ps "He finally made an announcement."
sk "Who?"
ps "The {color=#CDA9FF}DUAL FAMILY{/color} developer."
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
sk "...Who?"
ps "The GAME we're finishing, skeleton." with vpunch
ps "I know you don't have a brain in there, but you NEED to shut up and listen..."
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
sk "...I can listen."
play sound "audio/II/three2.mp3"
sk "{cps=13}Heh heh heh.{/cps}"
scene b_dev_03
$ renpy.pause(2.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_03_1
ps "He's... SELLING..."
ps "PART X's raw materials to... who?!" with vpunch
scene b_dev_04_1
ps "THIS IS A CRIME happening RIGHT NOW!" with vpunch
scene b_dev_05
sk "Just READ it you fool."
scene b_dev_06
$ renpy.pause(2.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_07
ps "I am."
scene b_dev_04_1
ps "This is worse than I thought..."
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
ps '"A private auction held for Part X and its development materials."'
ps '"All assets necessary to finish what was started: writing - renders - tools."'
ps '"Over 3000 images to choose from - follow the written plot or make your own."'
ps '"After all, this game is yours now!"'
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(2.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
play sound "audio/II/three2.mp3"
sk "{cps=13}Heh heh heh.{/cps}"
sk "Directing the fans to finish the game for him?"
sk "Devious."
ps "This..."
scene b_dev_10
ps "I WAS ALREADY DOING THIS!" with vpunch
ps "Fucking great. Now I have to deal with THE DEVELOPER BEING A FUCKING IDIOT."
ps "Why the hell doesn't he release the assets if he's quitting? They should be FREE, especially the images."
scene b_dev_09
ps "Hold on..."
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
ps '"Until the day of the auction, you can earn Part X and its assets completely FREE - no dollar spent."'
ps '"Write a convincing story for this segment: that which follows the TV room hug and kiss."'
scene b_dev_11
ps '"I look forward to reading the dialogue, choices and story you have for Part X!"'
scene b_dev_11
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
ps "...It's possible."
ps "I have a month to write this segment, but it has to outweigh the competition. It's all or nothing."
ps "Why the hell is there a competition? Who would spend any amount of time on this?"
scene b_dev_11
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
ps "...I want those assets."
ps "The images. Her eyes, her lips, her face."
ps "Fuck the writing, I don't NEED that. I can easily fill in the blanks when I see it."
ps "I just need the renders and I'll..."
scene b_dev_09
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
ps "I need to get started."
ps "If I don't, someone else will. Turning in something, ANYTHING is better than doing nothing."
ps "If the auction day comes before I submit any writing, that's-"
sk "How much?"
sk "Just buy it at the auction."
scene b_dev_10
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
ps "Oh."
ps "You're right. I didn't even check."
ps "Can't be anything more than-"
scene b_dev_03_1
ps "TEN THOUSAND?!" with vpunch
ps "THAT'S THE STARTING BID?!" with vpunch
ps "This CAN'T be REAL." with vpunch
scene b_dev_04_1
ps "Who would EVEN LOOK AT THIS?!" with vpunch
scene b_dev_04
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_05
sk "...You complain far too much."
sk "Just make it yourself."
scene b_dev_06
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_06_1
sk "...You were going to do that before this announcement, were you not?"
sk "All the writing, all the images. It's already been decided."
sk "So, make the game yourself."
scene b_dev_04
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_03
sk '"SEGMENT"'
sk "How long could that possibly be, two or three paper lengths?"
scene b_dev_03_1
ps "It's less."
scene b_dev_04
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
scene b_dev_04_1
ps "...But it doesn't matter anymore."
ps "The story and renders are being released to GOD KNOWS WHO next month."
ps "I don't want to start from zero anymore. Not when I'm this close to it."
ps "Every single line and image from Part X..."
scene b_dev_02
$ renpy.pause(3.0, hard=True)
"{cps=6}. . .{/cps}"
sk "Then get started."
ps "I will."