VN Ren'Py Dual Family [v1.22.1ce] [Gumdrop Games]

2.10 star(s) 189 Votes


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Captains Log, day 34567433234533whogivesashitanymore?224545674506940858

Well well well....Here we are again, your Noble Space Captain has twice run out of fuel, not once, twice, circling around the Gumdrops Void at my crews insistence the update was 'imminent.' Well this Captain is not impressed.

Not. Impressed. At. All.

Do you know how much fuel costs? It costs a lot of fucking credits, wasting two full tankers on the absurd prospect that this Void is finally going to fart out an update has made me want to crash my ship into an asteroid and just end this madness. In order to re-coup my losses I've begun to throw the more useless members of the crew out of the airlock. It's proven very effective.

Not to mention that fucking Skeleton has glued himself to my windscreen preaching morals and ethics, I eventually sent little Suzy out to scrape him off after the space wipers couldn't shift him. I once again watched from starboard as he floated away into the dark reaches of space, spouting off unfunny jokes and moral panderings.

Ah sorry, sorry, sorry...It's a little frustrating for this old space dog is all, as I was determined not to write another Log until the update FINALLY dropped. Alas, it has dawned on me that perhaps this new 'illusive' deadline will also not be met.

Those driven mad by the Gumdrops Void provide little entertainment now, most have simply starved to death, unable to look after themselves properly in their broken mentally state, most have simply perished to the elements. Those skeletal creatures that remain barely etch out the words 'Update...sooooooooooooon.'

Poor bastards...poor poor bastards.



......Oh fuck it......

Ladies, gentlemen...Your Captain has nothing to offer you, how can I? The Void is just that...A void of nothing. What could I offer you? Has there even been any pinups? Fabled promises? Of course...but that in itself is nothing to talk about.
I wish I could muster up some type of wit or humor, I have pondered, wondering whether this update at last would give me and my crew something to talk about, some new insight into the game.

Was the update worth it?
Did it 'shake things up' and be the heart wrenching drama it promised?
Did I enjoy it?
Was it artistically cohesive? Or would I notice the grand artistic improvement as teased?

Did the fucking skeleton show up again?

All of this and more I wanted to talk about...but I can't.
I can't, because this is the Gumdrops Void, it is nothingness.
In that nothingness is nothing.
There is only so much you can say about nothing.
...And that is all we have left at this point, nothing.

Some of you have anger, why?
That would require something to actually be angry at, but I'm starting to theorize that this update is becoming more mystical than the Loch Ness Monster or Big foot. The people throwing money at the project have been doing it for well over a year, there's no point caring anymore, they're probably the same people buying deeds for the Golden Gate bridge from a guy in a Bangkok bar selling it for fifty bucks. There's no point stopping them, and you shouldn't care anymore. I don't.

I don't even care if the update is trash at this point, it'd just be something new. Your Captain started these logs to keep you entertained, but your Captain ran out of gas at least five Logs back, at this point, it's just psychological warfare to try and think of new and exciting ways to talk about...nothing.

This update has become the adult gaming communities equivalent of Half-Life 3 or Star Citizen. Even the memes simply cannot sustain themselves for this long.

What new insights can I offer you?
What new adventures can I share? There are none, just a maddening patrol around the Void that has gone on long enough.
I've strongly started to emphasize with George from Of Mice and Men, If I could, I would take this update out back and put it down, but I can't.

Some of the straggling fans will take pride in this post, and remark "Ha! He still cares! See? SEE!?!"
I don't.
At this point, this is a Felini Death March, all hope and expectations are gone.
I just can't look away though, I need to see how it finally ends.

This is your Captain,
Now just waiting for the Abandoned Tag to be slapped on.
Signing off,
View attachment 282594
Stop wasting your time writing these.


