed into the world. Same thing don't make the sound effect super loud and you should be fine. I'll admit the only sound that matters to me in an adult novel is the moaning of pleasure from the female characters (Though this can be put under the voice section as well).

3. Voice - This can make or break a game experience depending on the voice itself. If the voice is good i'm all for it. If it's bad or cheesy, it depends on what story your telling. Like if your making a bad porn or something like that. I wasn't a fan of the Daughter for Dessert voice acting cause it's only in there for a short time so it is a little jarring to stop hearing it all of a sudden.
As @UncleVT said the voice acting in Sylvia is quite superb whether it be the english or french actress.

I'm all for an immersive experience. So these things being added can only be a bonus. I will still play the game if they are not because of the characters and the setting.

Keep up the good fight.

And the sex scenes are perhaps the one part of the whole Voice Acting thing that gives me trepidation to be honest. It's so easy for the moaning, groaning, sucking and slurping to come out sounding very corny and absurd. The actual dialogue I think is the easy part because I know how it sounds in my head when I'm writing it. But it would be odd to have all this vocal action that then go silent during a sex scene. Alternatively, it would be just as bad to have a bunch of superb dialogue that is suddenly ruined by poorly done sex sounds. Such a dilemma. Thankfully it's not something we have to think to hard about yet.

But it's there, in the back of my mind.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Thanks stagwood. I actually got to read the patreon reports, and...uh.... reading "finished the introduction" really bummed me out. I'm really looking for long "can be finished" games with pregnancy content/ending and I thought this was the ONE. Oh well...
One of these days we'd love to be "the ONE", but regretfully we're not there yet. Sorry mate. But keep checking back, we'll get there eventually.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2018

Teaser Scene
This week's teaser scene comes from Nanami's upcoming release. In it we'll meet Val Jones, a private detective that Nanami has hired to help her secure intel on Roger's corporate enemies. So get ready to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, cause we're a long way from the bottom.
Insanely busy week behind us! We've made an incredible amount of progress on the next update and the scenes are coming together wonderfully. There's been a small deal of rewriting along the way, but only in an effort to make the scenes and the story stronger.
If you've been following along, you know that each of the main love interests have two paths that their story may follow. To that end, we've completed Cassie's next [Blue] scene, Nanami's next [Blue] scene, and Lupita's Introduction. Staging of the visuals in currently happening for those scenes and work has begun on the [Red] paths for Cassie and Nanami.
We're driving forward hard and will hopefully have some very nice teaser scenes coming up to help wet your whistle. So check back frequently!
Current Poll
There is still plenty of time to get in on Monica's date night poll! You can check out all the details !

What's Next
Right now we are just going to continue working hard on this next update. I have a few extra days off next week while the real job closes for holiday maintenance and Fecal has a few extra the day after. So we've got plenty of extra time this month to apply towards this larger update.
We're real excited about this as it will forward three different character's plot lines. Our goal is to have this out before Christmas. Right now, we seem to be on track to hit that goal, but at the moment it's still too early to put an actual launch date on it.
But as we get closer we'll work on zeroing in and firming up that launch date.
In the meantime, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm! It keeps us going!
Salute mates!
I like the sound of this progress report. The Val jones model looks good (Nice to see it's not a reused Liam model)

I'm wondering if depending on our path with Nanami will she try to hit on Val or use him to make us jealous. Perhaps sharing (Doubt it since that doesn't seem like Nanami's character). Either way I'm looking forward to the continuation of the corporate plotline.

Keep up the godly work


P.S. Enjoy your winter holidays. Relax, hang out with relatives or squalor in isolation (That one would be me).


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I like the sound of this progress report. The Val jones model looks good (Nice to see it's not a reused Liam model)

I'm wondering if depending on our path with Nanami will she try to hit on Val or use him to make us jealous. Perhaps sharing (Doubt it since that doesn't seem like Nanami's character). Either way I'm looking forward to the continuation of the corporate plotline.

Keep up the godly work


P.S. Enjoy your winter holidays. Relax, hang out with relatives or squalor in isolation (That one would be me).
I'm sure many players will be relieved to know that Val is not a sexual threat to any of Roger's love interests. We designed Val to be a tool that Roger can use, or that can be used against Roger, in his corporate machinations depending on how the story plays out. Val exists strictly for intel.

However, I'm going to spend most of this holiday break jamming on the game. This is the last month we'll have to work on it full-time before the real job calls again in January. Unless we see a bizarre surge on Patreon, we'll be dropping back down to part time work on the game after the first of the year. Progress will continue, but it'll be at the pace previous set before the holidays.

So it's imperative we get as much done as we can now and really work to build up some additional content.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2018
I'm sure many players will be relieved to know that Val is not a sexual threat to any of Roger's love interests. We designed Val to be a tool that Roger can use, or that can be used against Roger, in his corporate machinations depending on how the story plays out. Val exists strictly for intel.

