I didn't think I would be posting again so soon, not until Feb 7 or when ever the next update is supposed to come but I decided to actually try out part 2 instead of just judging it by what little is said about it in this thread and pictures with no context. First off I don't see what everyone's saying who ever made this is on drugs are talking about. Yea there's some tripy imagery, weird meta shit that sounds like gumdrop making excuses about why they went so long with no updates, and weird shit like an animated music video of the daughter character lip syncing to a Madonna song with a guest appearance by the skeleton but compared to some of the shit I've watched or read this shits no big deal.
Second unless someone posts or requests a compressed version no way in hell am I downloading the next version of part 2 because that shit took forever to down load. 1 gigabyte for the game isn't that bad although crunching that down to size is good, the 7.5 gigs and rising for this crap is insane.
Now for what ever the hell this is it's self. Like someone said it's mostly seems to be the son's point of view unlike the game which has both the father's story and the son's. But where as the game seems to be about the mother-son path to the point that going for other girls is point less so far as the son unlike the father who seems to have an equal shot with both his daughter and his niece Karen, part 2 goes of on some weird shit involving brother-sister getting married dying and coming back to life multiple times. Plus this seems to present the daughter/sister character as some kind of artist who paints pictures and plays piano which I don't remember coming up in the game on either the father's or son's stories. There's also a scene that implies that the father is bad at managing money, which I guess is something he could be arguing with the wife all the time about but again the game never says why they are always arguing just that they are. If these are clues about stuff that could come up in the game later I guess that would actually be cool and make this shit not totally point less, but I'm not holding out hope for that. So yea even as someone who actually likes the story of this game until I see something that proves other wise I'll say that part 2 is a waste of time and an excuse for gumdrop to drag everything out and milk money from the people still paying for as long as possible.