Skummy Ecchi

Apr 18, 2019
I think you are misreading what is being written here. Nobody is spreading any misinformation. People are just giving their opinions about how well (or not) the development is going. We are all free to have our own opinions about what we observe, just like you have your own opinion also.

The only thing you could call misinformation, is that BlueCat doesn't care about the fans. Well, let's see what we have as evidence. We have you who say that he cares about the fans. Fair enough. And we have BlueCat, who refuses to communicate to his paying customers, and when he does communicate, has zero concrete information, other than trust me I am working on the game, even though I won't say what I am doing, and I have no idea whatsoever when real development will start up again. And then at the end he basically says F*uck you to anyone who questions whether Ecchi Sensei will be completed, despite the years worth of bad development decisions, the fact that the game is actually run by someone else who seems to be seriously ill, and that the update we are all waiting for, has no actual new content, despite the fact that all BlueCat has to do is make some more poses and write some dialog. He should be knocking out the scene after scene while we are all waiting for the sick programmer, so when it is finally fixed, there will be an ocean of new content. Remember, no rendering needed, so hours of content should be building up in the queue right now.

Instead, all we hear is that he is supposedly working on a Portuguese translation, or someone is. Hmm. I am sure the Portuguese speakers on this board appreciate it, which is great, but why isn't he working on new content with all his time, and showing new scenes he has made to tide over all his paying customers, supporting him all these years?

You say that BlueCat cares about his fans. I think we are all free to make our own judgement based on our observations over the last year and especially the last 6 months about how much he really cares about those giving him $5,000 a month or more, for over a year.
Mostly it's about the milking comments, not about your opinions on whether you hate him or not :3 I'm not gonna chastise you guys for being mad, just saying that accusing him of just stalling out the project to make some quick cash is not kosher.

Otherwise, yeah, hate him if you wanna-the gitlab shit is freely available to peeps on discord to literally see any work that goes down in development (at least I think it is, might need to be a level of patron). I couldn't give a shit if you guys like him or not, I'm more defending his reputation, as that's what I'm supposed to do and I do believe in him. I also think he's a fucking idiot who is handling this situation poorly, so I'm trying to bridge the gap a little. You have been fair and honest with your criticism, and I was not referring to perfectly valid comments of being pissed and tired of this bullshit.

I've stopped trying to play defend the dev against mean spiritedness, as that is very unprofessional. I'm mostly about combating the idea that he is somehow scamming everyone. When they're all literate adults, who know what they're paying for. That being said, yes you have every right to be annoyed and pissy and air your grievances. However, please keep it to a fair point that while he is handling this badly in your opinion, he is not being malicious with people's funds. If he was we would be a lot more pissed with him instead of just annoyed, as we would be able to tell if he was bullshitting or if he was just kind of floundering.

All that said, no question, I'm very tired, and took all my energy writing a response. Because I felt you deserved a clarification, that I was not targeting you or others, who are voicing valid statements.

Stay Healthy, Stay Ecchi!

~Skummy Out!


May 5, 2018
I honestly don't think most of these devs care about their paying customers, the amount of snarky comments, personal attacks rude remarks and other stuff I've seen devs respond with on this site when criticized speak volumes. Instead of trying to understand where people are coming from.
There are still many good devs who try their best and still get shit for it. I give many of them shit for update size and and shit art too, if you have paying customers and release a 1-3minute update and expect to be praised for it I don't know what your issue is, entitlement maybe? I've been insulted and called names by certain devs as well.
I like this game though and I hope it gets back on track.
so you insult ppl and criticise their work in a non constructive way or as you put it "I shit on them for the update size and art" and they insult u ? man the devs on here just really are terrible ppl
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Giant Perv
Game Developer
Jun 28, 2018
Man, I just checked their patreon and it seems they've already lost a substantial amount of support because of the merge. It's down to around $4800 from around $5500. I hope that they at least consider changing their development plan to not have these merges in the future given everything that happened this time.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
Man, I just checked their patreon and it seems they've already lost a substantial amount of support because of the merge. It's down to around $4800 from around $5500. I hope that they at least consider changing their development plan to not have these merges in the future given everything that happened this time.
Rather than the merge, itself, I think what likely lost them supporters is the time it's taking to do it, which is related to an unwell team member. I suspect if it were done in a much shorter timeframe, most of the supporters who left would not. I can't say for sure, as this is just speculation obviously, but that's my two cents.


