Thanks for the warning. Butthurt "pirates" in 3, 2, 1 ...PART II – TV|DS

Thanks for the warning. Butthurt "pirates" in 3, 2, 1 ...PART II – TV|DS
players aren't supposed to.Not even gonna pretend to understand what pt. 2 is about. What a fascinating wreck, this.
It is not unexpected not having a clue about the plot, if said plot is either a) made while under the influence of LSD or Angel´s Dust or b) the result of a psychotic breakdown or c) the writer considers himself to be a major artist, who needs to show his artsyness or d) a major middle finger to all, because he his happy to make money with trash.Ok, so I had to google to get an idea of what's going on with this game. Found this forum and it seems that noone else is having a clue. That's reassuring cause I was feeling like an idiot unable to understand the plot of 2nd part.
his only acid is green bills.the dev needs to lay of the acid i mean REALY lay off it.
It's simple:Ok, so I had to google to get an idea of what's going on with this game. Found this forum and it seems that noone else is having a clue. That's reassuring cause I was feeling like an idiot unable to understand the plot of 2nd part.
Hmm "Acting Lessons" did it for me. I found this game afterwards. If I left my decision to follow adult VN's to just "Dual Family" I would've lost interest a very long time ago. Thankfully there are a lot of reputable developers on F95 other than Gumdrop. I keep tabs on this thread for a laugh every now and then. I admit there is a sliver of hope that Gumdrop will return to the original story and format but I accept that will never happen. His current direction is worth a laugh every release.This game is the reason I got into these type of games and found this site way back. It's a shame what happened to it R.I.P.
Wow, too far, dude, too far...( plus not enough bbc here)Reminds me of a Slonique game... heh
Your questions are moot, as neither Dad nor Son has come close to consummating any player's idealized relationship with either the Sister or Mom. This game has not progressed in 4(?) years toward either goal. And yet, like Heaven's Gate followers, the gullibly faithful pray and yearn (and some, pay) for the promised ethereal ascension.Wait, didnt had the game multiple protagonists as tags ?
Not gonna lie, it was the reason why I never was interested in the game because from the preview it sounded like that you play both as Dad and Son and you both fuck each others Mother/Daughter.
When I saw this picture of "Dad" path or "Son" path this sounds like you have the option to choose which one you play.
Is this true ?
And if you play Dad or Son, will the one intervene with other sexualy regarding mother and sister ?
(Like if you play the Dad will the son fuck the Sister and/or Mom?)
Yes its true, son/mom and dad/sister.Wait, didnt had the game multiple protagonists as tags ?
Not gonna lie, it was the reason why I never was interested in the game because from the preview it sounded like that you play both as Dad and Son and you both fuck each others Mother/Daughter.
When I saw this picture of "Dad" path or "Son" path this sounds like you have the option to choose which one you play.
Is this true ?
And if you play Dad or Son, will the one intervene with other sexualy regarding mother and sister ?
(Like if you play the Dad will the son fuck the Sister and/or Mom?)
Well, as long I can bang Mom and Sis with only Dad/Son and the other dont intervene I dont see a problem.Yes its true, son/mom and dad/sister.
With a cousin on the side for part of it, don't remember if both son and dad do the cousin but I do know the dad does but not by choice. This was during the first game before the rework and I have not done the rework one.