*Deep breathe as leans into the microphone*
...CAPTAIN'S LOG, DAY 53636376
He did it,
the madman finally did it.
In the quiet of my Captain's Quarters, I did figure he 'might' actually release at least something by now, I mean, he had to put some fresh bait on the hook to keep the fishes swimming, even if it was just a 'half' update or some other lame excuse.
But no,
the man's done it.
Finally, he's delivered the sex scene we always wanted to see.
He fucked the Patrons.
Their were plenty of tears to go around, the Kommodant herself, tears in her eyes as he approached from behind creepy ol' Uncle Joe style.
"Y-You said the update would be here!"
And he whispered in their ear.
"Soon TM"
Well, the inevitable has finally come to pass and Gumdrops (Shockingly) has announced another delay, but more interestingly,
the internal machine he's built to keep things going seems to be breaking down.
But first, a look at the 'post' to explain all this and 'ease' all the worries about this...eight delay? I've lost track, anyway, let's begin~
In short:
The game is not ready. More specifically, it will not be ready for the announced May 23rd release. Please cancel your pledge/subscription before the end of the month if you desire, as its development will extend past the beginning of June.
How kind of you to tell people to cancel their subscriptions! Especially with them all sunk so deep now into the sunk fallacy cost!
Not really much to say on this one to be honest, it's just the usual "I'm not the bad guy here, you can leave the cult anytime" shtick he's regurgitated at least a thousand times by now.
Why isn’t it done?
Simply put, we dragged our feet. Too much time, too little effort. FatCat isn’t working with us again until Act II’s animations, so this has nothing to do with him or his contributions. Two of our team members are no longer with us as of April due to financial difficulties. Myself and one other part-time member (local) remain on the team, working closely together on remaining animation fixes in Blender.
No. Fucking. Shit.
WinterW is probably clasping his hands together doing the macarena dance in macabre glee.
So, interestingly, you never thought until now to mention the 'supposed' two team members who have left? Seems odd, but I guess you held back on that info to launch it here as some kind of defense rather than letting people know prior.
Here's just a train of thought of questions:
-How does the two leaving affect an update that is supposedly only missing two animations (Which your animator was working on?)
- Does this mean 'other' work has not been completed and you've neglected to tell it?
- You once again emphasis on the 'local' part to your team, why? Is that supposed to impress people at this point? It's clearly not working. No one cares if you hire Pablo whose snuck over the Border and is hiding out in Arizona, they just want to see the work is done properly and complete. Hell, most people would be HAPPY if you did just out-source the work to competent people with a proven track record rather than just training up randoms from scratch which you claim to be doing.
To clarify, the changes in our team have nothing to do with Part X’s development and did not hinder or excuse the delays that have occurred. Poor management on my end, especially with a program like Blender that we’re completely new to, is the primary cause for this and other delays.
Procrastination, continued lack of action is merely a description for my full transparency to you; it’s most certainly not a justification for any behavior or error thus far. Everyone, myself included, are on the same page when it comes to this: just finish the fucking game.
If you're finally ready to admit the management here is abysmal, why on earth are you not re-thinking the strategy?
Why is Blender now an issue? Why did you change over to a program you're unfamiliar with to begin with?
Why does any of that matter when it's just two animations that need doing that you've already out-sourced to Fatcat?
'Poor management' alone should not have justified a failure to release when there is just TWO ANIMATIONS LEFT which are supposedly out-sourced works anyway!
What is this weird circus you've managed to cobble together over the ashes of a once promising and interesting adult game?
When will it be done?
Summer. Date will not be announced until 100% completion, only upload remaining. No more misses.
Soon TM

R: He then goes on to pledge to get some free subscriptions for people etc etc, the usual damage control once again.
What will you do going forward?
Have something to share with you more than another delay; to share with you, our supporters who ask for nothing but to continue the story.
Improving my management is just the start, the behavioral reinforcement that I’m going to hone every day. It’s not possible for me to promise in good faith there will never be another delay again; however, I can promise with absolute certainty that all information, the process will be available to everyone.
Pretty nebulous, empty statements given the current track record, also that's some balls letting people know "It's not possible for me to promise in good faith there will never be another delay again" given the circumstances.
Who are those ladies? It's been so long...
Dunno, but they can fuck off and get out my house before I call the cops.
Far more interesting than all of this jargon is what's going on in the discord.
It seems the cult has finally began to internally crumble, their fears come realized as another deadline is missed.
For months, they've seen those on F95 as just vocal, jealous critics of the 'magnum opus' they were 'enthralled' by and involved in. It was us vs them in their eyes and finally the curtain is coming down bare to reveal the stark, naked, burned down Opera House that Gumdrops had just threw up an old pretty background cover to like in the old Star Trek episodes.
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Even old criticisms long championed by WinterW and others about the actual extent of work done are finally beginning to seep through into the discord...
And their noticing.
WinterW following the Gumdrops announcement.
Forced into slow mode and deleting as many negative comments as he can, the damage control is in full swing, but even they can't stop the harsh truth, Gumdrops played it like a fiddle.
Even the Kommodant herself has come to question the benevolent leadership of the great and glorious leader.
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Abby (The Kommodant), and the other patrons, finally getting the red pill and seeing what's going on around them in the Gumdrops Discord.
P.S I know some of you over from that discord read this, and you've put Gumdrops on some Pedestal, I get the impression some of you have some warped sense he's your 'friend' who you have a deep relationship with.
You do not have a relationship with this man.
The only relationship you ever had was what he pledged to deliver as a creator, which he has failed to do numerous times.
As some of you 'squirm' so much at the notion when we say you're in a 'cult,' but I'd strongly recommend looking into the actual mindset of people in cults. You aren't in a 'death cult,' but don't worry baby, you're in one alright!
Will the show finally end and people abandon Gumdrops in droves? Unlikely, but the cracks are finally widening, and even the sycophants are finding it harder and harder to keep up the pretense that everything is alright under the hood.
But for now, my watch ends. Until NEXT TIME!
Anyway, this is your Captain,
Signing off.
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