
Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
Wait... what forum am I on again?
Did I inadvertently wander into a copyright enforcement zone?
Like I get it, this thing is trash, and not even good trash, BUT the entirety of the twine, cockhero, Mind control, erotic point and click, and most importantly for this crowd the battlefuck communities sprang out of similar practices.
Acknowledge it's shit, but also acknowledge it's right to exist at the fringes, you never know where it might go further down the line.
Especially if they do some folder separation. mmmm, custom character image sets. "Uuughh, yeah, you like that permanent face, don't you, bitch? You've come all the way here, guzzied up and giddy to take my gold, in my dungeon? Make yourself useful and make like a seedbed."
Imagine: 3 or more folders with designated styles. Inside, neatly cuddled up sets of character specific, event specific pics, gifs, etc. Makes me want to jizz my pantsu.


New Member
Aug 25, 2020
I love this game and i can't wait to see the next version :love:

To Dev:

Also there will only be Hentai porn since that is the only porn type that can fulfill what I need. I'm sorry to everyone who enjoyed the other porn types and if you choose not to play the next version because of this, I understand.
I prefer real porn gifs and i loved (probably i m the only one... but i did t read all the post) the mix in this work. I ll play anyway to next version but i would like to ask to Dungeon Gaming: it ll be possible to mod your base game with real porn gifs? Or a future release with your mixed selection ?

ps sorry for my bad engl ;)

Dungeon Gaming

Game Developer
Feb 22, 2020
I love this game and i can't wait to see the next version :love:

To Dev:

I prefer real porn gifs and i loved (probably i m the only one... but i did t read all the post) the mix in this work. I ll play anyway to next version but i would like to ask to Dungeon Gaming: it ll be possible to mod your base game with real porn gifs? Or a future release with your mixed selection ?

ps sorry for my bad engl ;)
Thank you so much!

The majority of people that took the survey liked all the porn types, but most of them still wanted to see more consistency image to image. You'll be able to make your own slave packs so you can always use real porn pictures and gifs for that. Raiders will have images to represent their class as they go through the dungeon but after capturing them they pick a random slave pack to use for all future images, so you have a dungeon full or real pornstar slaves to train and work. (y)


New Member
Aug 25, 2020
Thank you so much!

The majority of people that took the survey liked all the porn types, but most of them still wanted to see more consistency image to image. You'll be able to make your own slave packs so you can always use real porn pictures and gifs for that. Raiders will have images to represent their class as they go through the dungeon but after capturing them they pick a random slave pack to use for all future images, so you have a dungeon full or real pornstar slaves to train and work. (y)
This will be a perfect solution!

Last question: the release date ? :LOL:

Thank you for kindness and work !
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Dungeon Gaming

Game Developer
Feb 22, 2020
This will be a perfect solution!

Last question: the release date ? :LOL:

Thank you for kindness and work !
Hopefully soon but it's taking longer than I wanted. I've spent a lot of time learning CSS to format the interface and make sure it will look good on different devices since that is one of the big attractions to HTML games.


New Member
May 18, 2017
Ah yes, CSS. The bane of web-developers everywhere. :geek:

Now that sluts will be gone, will there be still girls coming to the dungeon not for fighting, but for sex? I thought that was a nice idea. They might even be willingly enslaved or just come for a one-night stand. I'd like a game about an actual lust-dungeon. This game was quite close to that already. :)


Spontaneous ideas:

— Have two types of “slaves”: Lovers and Fuck-Slaves:

Lovers would be the players exclusively
Fuck-Slaves would be for the monsters

Each role gives different buffs to the dungeon, Lovers more personal buffs, Fuck-Slaves more for the monsters.

Each of the girls would maybe also prefer one type of slavery over the other. Slutty girls might want to be Fuck-Slaves, Romantics would rather like to be a Lover.

It could also play into a sort of system. Maybe gain a reputation as a legendary lover, attracting more starstruck heroines, or as a fun fuck-dungeon attracting more slutty girls.

Even your different monsters might attract girls who want to play with them specifically.

— I would think about making the roles of Lover and Slave temporary. The girls leave after some time or you/your monsters become bored with the girl and throw her out. Make one of each permanent by promoting them to mistress or dungeon-manager/head-slave. I don't know a good title for that. That would make the dungeon more dynamic.

— Send your lovers/slaves out of the dungeon on missions, changing dungeon stats or generating resources. They would come back after a while but some might use the opportunity to run away if they don't like you.

