I can fuck any girl I want anyway. I don't need help in that regard. With Tomoe's promise, I am willing to reconsider things as they progress, but so far, I dislike most of her family and when you have women throwing yourself at you like this, them being really hot isn't enough of a factor. I got a a mother/daughter threesome out of it already, so she's going to have to step up her game to win me over.
With the exception of her latest sex scene, Crazy Nurse leaves me feeling unsatisfied whenever she gets involved. Haruka's rape feels tacked on because Crazy Nurse made her forget, leading to the scene ultimately meaning nothing but a way to check off a particular kink. The teacher orgy, should have been a bigger deal than it was because for most of the teachers, it was our first time fucking them. But everyone is to drugged up for us to really appreciate. We even rush through taking someone's anal cherry. I'm also not really into the whole human doll kink, so I'm feeling robbed of developing anything with Haruka and Chiaka as individuals. If not for all that, Crazy Nurse would probably be one of my favourites, as I'm usually into the crazy Harley Quinn types. Though she's still a self absorbed arsehole, so maybe not?
Satsune's just horribly abusive to Kaede, and Kaede's a sweetheart. If I can use her to satisfy some of the darker kinks, that would be great. Aki is also an arsehole, but I was given the opportunity to put her in her place, so that's fun.
Akira is the girl from the science club that drugs you and rapes you in your sleep. That's not really my thing. If I could use her in place of Haruka and Chiaka in Crazy Nurse's antics, I'd be more interested. She also forced me to change my MCs name from Akira to Sojiro, which is unforgivable.
Fuya's mum is a top tier MILF though. She's the tough badass Tara (Tomoe's mother) wishes she could be.
If the changes are drastic enough, I'll probably do an evil playthrough, and do all this regardless.
not trying 2 start ne shit, but ur wrong on ur very 1st point...SOOO MANY girls Matsu still can't fuck yet: Kotori (3-way with Hiroko, of course), Shina, Hana, Riu (sloth-chan), Masae, Rikka, Aya, Alice (she needs a good raping), Itsumi (I WANT HER SOOOO BAD!!!!), Yasmine, Aki, Ilyia, Kasumi, Taru (another 1 that needs a good raping), Michiko (she's promising!!), Kelly, Gabby, n Akina...N THAT'S JUST THE STUDENTS
Martha (want her BAD in a 4-way w/Ina n Suzuka), Nao, Aya (Fuyu's mom...gotta tame that bitch), Ellie (even tho she thought about a kid w/Matsu), Arisa (Nanami's sister/track girl), Shion (oh yeah...will be fun breaking that filly), n Hanami (the 'other' bodyguard; she's wierd)...THAT'S 25 GIRLS MATSU CAN'T FUCK YET (lest i forget the 2 'unmentionables'...
n yeah, it was a mom/dau 3way w/Tomoe n her mom, Matsu didn't get 2 actually HAVE INTERCOURSE w/Tomoe, n Tomoe n her mom didn't do anything w/each other...so until those 2 conditions are met, not counting that as a 3-way; just sex w/Tara. n Crazy Nurse, r u kidding me??!! she'll let u have sex w/ANY girl, whether she joins in or not, volunteers 2 help Matsu rape them (i wouldn't let her give them the drug tho), n provides sex slaves whenever he wants! (tho u are rite about that scene w/Haruka, which is my biggest complaint about the game so far...if ur gonna have that tag, u need MORE THAN 1 SCENE; n they need 2 remember it!!)
the teacher orgy? i agree w/u there also...they need 2 remember it, so they can get more comfy w/other teachers joining in when they fuck Matsu, n be more open 2 'experimenting'. n Satsune is emotionally distant from Kaede, but i dunno about "abusive"...n she is hot-as-fuck, former J-pop aidoru, not 2 mention Kaede n Aki's mom, so it shouldn't be too hard 2 corrupt her in2 a 3-way w/each daughter. n see? u do agree w/me on "treating" her n Aki 2 darker kinks
n Aki put in her place? maybe...fuck/rape the shit out of her? not yet
n yeah, i see y i forgot all about Akira...definitely NOT my thing either; NO girl takes advantage of my MC...EVER. n if by some lack of foresight, it does happen, man-oh-man...wait until i'd get the chance 2 have the MC return the favor (dolcett sacrifice ne1?
both Fuyu's n Tomoe's moms are grade-A milfs...but Tara is just more open about being a whore, which is y Matsu has 2 knock Aya down a few pegs (esp after scaring Matsu's family) n put her in her place, just like Tanami (MEEESA liiken somma dat lady me tinks!) she'll help u fuck/rape/molest any girl, any time, any place, n cover for u, no matter what...can't wait 2 see if that applies 2 her daughter Saitomi as well
in the end, your last sentence is your best one..."If the changes are drastic enough, I'll probably do an evil playthrough"; from your fingertips 2 BlueCat's motivations. n w/that being said, HEY BLUECAT...LET MATSU FUCK HIMIKO FOR CHRIST'S SAKE ALREADY...JESUS CHRIST!!! it's not like she doesn't want it, n hasn't already offered herself to him already, so what gives???