(Hmmm, so far, I'm very much enjoying what you've got here.
I personally like how you're able to choose between being a genuinely good person, or a total piece of shit. Trying to build a relationship based on love and trust, or fear and submission. The power of choice is one I've always enjoyed, and I particularly enjoy having that power placed in the hands of the player.
So I like how you've got things set up thus far. I like where you're going with this, and how you CAN in fact be totally evil as well as good. My main concern is how you've clarified that audience feedback will have a large affect on your game's development. While a certain amount of listening to the audience is necessary... well, I've seen the audiences for several good games. They're terrible. For every good, nice, and appreciative person, there's another who throws a hissy fit and gets stuck on one thing that they'll complain to death about.
I suppose, I'm just worried on how many angry and complaining voices you're going to listen to, and how you'll be able to separate legitimate grievance, from the impulses of the crowd. And if you'll wind up cutting things out that drew people to your game in the first place, because other people don't like it.
Those would be my concerns, however as the work stands so far? Very much enjoying it. I will be watching your progress with interest.)