On the first page of the thread are download links for both the "new" and a bit below it, the "old" DF. The old DF is miles better than the new one, which is nothing but a joke, complete trash. Gumdrop either did the new version as a "Frak you all, I still get your money, you stupid oxen" or he was on LSD, Acid or some other "pharmaceutical" stuff.Can someone please just upload the link, or whatever, to the updates. Don't use that excuse "your missing nothing." Let us see for ourselves. Be a bro.
Do you have any more pics from this game"In every one of these, Gumdrop is talking "as the son" about his own story." It's official, Scamdrop Kyle is in psychosis.
This is for part 1 I was referring to the two part 2 updates that were recently released under the tier 4 pay wall.On the first page of the thread are download links for both the "new" and a bit below it, the "old" DF. The old DF is miles better than the new one, which is nothing but a joke, complete trash. Gumdrop either did the new version as a "Frak you all, I still get your money, you stupid oxen" or he was on LSD, Acid or some other "pharmaceutical" stuff.
I see. But as far as I understand, these updates are still not available anywhere else. Few are willing to go for it, considering the trash the first updates of the new version were. It would be a MAJOR surprise if gumdrop did some real update.This is for part 1 I was referring to the two part 2 updates that were recently released under the tier 4 pay wall.
^THISI see. But as far as I understand, these updates are still not available anywhere else. Few are willing to go for it, considering the trash the first updates of the new version were. It would be a MAJOR surprise if gumdrop did some real update.
That is literally everything there is behind those mini games. Nothing else.Do you have any more pics from this game
that depends on pov, those who know what he does it's normal and for those who believe him blindly then good can be waited.So how's the "promise" of delivering updates every week?
No one will buy his sh*t. If it's a continuation of the old DF, I myself will subscribe to him.so when the new update will be posted?
no, hell freezes if update is at least semi-playable.Before that, hell freezes over
wise choiceI have the link but im not gonna post for the sake of humanity.