Captains Log, day 34567433234533whogivesashitanymore?224545674506940858
Well well well....Here we are again, your Noble Space Captain has twice run out of fuel, not once,
twice, circling around the Gumdrops Void at my crews insistence the update was 'imminent.' Well this Captain is not impressed.
Not. Impressed. At. All.
Do you know how much fuel costs? It costs a lot of fucking credits, wasting two full tankers on the absurd prospect that this Void is finally going to fart out an update has made me want to crash my ship into an asteroid and just end this madness. In order to re-coup my losses I've begun to throw the more useless members of the crew out of the airlock. It's proven very effective.
Not to mention that fucking Skeleton has glued himself to my windscreen preaching morals and ethics, I eventually sent little Suzy out to scrape him off after the space wipers couldn't shift him. I once again watched from starboard as he floated away into the dark reaches of space, spouting off unfunny jokes and moral panderings.
Ah sorry, sorry,
sorry...It's a little frustrating for this old space dog is all, as I was determined not to write another Log until the update FINALLY dropped. Alas, it has dawned on me that perhaps this new 'illusive' deadline will
also not be met.
Those driven mad by the Gumdrops Void provide little entertainment now, most have simply starved to death, unable to look after themselves properly in their broken mentally state, most have simply perished to the elements. Those skeletal creatures that remain barely etch out the words
Poor bastards...poor poor bastards.
......Oh fuck it......
Ladies, gentlemen...Your Captain has nothing to offer you, how can I? The Void is just that...A
void of nothing. What could I offer you? Has there even been any pinups? Fabled promises? Of course...but that in itself is nothing to talk about.
I wish I could muster up some type of wit or humor, I have pondered, wondering whether this update at last would give me and my crew
something to talk about, some new insight into the game.
Was the update worth it?
Did it 'shake things up' and be the heart wrenching drama it promised?
Did I enjoy it?
Was it artistically cohesive? Or would I notice the grand artistic improvement as teased?
Did the fucking skeleton show up again?
All of this and more I wanted to talk about...
but I can't.
I can't, because this is the Gumdrops Void, it is nothingness.
In that nothingness is nothing.
There is only so much you can say about nothing.
...And that is all we have left at this point,
Some of you have anger,
That would require something to actually be angry at, but I'm starting to theorize that this update is becoming more mystical than the Loch Ness Monster or Big foot. The people throwing money at the project have been doing it for well over a year, there's no point caring anymore, they're probably the same people buying deeds for the Golden Gate bridge from a guy in a Bangkok bar selling it for fifty bucks. There's no point stopping them, and you shouldn't care anymore. I don't.
I don't even care if the update is trash at this point, it'd just be something new. Your Captain started these logs to keep you entertained, but your Captain ran out of gas at least five Logs back, at this point, it's just psychological warfare to try and think of new and exciting ways to talk about...
This update has become the adult gaming communities equivalent of Half-Life 3 or Star Citizen. Even the memes simply cannot sustain themselves for this long.
What new insights can I offer you?
What new adventures can I share? There are none, just a maddening patrol around the Void that has gone on long enough.
I've strongly started to emphasize with George from
Of Mice and Men, If I could, I would take this update out back and put it down, but I can't.
Some of the straggling fans will take pride in this post, and remark "Ha! He still cares! See? SEE!?!"
I don't.
At this point, this is a Felini Death March, all hope and expectations are gone.
I just can't look away though, I need to see how it finally ends.
This is your Captain,
Now just waiting for the Abandoned Tag to be slapped on.
Signing off,
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