You remind me of the modern media and far left. So salty that you make conspiracy theories that are obviously wrong.
I want to thank you : ).
This is the first time in my adult life that somebody referred to me as being "left" ....
Kinda weird actually after being called Right and Extreme Right almost all my adult life.
Again thanks.... Had me chuckle a little bit ; )
As far as what i said in that message.
You can think about it what you want, i honestly don't care about it.
And if you want to keep being gullible, ignorant and insane and keep pledging to him...Good for you ; )
It's your own choice to throw your money away, but i stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago.
For me personally people like GumDrop is everything what's wrong with the patreon system.
But is that entirely Gumdrop's fault.....No, it's the fault of those 707 people that still believe in fairy tales.
As far as the Salty comment,
Not really, not anymore at least.
At this point it's just like watching a Reality show.
You know what's going to happen, you know the people involved are idiots....But you just want to watch the stupidity unfold.
Except his patrons, nobody knows what he is doing.
What I don't get is:
He is still posting news very frequently, without releasing anything for the game. So I don't know what he is doing, but he clearly is doing something...but at this point its very hard to believe that it has anything to do with this game.
And yes, how can 707 people be so ignorant, I can't believe it as well.
But who knows(?), because: Two Things Are Infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity
I said a couple weeks ago that right now at this stage "if he worked on something" that it's probably fear that's holding him back right now.
Because we all know that "if he worked on something" it's not going to be anywhere near the amount of content that justifies this long period of time.
Human nature to expect when somebody works on something for around 15 months that you get around 15 months worth of content, so when he drops the update and it turns out to be a update that he used to make in 3 months(and i have a feeling it will be something like that)Well, i believe that a lot of those fanboys and girls will finally wake up.
But all that would mean that he actually worked on the game, and everybody with a little bit of common sense on this site is not really sure about that at all ; )
Two Things Are Infinite: the Universe and Human Stupidity
I believe that if the universe will come to an end tomorrow, and we all wake up with burning skies and skies collapsing.
There still will be someone on this thread who will say " Gumdrop said on Discord that the Universe doesn't come to and end, so i believe that" while the stars are exploding in the sky..