Mar 17, 2019
Acting Lessons, Depraved Awakening, Become a Rockstar, Lexi, All Ptolemy games, High Life, Where the Heart is, Our Fate, etc, etc.
Only a few are finished though.
The writing of most of those is absolute garbage, the MC in Become a Rockstar is a narcissist and potentially a sociopath, Depraved Wakening is wish fulfillment fantasy with a hilariously bad crime drama thrown in (albeit with amazing renders, I still do love this game but the writing sucked), Acting Lessons has a completely over the top ending that did not at all fit the theme of the game (plus I hate the black guy everyone else loved), dunno what Lexi is, Ptolemy is mediocre both in terms of writing and renders, High Life is so boring I could barely get anywhere, "Where the Heart Is" is yet more wish fulfillment fantasy where everyone desperately wants your dick and Our Fate is predatory and creepy.

TBH this game isn't particularly good either, but it's slightly less garbage writing than most out there. The standards in the porn game scene are so fucking low because its mostly guys that couldnt get a job in a big studio making them in the first place. This isn't the cream of the crop, this is the dregs.

The most impressive writing is probably for Trials in Tainted space in terms of the quality of the work and how believable (and consistent) the characters are. But that game is most certainly not for everyone.


There's Always Money In The Banana Stand
Jun 17, 2017
The writing of most of those is absolute garbage, the MC in Become a Rockstar is a narcissist and potentially a sociopath, Depraved Wakening is wish fulfillment fantasy with a hilariously bad crime drama thrown in (albeit with amazing renders, I still do love this game but the writing sucked), Acting Lessons has a completely over the top ending that did not at all fit the theme of the game (plus I hate the black guy everyone else loved), dunno what Lexi is, Ptolemy is mediocre both in terms of writing and renders, High Life is so boring I could barely get anywhere, "Where the Heart Is" is yet more wish fulfillment fantasy where everyone desperately wants your dick and Our Fate is predatory and creepy.

TBH this game isn't particularly good either, but it's slightly less garbage writing than most out there. The standards in the porn game scene are so fucking low because its mostly guys that couldnt get a job in a big studio making them in the first place. This isn't the cream of the crop, this is the dregs.

The most impressive writing is probably for Trials in Tainted space in terms of the quality of the work and how believable (and consistent) the characters are. But that game is most certainly not for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
The writing of most of those is absolute garbage, the MC in Become a Rockstar is a narcissist and potentially a sociopath, Depraved Wakening is wish fulfillment fantasy with a hilariously bad crime drama thrown in (albeit with amazing renders, I still do love this game but the writing sucked), Acting Lessons has a completely over the top ending that did not at all fit the theme of the game (plus I hate the black guy everyone else loved), dunno what Lexi is, Ptolemy is mediocre both in terms of writing and renders, High Life is so boring I could barely get anywhere, "Where the Heart Is" is yet more wish fulfillment fantasy where everyone desperately wants your dick and Our Fate is predatory and creepy.

TBH this game isn't particularly good either, but it's slightly less garbage writing than most out there. The standards in the porn game scene are so fucking low because its mostly guys that couldnt get a job in a big studio making them in the first place. This isn't the cream of the crop, this is the dregs.

The most impressive writing is probably for Trials in Tainted space in terms of the quality of the work and how believable (and consistent) the characters are. But that game is most certainly not for everyone.
Eh? Is that you, Gummy? Where have you been all this time?!
( Good to see our boyo Joshua finally liking something. The two of you are as thick as Daughter/Daddy from this game :p)

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Eh? Is that you, Gummy? Where have you been all this time?!
( Good to see our boyo Joshua finally liking something. The two of you are as thick as Daughter/Daddy from this game :p)
So agreeing on the fact most writing in adult games suck is a terrible crime? oh well. Seeing someone else slag of someone and get a ton of likes for doing it, should I question how far up each other butts they are for doing it? idk..


