not trying 2 start ne shit, but ur wrong on ur very 1st point...SOOO MANY girls Matsu still can't fuck yet: Kotori (3-way with Hiroko, of course), Shina, Hana, Riu (sloth-chan), Masae, Rikka, Aya, Alice (she needs a good raping), Itsumi (I WANT HER SOOOO BAD!!!!), Yasmine, Aki, Ilyia, Kasumi, Taru (another 1 that needs a good raping), Michiko (she's promising!!), Kelly, Gabby, n Akina...N THAT'S JUST THE STUDENTS
yet, sure, but in time all of those will be fuckable. without Tara's help. We still have 344 days to go, which will probably have
multiple sex scenes each. Jesus, I didn't realise how long this is going to be until I typed it out in days left. Anyone, most of those you mentioned have developed romantic or sexual interest in Matsu, so are pretty much a sure thing unless there's a big twist.
Martha (want her BAD in a 4-way w/Ina n Suzuka), Nao, Aya (Fuyu's mom...gotta tame that bitch), Ellie (even tho she thought about a kid w/Matsu), Arisa (Nanami's sister/track girl), Shion (oh yeah...will be fun breaking that filly), n Hanami (the 'other' bodyguard; she's wierd)...THAT'S 25 GIRLS MATSU CAN'T FUCK YET (lest i forget the 2 'unmentionables'...
Who is Martha? I recognise the name, but I can place it and the character list isn't helping.
n yeah, it was a mom/dau 3way w/Tomoe n her mom, Matsu didn't get 2 actually HAVE INTERCOURSE w/Tomoe, n Tomoe n her mom didn't do anything w/each until those 2 conditions are met, not counting that as a 3-way; just sex w/Tara. n Crazy Nurse, r u kidding me??!! she'll let u have sex w/ANY girl, whether she joins in or not, volunteers 2 help Matsu rape them (i wouldn't let her give them the drug tho), n provides sex slaves whenever he wants! (tho u are rite about that scene w/Haruka, which is my biggest complaint about the game so far...if ur gonna have that tag, u need MORE THAN 1 SCENE; n they need 2 remember it!!)
We'll be fucking Tomoe every way possible in time, so I don't really need to do it with her mother there, as hot as that would be. I don't want Crazy Nurse to
let me fuck anyone. Matsu is more than capable of doing it on his own, whether consensually or not. The issue is that CN tends to come with dollification on memory wipes which just don't do it for me because there's no impact to the characters involved. I generally prefer the consensual stuff, but if there's going to be rape, I want it to matter.
the teacher orgy? i agree w/u there also...they need 2 remember it, so they can get more comfy w/other teachers joining in when they fuck Matsu, n be more open 2 'experimenting'. n Satsune is emotionally distant from Kaede, but i dunno about "abusive"...n she is hot-as-fuck, former J-pop aidoru, not 2 mention Kaede n Aki's mom, so it shouldn't be too hard 2 corrupt her in2 a 3-way w/each daughter. n see? u do agree w/me on "treating" her n Aki 2 darker kinks
n Aki put in her place? maybe...fuck/rape the shit out of her? not yet
I feel like the orgy came to soon. If we'd fuck them all solo, and had already takem Mei's butt cherry already, I would have zero issues with it. She berates her and breaks her down in order to make herself look good, while making her take care of all the housework to the point of exhaustion while treating Aki's bratty behaviour as something to be admired. That's a very real type of abuse that you see in some parents in the real world. I'll still fuck her, but if I get the chance to break her in and teach her to be a better mother, I will gladly take it. Tara is similar, actually. Bad parenting is a big turn off for me, it seems.
n yeah, i see y i forgot all about Akira...definitely NOT my thing either; NO girl takes advantage of my MC...EVER. n if by some lack of foresight, it does happen, man-oh-man...wait until i'd get the chance 2 have the MC return the favor (dolcett sacrifice ne1?
I assume we'll get the chance to turn the tables at some point. Like the orgy, we were kinda robbed of that first time, so my interest isn't that hi. It was also the scene after we met her, so there was no build up or tension.
both Fuyu's n Tomoe's moms are grade-A milfs...but Tara is just more open about being a whore, which is y Matsu has 2 knock Aya down a few pegs (esp after scaring Matsu's family) n put her in her place, just like Tanami (MEEESA liiken somma dat lady me tinks!) she'll help u fuck/rape/molest any girl, any time, any place, n cover for u, no matter what...can't wait 2 see if that applies 2 her daughter Saitomi as well
in the end, your last sentence is your best one..."If the changes are drastic enough, I'll probably do an evil playthrough"; from your fingertips 2 BlueCat's motivations. n w/that being said, HEY BLUECAT...LET MATSU FUCK HIMIKO FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ALREADY...JESUS CHRIST!!! it's not like she doesn't want it, n hasn't already offered herself to him already, so what gives???
Tara's need to one up her daughter just seems a little pathetic to me. It's like she's having a crisis over her age. Aya's only concern seem to be business and making sure you're good enough for her daughter. I want to dom her, but I respect her enough that I'd want it to be willing.
I'm surprised we haven't fucked Himiko yet. She's the thirstiest girl in the game. She
does seem to down for sharing us though, so if taking it slow helps cultivate that, I'm willing to wait.
...??? did they fuck, n i forgot? even checked my 'stats', n that also says they haven't done anything. n if ur referring 2 "winning her over" so she's ok w/Matsu n Fuyu getting engaged, that's not "seducing"...that's conning. seducing HAS 2 involve physical and/or emotional attraction n interest, n as far as the story is now, Aya has ZERO interest in Matsu, either physically or emotionally.
It's in one of the flashback specials.
That's why Matsu think Fuya is his daughter