It's becoming more and interesting each update

Sneaking in with petty court and climbing into the duke's castle add more possibilities to rob the dildo. We can even encounter the marquess for the first time (though it's a trap...). I also discovered the captured path. For the broken mind path, I would have found interesting to include a path were he is playing the obsessed with cocks, making them think he lost his sanity while he is just pretending like an actor (even when he comforts the girl, he seems broken). Speaking of that girl, is it Ilsa or another one since there's no introduction? And in the repenting path with the duke, we do the same as the normal duke path but without any money nor the possibility to go to the town square making it worse than the Luirlan's slave path (at least, we can gain money by selling our body there). Moreover, it's the second path making the hypnosis show unavailable.
Willingly whoring yourself on client business path, is it when encountering the brigands and patrol or something else? Speaking of brigands, shouldn't we be able to capture them to have the bounty?
The sex slave paths are for female characters so I can't say anything about it. Does getting to capital concern everybody or is it linked to the maid or harem paths?
Thanks for fixing the money problem and making the party members heal on days off.
You've corrected some pronouns but I found more :
I found some errors when 2 people enter the clearing together :
If the 2 of have "constitution check passed", there's an error (cf files)
If you have "constitution check passed" and your party member "constitution check failed", the text that follows is always about Ilsa (cf files).
The 3 party members is still problematic, particularly when entering the clearing (you choose one of them to enter, you alone or the 2 of them and the third one is never mentioned even if you're captured by Drevish) (cf files).
The naming error after splitting with Ilsa is still there (cf files).
Even if we clear the cave quest, the event can happen a second time (but I refused so I don't know if it can happen more).
The map is working properly now though, after clicking on the link, I have to return to the game and click a second time on the map window. And it should be interesting if it was on the same window as the game. The castle map seems interesting (when sneaking with petty court, you go east, then south and return to the starting point, it's a little confusing).
Do we always gain a bonus when we come back with something special (like the evil artefact or the goblin)? I ask that because Luirlan pays us 600 with or without the evil artefact, making it useless to take it for him.
Concerning the rape scene with the dildo, wouldn't it be better to make Luirlan do it himself instead of the hostess?
Good continuation.