Feb 19, 2018
Week 1 full version keeps closing down after 5 mins of playing.. its not saying anything about errors or faults.. just closes down for no reason.. anyone else have this Issue and does the DM Patch work with Week 1 Full?

LooLoo Baloo

Mar 15, 2021
Rather than the merge, itself, I think what likely lost them supporters is the time it's taking to do it, which is related to an unwell team member. I suspect if it were done in a much shorter timeframe, most of the supporters who left would not. I can't say for sure, as this is just speculation obviously, but that's my two cents.
This would make sense. We've all been very patient for this game to update, patrons and pirates alike. But it's now 3 months overdue, and it'll start to die off quite quickly unless things suddenly change. Which I'm starting to lose faith will happen

LooLoo Baloo

Mar 15, 2021
Week 1 full version keeps closing down after 5 mins of playing.. its not saying anything about errors or faults.. just closes down for no reason.. anyone else have this Issue and does the DM Patch work with Week 1 Full?
You've probably applied the wrong patch to the week. Each week has it's own seperate patch, and you can find the versions for week one and week two both under 'previous versions' in the lewd patcher website.
There are instructions that you can follow to install the patches correctly, and the title screen will change when you have done this, so you will be able to see it


Feb 19, 2018
You've probably applied the wrong patch to the week. Each week has it's own seperate patch, and you can find the versions for week one and week two both under 'previous versions' in the lewd patcher website.
There are instructions that you can follow to install the patches correctly, and the title screen will change when you have done this, so you will be able to see it
I havent added the patch yet.. i tried to start game another 4 times and its still closing within 5 to 10 mins..


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
Mostly it's about the milking comments, not about your opinions on whether you hate him or not :3 I'm not gonna chastise you guys for being mad, just saying that accusing him of just stalling out the project to make some quick cash is not kosher.
Thanks, Skummy. I know that not everyone agrees with me, but I think I have been fair in my comments. I don't "hate" BlueCat, at all. I am sure he would be a fun guy to have a beer with, haha, and he has brought a quite enjoyable game to us all, with a lot of hard work. I just don't appreciate the months of silence after a pretty messed up development process, with a lot of odd choices about doing things day by day and then merging later, which clearly didn't work.

In my opinion, as long as a dev accepts donations he owes it to his fans that are donating, at least a status update or some information every few weeks. That is really my only complaint. I personally don't feel that BlueCat is being straight with us with what is going on. Either he is continuing to develop the game, and then he would have something to tell us about what he is doing, or he is not. It seems like he is trying to have it both ways, by saying that he is hard at work on it, but not telling his paying customers what he is doing or how he is going to get out of this hole he is in, where the game development is run by someone else, and that person isn't able to work on it.

I think all of us would understand if he just said, I can't continue until the sick member is well, I don't know what to do without this key member telling me, or I am just not in the mood to keep working on it at the moment, or some other explanation why he hasn't been making new scenes during the last 6 months, so I am putting the game on hold for the next 2 or 3 months.

But it is his game, and if it wasn't a lot of fun to play, none of us would be here talking about it.
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Feb 19, 2018
Game continuously Freezes for week 1 Full and light compressed.. i have to alt+F4 to exit and start game again then load latest save to go maybe 5 mins further into game then it freezes again.. any ideas how to fix that?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
Possible, but unlikely. If things play out similarly to the Week 1 merge then we'll probably go back to a couple of ingame days released every month.
I like the game (even though it's not exactly something i'd pay money to support) but just skimming through the latest pages reveals a very unflattering picture.

Either the dev is just being a lazy fuck (which is always a possibility) or he's an idiot for allowing 1 person (who is apparently the one who really runs the show) to slow down development progress to a crawl (i see no one on the dev team has learned of multi-tasking yet, if one man is down, atleast work on other aspects in the meantime).

Either way, it's not something you should do if you make your livelihood of this game.
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Mar 5, 2018
Game continuously Freezes for week 1 Full and light compressed.. i have to alt+F4 to exit and start game again then load latest save to go maybe 5 mins further into game then it freezes again.. any ideas how to fix that?
sounds more like a hardware problem, make sure all your graphics drivers are up to date


Apr 2, 2020
Tbh the last update with new content, aka day 20+21, was on jun of last year, then they started with the merge...10 months later we are still without the merge and with no new content done (I don't count the halloween special as main story content).

I could understand the waiting if besides the merge they were doing another week worth of content, but since that isn't the case I don't see how you can "waste" that much time doing a merge with no new content.