Aug 17, 2017
While i don't think its unfair to point out that the bar is pretty low when it comes to writing/ story telling I do think we should temper our expectations at least for the time being. If someone told me that a lot of the content in the porn genre was about wish fufillment my response would be "no shit"the games that are designed to help people masturbate are a bit masturbatory. Now that erotic games are becoming notably more profitable more people of varying talents will throw their hat in the ring and make content that caters to more niche tastes; I really think that quality in these types of games are only going to go up.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
While i don't think its unfair to point out that the bar is pretty low when it comes to writing/ story telling I do think we should temper our expectations at least for the time being. If someone told me that a lot of the content in the porn genre was about wish fufillment my response would be "no shit"the games that are designed to help people masturbate are a bit masturbatory. Now that erotic games are becoming notably more profitable more people of varying talents will throw their hat in the ring and make content that caters to more niche tastes; I really think that quality in these types of games are only going to go up.
Could also mean saturating of the genre though. Look at the "porn industry" else. With internet and a webcam, everyone could become an porn star. The market exploded and became so watered down. Adult movies with a plot, no matter how cheesy, is a rarity today. Nowadays "no story/plot" is needed, it's all about the money shot.

If you play games to fap to, all glory to you. But tbh must be better visual aids out there to help you along for that.
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Aug 17, 2017
Could also mean saturating of the genre though. Look at the "porn industry" else. With internet and a webcam, everyone could become an porn star. The market exploded and became so watered down. Adult movies with a plot, no matter how cheesy, is a rarity today. Nowadays "no story/plot" is needed, it's all about the money shot.

If you play games to fap to, all glory to you. But tbh must be better visual aids out there to help you along for that.
When it comes to content there is always going to be saturation whether it be movies, books, games, music the vast majority of released content is going to be kinda shitty. The thing is judging the entire landscape of available content based on whats playing on the radio or the front page of pornhub is pretty short sighted. There is plenty of higher production erotic content thats ready to be viewed right this moment far more than what was available in the past.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
When it comes to content there is always going to be saturation whether it be movies, books, games, music the vast majority of released content is going to be kinda shitty. The thing is judging the entire landscape of available content based on whats playing on the radio or the front page of pornhub is pretty short sighted. There is plenty of higher production erotic content thats ready to be viewed right this moment far more than what was available in the past.
Define "higher production erotic content" then, because imho that is far between these days.


Aug 17, 2017
Higher production will probably mean different things to different people whether it be HD camera quality to shake up the monotony of the amateur videos or the ones where they try to tell a story with a script that are usually between 30-60 minutes. I imagine though you're talking about the old school style of 2+ hour long movies those are definitely out of style today but personally i find the more concise story telling to be more compelling.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Higher production will probably mean different things to different people whether it be HD camera quality to shake up the monotony of the amateur videos or the ones where they try to tell a story with a script that are usually between 30-60 minutes. I imagine though you're talking about the old school style of 2+ hour long movies those are definitely out of style today but personally i find the more concise story telling to be more compelling.
Actually I wasn't talking about 2+ hour long movies. But something with an actual script and story no matter how cheesy it was. Image quality, movie techniques etc scale with tech progress else. The "feature film" variant of adult movies is more or less gone, because it doesn't pay off to make them, not because they don't want to make them. Enough documentaries about the industry that touched on this. Internet made everyone who wanted a "porn star", and why buy an adult movie when you can download one for free. You kind of ended with a industry that consumed itself.