However, I'm going to spend most of this holiday break jamming on the game. This is the last month we'll have to work on it full-time before the real job calls again in January. Unless we see a bizarre surge on Patreon, we'll be dropping back down to part time work on the game after the first of the year. Progress will continue, but it'll be at the pace previous set before the holidays.

So it's imperative we get as much done as we can now and really work to build up some additional content.
I think i'm so used to porn games that If anyone is introduced they have a high chance of a sex scene or something.
It's a nice change of pace that you have characters that aren't apart of the sexual parts of the story.

Well here to hoping you get some more backers. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a real guarantee on getting a ton of backers. I've really i noticed major surges from games that fill in a void (think of games like Milfy city or similar after Big Brother was abandoned), they have multiple updates for a lot of content, incest (For some reason. Not kink shaming but it's crazy huh), or 2d stuff seems with hand drawn characters seem to pull big numbers (Probably because a lot of people think DAZ models are kind of plasticy).

I think you have an interesting story, with great characters, with slightly different premise with the blue and red path choices. So I think you guys will get the pledgers eventually. It just make take some time. Good games just take a little longer to get noticed like (Like a month or so ago had less than 50 supporters), (Still criminal that this guy doesn't have more supporters), or some of the other games on the feature page.

Keep on trucking.



Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I think i'm so used to porn games that If anyone is introduced they have a high chance of a sex scene or something.
It's a nice change of pace that you have characters that aren't apart of the sexual parts of the story.

Well here to hoping you get some more backers. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a real guarantee on getting a ton of backers. I've really i noticed major surges from games that fill in a void (think of games like Milfy city or similar after Big Brother was abandoned), they have multiple updates for a lot of content, incest (For some reason. Not kink shaming but it's crazy huh), or 2d stuff seems with hand drawn characters seem to pull big numbers (Probably because a lot of people think DAZ models are kind of plasticy).

I think you have an interesting story, with great characters, with slightly different premise with the blue and red path choices. So I think you guys will get the pledgers eventually. It just make take some time. Good games just take a little longer to get noticed like (Like a month or so ago had less than 50 supporters), (Still criminal that this guy doesn't have more supporters), or some of the other games on the feature page.

Keep on trucking.

I know what you mean. In just about every other game I've played if there is a male character, he's some kind of threat, opponent, etc. Our game is 50% story, 50% sex. We don't want players to get alarmed every time we introduce a new male character. And since it is a long term goal to interweave these stories, it's important to us that players like some of the male Characters because they may be the MC of their own Dr. Amana game one day.

I know what you mean about the ebb and flow of Patreon. I've seen some games that I thought were total shit that had a ton of backing, and others that were absolutely great that simply hadn't been noticed yet. I think exposure is the real deal, and the more people who notice and play your game, the more opportunities that some of them will convert to backers.

We fully acknowledge that right now our lack of content is our biggest detriment. We have excellent writing, a good story to tell and excellent renders. I have no doubt that in time we'll make something big out of it. We just have to exercise patience and keep on driving. One update at a time and we'll get there eventually. Just gotta stay the course.

Cheers mate!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I have to say, after playing this game I am very impressed. The writing is the best i've seen since joining this site. Not only does it make company examination and business client strategys dialogue interesting with some well done research, it also makes it understandably for someone with no personal experience about the work style themself, without dumbing it down. Aswell the characters have some really good dialogue and for once I can feel like the choices I make have an impact without losing parts that are fun. You put it very nicely in your homepage " Your choices change the flavor of the tale, not the outcomes. " It's brilliant!

The very thing telltale lost from its games and you manage to create as simple gamers yourself(with some technical prowess)

I respect the work you are putting into the story, dialogue and characters, hell I feel like I'm learning more about writing myself just by playing your game. Something I would not expect from any games on this site up to this point. You developers have set a new standard for me. I love it and I love you.
Wanted to say thanks for trying our game and we appreciate you taking the time to write such a glowing review. Funny you mention Telltale. They were a big inspiration for us wanting to write a game that changed depending on which decisions you make. Enjoyed many of their games over the years. Sorry to see them go.

But we played a lot of these games ourselves and when we started we decided we wanted to make a game that we would want to play. Which meant evolving story, solid dialogue choices, but no game over screens or dead ends. Nothing like having to reload two or three saves back to break your investment in a story.

We're always happy to discuss our processes. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Welcome to the community and we hope to bring you some more good stuff very soon.

Salute mate!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
We've been doing some light tests for one of Cassie's scenes. Setting the light is probably the most time consuming part, but once we've nailed it, the rest is a matter of modeling facial expressions and body movement. Now that this is done, the rest of this scene should fly through production. Understand, she doesn't actually appear topless in this scene. We just like doing all of our tests on nude models because, hey, fuck it, we can. Cheers mates!



Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Wow, the attention to detail is really amazing. I think it's the first time I'm seeing anything like this. In most of the games, the NPC just appears right in front on the MC and takes up most of the screen and the whole place is empty, and in others it's filled with black people. I don't mean that as a race but like how those DoD creatures were black (eg. Milfy City). But this is really going to increase the involvement of the player to the next level. Seriously impressed!
Yeah, most devs being very economical with these scenes for fastest production. Never heard about those billboards being used either. I completely agree with devs about immersion aspect, that many people in club is great to see.
We understand why other others devs do it the way they do. It really is system intensive to try and render a scene with so many models. And alternatively, spending a few hours making billboards for a single scene may seem wasteful to others. We think it's a small price to pay for detail. It's the little things that can separate you from the story, and the more of these little things we think we can eliminate, the more we can draw our players into the world we're creating.

Knowing that would-be players like yourselves are enthusiastic about it validates our efforts and lets us know we're heading down the correct path.

Cheers mates! We salute you!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Only problem though with having full scenes is that you'll start getting hit with these types of questions. Can we fuck the red head? Can we fuck the bubble butt? Can we fuck the girl in the lingerie? Can we fuck the highly pixelated limber ass girl? Or other questions like that.
And while we don't often like to tell our players no, there are times we'll have to.

Although, now that you mention it, it could be a good sampling ground for future characters in future stories. If we get an insane number or requests for a particular background model, there's no reason we can make the person a major character in another story down the road. We're trying to make a living world after-all with future crossovers. So anything's possible.

Kudos for pointing out an unseen benefit! Cheers!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
What version of the game would I receive when I become a patron? I was a patron before but stopped when the development stopped and I am interested in playing more.
As a result of your question we've added this information to the top of our Patreon page.

And if myself or someone else has already responded I apologize for the redundancy, but v1.0.4 is the current version. We're working on getting the next update out before Christmas and it should include three addition character advancements.

Cheers mate.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
As a result of your question we've added this information to the top of our Patreon page.

And if myself or someone else has already responded I apologize for the redundancy, but v1.0.4 is the current version. We're working on getting the next update out before Christmas and it should include three addition character advancements.

Cheers mate.
By three character advancements, do you mean 3 "red or blue" paths, or 3 "red and blue" paths?
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

From a page back.

If you've been following along, you know that each of the main love interests have two paths that their story may follow. To that end, we've completed Cassie's next [Blue] scene, Nanami's next [Blue] scene, and Lupita's Introduction. Staging of the visuals in currently happening for those scenes and work has begun on the [Red] paths for Cassie and Nanami.
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
By three character advancements, do you mean 3 "red or blue" paths, or 3 "red and blue" paths?
One Red and Blue for Cassie, one red and blue for Nanami, and then Lupita's intro. So in a single play through you'll have three new scenes to play through. In two play throughs you'd have six new scenes. This doesn't include the optional content with Lola.

Perhaps not a large update by other dev's standards, but it's the largest I think we've produced yet. We think December is going to be a good month for everyone!



Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018

From a page back.

If you've been following along, you know that each of the main love interests have two paths that their story may follow. To that end, we've completed Cassie's next [Blue] scene, Nanami's next [Blue] scene, and Lupita's Introduction. Staging of the visuals in currently happening for those scenes and work has begun on the [Red] paths for Cassie and Nanami.
This is correct.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I think i'm so used to porn games that If anyone is introduced they have a high chance of a sex scene or something.
It's a nice change of pace that you have characters that aren't apart of the sexual parts of the story.
Agree when it's a male, less so when it's a female... XD
I know what you mean. In just about every other game I've played if there is a male character, he's some kind of threat, opponent, etc.
Even when it is supposed to be your best friend, they still make things a pain... ;p
We've been doing some light tests for one of Cassie's scenes. Setting the light is probably the most time consuming part, but once we've nailed it, the rest is a matter of modeling facial expressions and body movement. Now that this is done, the rest of this scene should fly through production. Understand, she doesn't actually appear topless in this scene. We just like doing all of our tests on nude models because, hey, fuck it, we can. Cheers mates!

View attachment 193528
Aw, that's too bad, that kind of exhibitionism is a real turn on for me... :sneaky:
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

I'm glad I won't have to walk around with a bat in my hand when Val is around though though I might still carry my can a spray paint along to use on their face if their face annoy's me as I already do it a lot to many male characters and a few MC's also. James from sisterly lust was one of the first ones to get that treatment as his fucking smiles were fucking creepy as fuck.

My guess is that Val is gay as I have never heard of a any male ever using that name but a gay character/person might.
4.40 star(s) 78 Votes