Thanks for translating this game !
MTL, polished or not, this game is now understandable to me and therefore playable.
I had put it aside... I only realize now that a translated version is available on my favorite site. No bug report making the game unplayable on my side.
It pisses me off to see these great Japanese games get crappy ratings when someone shares a translated version without asking anything in return.
This comment won't erase the, all too frequent, facepalms and 1 star reviews dropped by capricious and spoiled kids but thank you
BaasB and all those who take the time to give this community services to fans of games whose language is inaccessible to them.
For facilitating access to this game and many others, you have all my gratitude.
edit :
Cheats work like a charm, thanks noxtek !
there is nothing more satisfying than being an overpowered Overlord...