At this point I fear we will still not have the update by 20 jun of this year (exactly 1 year from the last update that wasn't a special). And also having someone speaking for the team instead of the dev doing a brief explanation himself in patreon and other places is a mistake, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
I like the game (even though it's not exactly something i'd pay money to support) but just skimming through the latest pages reveals a very unflattering picture.

Either the dev is just being a lazy fuck (which is always a possibility) or he's an idiot for allowing 1 person to slow down development progress to a crawl (i see no one on the dev team has learned of multi-tasking yet, if one man is down, atleast work on other aspects in the meantime).

Either way, it's not something you should do if you make your livelihood of this game.
He's an idiot. Or as I would have put it, he's not handling it as well as he could and some of these issues could have definitely been avoided. Even his PR guy in this thread has said so in their last few posts.

There are definitely good reasons to complain, but the accusations of deliberately withholding content to get more money is just this forums go to "I'm mad that I can't play this now" argument regardless of whether or not it has any basis in reality. With how often the accusation comes up in nearly every games thread on this site, you'd think there was a cabal of adult game makers conspiring behind the scenes to just to fuck us over specifically. It's not even a good scheme. The damage to their reputation wouldn't be worth the money they make.

Any legitimate complaints people make are just going to get drowned out by these ones. I've given up trying to correct misinformation at this point, cause there's just so much.

Tbh the last update with new content, aka day 20+21, was on jun of last year, then they started with the merge...10 months later we are still without the merge and with no new content done (I don't count the halloween special as main story content).

I could understand the waiting if besides the merge they were doing another week worth of content, but since that isn't the case I don't see how you can "waste" that much time doing a merge with no new content.

At this point I fear we will still not have the update by 20 jun of this year (exactly 1 year from the last update that wasn't a special). And also having someone speaking for the team instead of the dev doing a brief explanation himself in patreon and other places is a mistake, IMHO.
That's not entirely accurate. Work on the Merge stopped around new years, and they've been working on minor stuff while the project manager has been sick. And he did explain the situation to his Patreons. It's still not a great situation, but you had a few details wrong.


Apr 2, 2020
That's not entirely accurate. Work on the Merge stopped around new years, and they've been working on minor stuff while the project manager has been sick. And he did explain the situation to his Patreons. It's still not a great situation, but you had a few details wrong.
Nothing that I said was not accurated, the last update that wasn't an special was day 20+21, which was updated on patreon on jun 20 of 2020 (so accurated), after that update they started with the merge (again accurated), from jun of last year to april there are 10 months (again accurated), we are still without the merge (accurated) and without new content that isn't a special (accurated).

Not one thing from that is false, but I never said that they were working all the time on the merge, just that since the last update with main story progress, there has been 10 months and we still have not got the merge.

I know you like to defend the dev and all that, but before saying things like that at least read the comment rightly, since I'm not missinforming anyone and not trying to, I'm just frustated with this game and the response of the dev, or more preciselly the ausence of it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019
Nothing that I said was not accurated, the last update that wasn't an special was day 20+21, which was updated on patreon on jun 20 of 2020 (so accurated), after that update they started with the merge (again accurated), from jun of last year to april there are 10 months (again accurated), we are still without the merge (accurated) and without new content that isn't a special (accurated).

Not one thing from that is false, but I never said that they were working all the time on the merge, just that since the last update with main story progress, there has been 10 months and we still have not got the merge.

I know you like to defend the dev and all that, but before saying things like that at least read the comment rightly, since I'm not missinforming anyone and not trying to, I'm just frustated with this game and the response of the dev, or more preciselly the ausence of it.
I never said what you said was false. I said you missed out details. I wasn't even defending the dev. I was just adding to your comment. I agree that this has been a shitshow. Heed your own advice.


Apr 2, 2020
I never said what you said was false. I said you missed out details. I wasn't even defending the dev. I was just adding to your comment. I agree that this has been a shitshow. Heed your own advice.
You said I had a few details wrong, so to have something wrong, something from what I said must have been bad/a mistake/ false, also saying to someone that what he says isn't accurate is the same as saying he isn't saying the truth, or not enterely, so again saying that some part of what I said wasn't correct or accurated is equal to say something that I said is false/incorrect, or has the term accurate change in the last hour or so?

But well, let's just leave this here since it's just me being nitpick and let's hope the game gets an update soon so we can all finally move on from this shitshow that has been all this.
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