Dreamcutter's found a publisher, baby!!
As soon as the contracts are all signed and such, I'll be sure to drop that knowledge, but what's more is that I've worked with this publisher in the past and have had nothing but good experiences with them.
This means I will no longer be struggling to afford an artist and what's more Dreamcutter is confirmed to be getting a Steam version!!!
This also means
I'll be updating you guys on more as it comes out, but with the financial backing of a publisher and the way that's going to change development (more structured end product, more emphasis on big picture, less frequent and interesting dev updates) I just can't morally bring myself to charge patrons when they're not going to be getting the same product they were getting before.
If something changes along the way, I may unpause the Patreon, but for now I'm so much happier to simply be able to make a game without having to advertise it, without having to worry about whether individual updates are going to bring more attention to the project, and you guys' support has been what's helped me to get here.
I'll let you guys know the moment I have any more news, especially when I'm allowed to reveal the publisher and the new artist (both of whom are total badasses by the way, I'm a big fan), and thank you so much for everything you guys have been able to provide.
Dreamcutter is not only more of a reality than I had ever dreamed of it becoming, it's now on track to surpass my expectations even further.
Thank you guys.
-Ten Pennyfingers