LatecomerToday at 4:53 PM
The new year has only just begun and there's a new "ECHIE SENSEO" update already!
But this update is only for the elite among the supporters, we're talking about the ALPHA version.
The Alpha has got 100% of the content but it's meant to be exclusive for Tier6+ patrons. The latest update (Day 12-14) concludes Week 2 and also Chapter 4 (Day 8+9, 10+11 and now 12-14) .) Experience the happy reunion of Matsu and his beloved wife! .) Have fun with old and new teacher colleagues at a very naughty party! .)
Take the virginity of).
Have a lot of sex with other female humans! Well, basically, you'll get to have a huuuuuge amount of sex!
This update contains over 2100 images, umpteenth million animations, and roughly 10 times as much text as Lord of the Rings * These claims may be slightly exaggerated. PROVE ME WRONG AND COUNT EVERY SINGLE WORD IN THE SCRIPT