Progress update
Patrons only
Oct 11 at 12:22am
Well, the IR update went out. And I'm very glad to see that a lot of you enjoyed it.
It was fun for me too. I also need a break from Dana and Co, from time to time.
Bit of bad news on the Dana update though.
Between the extra work I did for IR, and setting up my system, I'm somewhat behind.
I've reached the 50 renders mark, when usually at this time I'd have close to double that.
Still, we power through it, and my work schedule should be looser near the end of the week. I might be able to make it up.
But I wouldn't expect the patch to be ready earlier than Sunday evening, possibly even Monday.
If I reach the 100 renders mark Friday evening, then it will be Sunday, if not, Monday. I'll make another progress update on Friday to let you know.
Few more things I want to touch on.
1) Now that I've gotten over the writing knot in IR, I hope to release a monthly patch.
Don't ask me at what point in the month it will be released. Not sure if it will be early, middle, late. I'll be working around the Dana schedule, so the IR patch date will be flexible. But it will be once a month.
2) I've gotten a few new patrons that have come because of IR. And some of you have been contacting me. And asking me to ditch, or at least put on the back burner DOD.
I won't do that. Once I start something, I tend to finish it.
And you don't want me to do that either.
Would you be comfortable with me abandoning projects? If I do that for DOD, what makes you think I won't do it for IR?
I like to think myself as a man of my word, and one that keeps to things.
You'll just have to be a little patient, and content yourselves with monthly IR releases, at least till January, when I hope to finish DOD. After that if most of you guys on patreon want it, I could make IR my primary focus. But not till then.
That's it for now.
As always, I'm very grateful for your support.