Aug 17, 2017
I don't know i look at the boom in erotic fiction from online fan fictions to 50 shades of grey there is definitely a demand for more story telling to be mixed with sexual content. I think with the barrier to entry for making these games being so dang low it offers an oppurtunity for the hobby writer to coble together something that can be erotic in both story telling and visuals. a lot these games are being made by teams of 1 working in their free time as more money flows into this genre more talented people will feel like its worth their time to actually produce something. Maybe i'm just an optimist but I see this as foundation for a larger market that will have a lot of shit releases but also enable a lot of people to actually make something they're passionate about.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
I don't know i look at the boom in erotic fiction from online fan fictions to 50 shades of grey there is definitely a demand for more story telling to be mixed with sexual content. I think with the barrier to entry for making these games being so dang low it offers an oppurtunity for the hobby writer to coble together something that can be erotic in both story telling and visuals. a lot these games are being made by teams of 1 working in their free time as more money flows into this genre more talented people will feel like its worth their time to actually produce something. Maybe i'm just an optimist but I see this as foundation for a larger market that will have a lot of shit releases but also enable a lot of people to actually make something they're passionate about.
Demand, maybe, enough people willing to actually spend on it? That is another tale. Also quite a whole different cost from make like an adult feature movie. The last adult movie that probably had any budget of any size at all, was that "Pirates XXX" from 2005, and tbh particular good it was not.


New Member
Oct 10, 2018
"In this decision-oriented game, you can choose one of two characters to play as and experience the same story from different perspectives. With the choices made in these dual campaigns being completely up to you, make or break the relationships with those you hold dear!
So far I've created 20 story chapters, split evenly between the two characters respectively. Each presents a series of conflicts for the characters to overcome, one way or another! Take a look..."

To finish playing must take another 10 years. (Oh god)
Is a game that consumes a very long life time.
Jan 9, 2019
The writing of most of those is absolute garbage, the MC in Become a Rockstar is a narcissist and potentially a sociopath, Depraved Wakening is wish fulfillment fantasy with a hilariously bad crime drama thrown in (albeit with amazing renders, I still do love this game but the writing sucked), Acting Lessons has a completely over the top ending that did not at all fit the theme of the game (plus I hate the black guy everyone else loved), dunno what Lexi is, Ptolemy is mediocre both in terms of writing and renders, High Life is so boring I could barely get anywhere, "Where the Heart Is" is yet more wish fulfillment fantasy where everyone desperately wants your dick and Our Fate is predatory and creepy.

TBH this game isn't particularly good either, but it's slightly less garbage writing than most out there. The standards in the porn game scene are so fucking low because its mostly guys that couldnt get a job in a big studio making them in the first place. This isn't the cream of the crop, this is the dregs.

The most impressive writing is probably for Trials in Tainted space in terms of the quality of the work and how believable (and consistent) the characters are. But that game is most certainly not for everyone.
This game has no plot whatsoever, it's a bad melodrama. Read my review for the lots of issues it has. That you somehow think this makes it better than games that at least try to have a plot is dishonest. As an example of how ridiculously bad this game is, consider the fact that the MC barely leaves the house, he behaves like an elementary school child. The bad writing is apparent in every aspect (over the top cheesy drama != good writing). He can't compose scenes either (hence zoomed in shots and shitty angles), it's clear he writes on top of scenes and doesn't plan ahead.

Out Fate blows this game out of the water in terms of writing. You have a wide range of characters with varying motivations, not the same angsty teen in every character (including the supposedly adult father, and gumdrop, I refuse to believe an adult can non-ironically think this is good writing). Also the characters in that game have a life. Here everyone is grieving for no apparent reason, in circular fashion, ad nauseam. That's why gumdrop can't introduce non-emo characters into the story, because the contrast would make the already bad writing look even worse. He wrote himself into a corner with the over the top purposeless melodrama.

Something tells me you are one of those who still think this scammer is honest, or at least thought so in the past year. In any case, it won't matter. I predict the scam will be over within a year: either because he never releases anything (which I believe is the case), or because whatever he releases not only would expose him as a scammer, but it would also further expose how bad the writing is as he is forced to write scenes in new environments (i.e. not the same angsty teen with no life grieving on his/her bed).

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
@WinterW tbh, I don't think "Our Fate" got that good a story. Imho, it got to many characters in the story. And some of them quite bad as well. Then I would rather look at the story/writing in "Haley's Story".
2.10 star(s) 189 Votes