— Recurring visits by the same girl(s). Generate them randomly with a (random, but then) fixed set of pictures and have them come back instead of removing them permanently. They could even develop stats and traits over time and visits. A bit like randomized Heroines/Rivals/whatever.

They might have a goal, like beating your dungeon to gain a specific amount of money, freeing a specific slave, asking for some kind of (maybe a magical) favor or becoming your slave or lover for a time.

These might be party leaders. Definitly not every girl should be permanent. Maybe have some ex-lovers or ex-slaves come back for some reason or another. The reason could be depending on treatment. This might allow for some dynamic storytelling in the game.


I think these things would make it more interesting, without losing the random character of the game. I like games with procedural content, because they feel more replayable and the dev normally puts more time in mechanics. That makes it often a better game in the gameplay sense. They can also produce infinite interessting, random stories. See Rimworld/Dwarf Fortress and others for examples. I love emergent types of games. :-D
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Dungeon Gaming

Game Developer
Feb 22, 2020
Now that sluts will be gone, will there be still girls coming to the dungeon not for fighting, but for sex? I thought that was a nice idea. They might even be willingly enslaved or just come for a one-night stand. I'd like a game about an actual lust-dungeon. This game was quite close to that already. :)
Sluts are not completely gone, the old model of raid-boss, monster slaying, trap triggering, game ending sluts are though. There will be two special classes that will fill that role: sluts and nymphos. They both focus on high sexual endurance and hinder the player or their slaves after finishing the dungeon.
Have two types of “slaves”: Lovers and Fuck-Slaves:

Lovers would be the players exclusively
Fuck-Slaves would be for the monsters
Currently I am playing around with some negative slave traits that restrict what tasks she can do. There will also be some positive traits that give bonuses depending on who they are having sex with and the slave's love stat directly influences how much EXP the player earns from that slave. While I don't want to restrict how the player uses their slaves, I want the player to have meaningful choices by comparing different slaves and being able to optimize their outcome, or be able to just give all your slaves to your tentacle monster, because reasons.
Send your lovers/slaves out of the dungeon on missions, changing dungeon stats or generating resources. They would come back after a while but some might use the opportunity to run away if they don't like you.

Recurring visits by the same girl(s). Generate them randomly with a (random, but then) fixed set of pictures and have them come back instead of removing them permanently. They could even develop stats and traits over time and visits. A bit like randomized Heroines/Rivals/whatever.
These ideas are something I've been thinking about and who love to add.

Having a task where you can send a slave into another dungeon to collect gold and treasures could take all their stats into account and be completed over one or more days with the outcome depending on her stats. It sounds like a lot of work but a lot of fun, so I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do that.

There are a special class type called Famous that I originally wanted to be these recurring raiders. Right now though they are pretty random and don't have any special pictures or names that set them apart from a normal raider. Something else to consider moving forward because I think that would be very cool.

Very cool ideas and I hope what I am working on now can fulfill what you are looking for in a emergent game.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2016
If version numbers are not a reliable indicator of content, why would you use version numbers to see if there is different content?:unsure: Maybe you just haven't thought this through.
I never said I use version numbers to see if there is different content. :unsure: Maybe you just haven't read this through.

My main point is that "v1.0" in game "A" doesn't guarantee that it has more content or completion status than "v0.1" in game "B". Even more so when you find out that some devs use other numbering schemes, like "year-month-day" or whatever they prefer. Each game dev uses their own versioning scheme.


New Member
Apr 19, 2019
I prefer real porn gifs and i loved (probably i m the only one... but i did t read all the post) the mix in this work. I ll play anyway to next version but i would like to ask to Dungeon Gaming: it ll be possible to mod your base game with real porn gifs? Or a future release with your mixed selection ?
You could easily just swap out your own images/GIFs in the game folders. As long as they have the same name as the image/gif you're replacing, they'd be shown instead.


New Member
Jul 1, 2020
amigo creo que haces un buen trabajo, tu juego es el mejor que he descargado aquí tengo muchas ganas de jugar una nueva versión, lo único que me pondría difícil sería saber cómo puedo hacer para cambiar el idioma porque el inglés no es lo mío estoy atento a la nueva versión gracias por tus esfuerzos crack amigo creo que haces un buen trabajo tu juego es el mejor que me e descargado aca estoy ancioso por jugar na nueva version lo unico que me dustaria seria saber como puedo hacer para cambiarle el idioma por que el ingles no es lo mio estoy atento a la nueva version gracias por tus esfuerzos crack
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