I'm a $20 patron to Gumdrop and I pretty much stopped coming here, for the most part, because it's just a bunch of people constantly bitching about him and pop in time to time to see the salt.
It's actually funny seeing how mad these guys actually get at the game.
There's a saying "You can tell a lot about a man by what makes him angry"
Good for you.
I used to pledge $30 for 4 months, then i lowered it to $10 for 2 months because of his ability to miss every deadline and even better ability to come up with the lamest excuses.
After that i canceled it because he keeps getting worse, and worse.
Every release it's the same crap..
-I can not make the deadline because i was (input random excuse).
-But it will be very soon(Almost never).
-And i am really really sorry about this all and i will try to make it up to all your pledgers.
I'f you are a relative new Pledge to him, i can understand your dedication.... And you have my respect.
But if you are longer then 6 months a pledge for him, i have to ask.... Why ? ..
I'm not saying that we pledgers have to know everything that going on with a creation of a game, i'm not saying that we pledgers have right to everything.
But i'f a creator lies to my face every freaking month, keeps taking the money off all those people who still believe in the game but keeps using them..... Well i'm sorry, but at that point it's done for a lot of people(including me).
And missing a deadline can always happen sometimes, we all make mistakes and learn from it... And thing can happen that we have 0% influence over.
And let's say that every excuse he made for the past year is legitimate, he has the worst luck in humanity and everything goes wrong.
A "normal" person would not give deadlines after missing them once or twice, so he has more room to anticipate for mistakes.
A "normal" person would be very careful with promises about a release or content after missing in once or twice or ignoring such content at all..... So he has more room to do thing right without getting the crowd angry.
All those things say to me that he is fully aware of what he is doing, and that the reason that he is creating is not to make a good game for the people to enjoy.... No he is making something to make a lot of money of in the quickest way possible.
And who can blame him.... because there will always be people like you who keep giving him money

(And before anyone says that i'm a pirate and i can not speak, i'm paying over 450 bucks every month at this point at patreon
But at this point it's the quick money buisness model..
Make a very good 0.1 demo, follow it up with descent 0.2 and 0.3 so you can get a following...
And you're done..
But again...I respect you for sticking up for a creator... Only mistake is that this creator does not deserve people who are that loyal to him