OK game with excellent theme and customizability, but kinda buggy. Shows a LOT of promise! Biggest complaint is that the "goal" is hands-down the worst part of the game. You find your throne and just....it ends. No ending scene, no option to play with any servants (even ones still in the room), no fanfare, just a menu screen saying "continue on or go back and reply the fun bit?" The actual escape mechanics aren't amazing, but yet they FAR outstrip the act of completing a level to the point I would stop from completing a level and lead enemies into the throne room just to "use up" my remaining energy and see some animations, then "win" when I was out of life points. A few thoughts beyond that:
--The sound is OKish, but the orgasm sounds like you got a strike in a cheap bowling game, surely there's a better open source sound for that! Other sounds can be also be improved, but that bowling strike is nearly a game killer! At any rate, the enemies shouldn't scream in orgasmic bliss if they just give the player a handy!
--The "fun" part of the game is relegated getting caught, and "losing". Perhaps a function to not just break free of your opponent but then overpower and Dom them? At the cost of extra life or stamina of course, but it would be nice to be able to force an opponent into a receiving (or a giving, if you choose) position and subdue them (you're the MASTER after all!). Adding the ability to isolate and force enemies into submission, especially if the player themself was ESPECIALLY vulnerable to additional enemies during that period and suffered extra stam/life damage, now THAT would add some interesting gameplay! Or maybe just turn it into a position-based escape where you react to the position the enemy is trying to put you in. As much as I dislike quicktime style games, it actually really fits here. At the very least, if there's 2 enemies in the room, they should both be taking advantage of the player!
--The doors always open towards you and are always solid, which forces a strange run-to-door-[interact]-then-run-backwards gameplay that feels a little off and kinda kills the frantic run-away vibe, since the door itself forces you to the side and kinda traps you. It's fine if you're opening a new room and expect to back up, but running into a full room, opening a door and backing up so it can actually open and you aren't stuck in the doorjamb is a very minor yet really immersion-breaking aspect (or at least flow-breaking). Makes opening doors feel very game-mechanic based and not "run from pursuers!" mechanic.
--the camera is distractingly bad. It basically forces you to use the mouse to move the camera while running around, and gets stuck a lot. Buggiest part of the game. I don't know how difficult it would be, but locking the camera during "action" scenes, or a lock with a panning ability, would improve the game quite a lot, especially if the intervening walls and doors could be coded to "disappear" during the "action" scenes. I know nothing of unity engine, so that may be a much bigger ask than I think it is, but SOMETHING needs to be improved about the camera, half the time I'm stuck halfway looking into a body and can't look around, with weird clipping and odd angles I can't adjust away from and all I can think of is "yup, I sure can hear somebody bowling over there, just off camera!"
--More Interactibles besides doors would be nice, even just some flavor text for the beds and chairs and pots. Simple things, for instance, there's a few rugs in the levels, perhaps an [interact] where you notice the stains and make a mental note to have them cleaned once you're back on the throne, or an [interact] with a bed where you're flooded with a vivid memory and giggle to yourself, etc
At any rate, I really appreciate the game and what is there so far. I love how customisable the characters are and I love that you can select it to be as straight or as LGBT as you want it to be. There's room for major improvement, but existing options are excellent for that, thank you!